Chapter 209: Hu Di Duoduo

In a bar on Huling Road in the capital city, two young girls aged seventeen or eighteen were leaning their heads together and whispering, with coquettish laughter from time to time, as if they were talking about some interesting topic, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

The two girls also have long straight hair, and their beautiful and sweet appearance exudes youthful and cheerful smiles. They are quite attractive girls.

One of the girls wearing a white cardigan, gray and black jeans, in addition to her beautiful and cute appearance, whenever she laughs, there will be two sweet swirls of laughter, which is particularly charming.

This sweet sister full of youth and beauty is Duoduo, whose fame has skyrocketed recently. When she was only fifteen years old, she has become the cover model of a famous fashion magazine. A year later, she signed a contract with Tianren Clothing. company and became a full-time fashion model. Duoduo was able to make her debut so smoothly, and her beauty and temperament were of course the primary reasons for her. But in today's world, a girl who has stepped into the entertainment industry can succeed only by virtue of her beauty. Of course, it is impossible. In fact, no matter whether men or women enter the entertainment industry, they have long been quite clear that when there is absolutely no self-love in this big dye vat, if you are unwilling to socialize with people who have interests or power, even if you look good No matter how great you are, there is no great achievement.

Therefore, as long as there are handsome men and women who are interested in entering the entertainment industry, most of them are men and women who are greedy and vain, so what singers and stars are so noble and pure in front of the stage, but most of them will have a lot of shame in private. Even if you are innocent, outsiders will not believe it. There are very few people who can come out of the mud without being stained.

But then again, the job of the entertainment industry is to entertain the public. As long as they can sing good songs and shoot good movies to bring people appreciation and joy, outsiders really don’t have to care too much about their private affairs. They should not be critical or judgmental.

At this time, the girl sitting next to Duoduo was her good friend Hu Die, who is now a second-year student at the Film Academy. The two of them have been close friends since childhood, and it can be said that they are closer than their own sisters.

"Duoduo, everyone said that the treatment of heaven and man making clothes is very good. Why do you have to think about acting in a movie? I heard that Liu Gongzi is not a good person at all, so you should be careful." Hu Die looks like a little boy The adults persuaded Duoduo.

"What do you know? Although Tianren's clothing is well paid, where is the scenery to act in movies? Look at those big-name female stars, don't you want anything now? Just like you, in the film academy After studying for so long, why is your mind still so rigid?" Duoduo replied with a half-smile.

"Duoduo, it's precisely because I've seen a lot in the film school that I advise you not to look at the high mountain from this mountain. You are already lucky enough. The entertainment industry is really too dark, and it's not like you at all. Personality, I advise you to think about it carefully and then talk about it.”

"I've thought about it clearly enough. If it's a good sister, don't persuade me. What I need is your blessing, not your preaching, OK?" said.

"Well then, I wish you success. It's just that Mr. Liu asked you to steal the latest styles designed by the company recently. Don't you think there is a problem?" Although Hu Die gave one to a good friend Blessings, but still a little worried.

"Didn't they say it, I just wanted to refer to those clothes to make costumes when I was shooting a movie, what's the big deal? I know it in my heart, you can rest assured. You said that this young master Liu took those clothes and left. Why haven't you come back after such a long time?" When Hu Diyi said it, Duoduo was actually a little scared, but her unwillingness to admit defeat made her strong and unwilling to show it.

"Hey, you said that I have really become the female pig's foot in this play, and I will definitely act better than Gong Li. When the time comes, I will let the director let you play the second female lead. As long as you are famous, the handsome guys in the world will not be able to do it. Let's pick, hehe..."

"You don't stink anymore." Hu Die hit her, and the two girls laughed loudly.

"You don't want to, who is dreaming of calling for a handsome guy?" Duoduo just finished jokingly, "Hey... look who is that person?" Hu Die suddenly patted her and cried out in a low voice . Duoduo followed Hu Die's gaze and saw a tall and handsome man just walked into the bar and found a seat against the wall to sit down.

"So handsome, who is this person? Do you know him?" Duoduo stared at the handsome man with glittering eyes.

"How would I know who he is? If I wanted to know him, I would have gone over to say hello." Hu Die showed a very strange expression: "There are handsome guys in the capital that our sisters don't know, which is really strange."

Duo Duo was stunned after hearing it, and immediately became excited again, his eyes wide and round: "Old rules, stone paper scissors, whoever wins, whoever wins."

"No, this time the rules have been changed. No matter who gets on it, it's the two of us. It's exciting to think about getting to know a handsome guy like him." Hu Die said.

"Don't worry, just based on the looks of the two of us, I don't believe that he can escape from our palms." Duoduo said confidently, and smiled at Hu Die: "You were still persuading me just now, why are you? Are you not pretending to be aloof?".

"Che, liking a handsome guy and you being a heroine are two different things. There is no one behind the clothes made by heaven and man. You are selling other people's business secrets. Dead? Sister, I sincerely persuade you for your own good, you don't know what to do." Hu Di pouted and said. While the two were talking, another young man walked into the bar. Hu Die said to Duoduo, "Duoduo, this time I'm the only one who passed by first. Your prince charming is here." It turned out that the man who entered the bar was Duoduo. Duo is waiting for Liu Gongzi. Duoduo nodded and said to Hu Die a little reluctantly: "This time it's cheaper for you, but you have to remember what you said just now, and it will be counted as the two of us after you get on it."

"Giggle, then I'll go first." Hu Die said, and walked towards the handsome guy sitting in the corner. Duoduo waved to him when he saw Young Master Liu approaching. Then Liu Gongzi walked over to Duoduo with a smile. "What about your classmate, I really wanted to see her beside you when I entered the door just now?" Liu Gongzi walked to Duoduo, his eyes searching for Hu Die's figure.

Duoduo pouted her bright red mouth and glared at Liu Gongzi dissatisfied: "Why, with such a beautiful woman standing in front of you, you are still eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?"

Then Liu Gongzi laughed and stretched out his hand to embrace Duoduo's slender waist: "How can I do it, I just love Wu Jiwu and care about your good friend."

"Hmph, you guys are like this. What you can't eat is always the best, and I don't care about you. You have already got those things. When will the heroine who promised me fulfill her promise?" In Liu Gongzi's arms, he said coquettishly, rubbing against Liu Gongzi's arm with his tall chest.

"Hehe, don't worry about this, I'll take you to see the director of this play in a while, I've already told him, and the director said that you should go over and have a good talk with you, things are already inseparable. , you just wait for the scenery to get better." As Liu Gongzi said, his fingers holding Duoduo's slender waist secretly touched Duoduo's skin.

In a corner of the bar, the handsome guy was leisurely drinking a glass of "Blue Danube". As he walked, Hu Die took off the light yellow windbreaker outside, revealing the knee-length wool skirt and black pantyhose he was wearing inside, and the purplish-red pointed leather shoes made a clucking sound as they stepped on the floor.

"Handsome guy, how about buying me a drink?" Butterfly smiled, looking very charming.

Who knows that the handsome guy just glanced at her and said lightly, "I don't have this habit."

Not only did his words not make Hu Die ashamed, but he even more interested in sitting down and chatting with him. Since he was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, Hu Die has never been rejected by that boy. With such a beautiful lady taking the initiative to accompany you for a drink, few people would refuse so simply.

So, Hu Die put his coat on the chair in front of him, twisted his **** and sat opposite the handsome man, blinked his eyes delicately, and smiled at him: "Then I'll treat you to a drink. ."

The young man shook the wine glass in his hand: "Thank you, I have wine myself."

"Wow, you still have character, then I'll order a glass of wine and let's drink it together." Hu Die raised his snow-white fingers and snapped them in the air. When the waiter approached thoughtfully, Hu Die pointed at the man. The glass in the youth's hand said, "Give me a cocktail like his."

When the waiter turned to leave, Hu Die smiled and said to the young man, "I'm a student of the Film Academy. My name is Hu Die. May I ask who you are..."

"Actually, no introduction. Who doesn't know Hu Di's name in the film school? It's just that the real person is more beautiful than the photo."

Hu Die's eyes lit up, UU Reading smiled and said, "Do you have my photo?" The young man nodded, pointed at Duoduo standing by the bar and said with a smile, "You just have yours, And hers. However, it is because of her that you have yours. I'm saying this, I don't know if you understand?" Hu Die was stunned when he heard him say this: "You mean, you were originally because of You paid attention to Duoduo for a certain matter, and because I am Duoduo's good friend, you also paid attention to me because of this, didn't you?"

The young man laughed loudly, shook his thumb at Hu Die, and said with a smile, "Smart."

"Can I know what's the reason for this?" Hu Die already had a hunch in his heart at this time, but he still stared at the young man and asked.

"You are really smart, you have already guessed it. Isn't it?" The young man said, pointing to Duoduo's direction with his hand: "It was because Duoduo was with that Liu Peng that I began to pay attention to her. "

"You know Liu Gongzi?"

"Yes, he also knows me. However, this is all a deal, hehe..."

The results of the past few days are a bit sweaty, and I don't say anything, hehe.

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