Chapter 206: What is this

In the face of her husband's mistakes, Liu Yueer was helpless, she loved him deeply, and she could forgive all his mistakes. Besides, the husband made these mistakes for himself and the family.

When she came out of Tang Chen's room, she seemed to know her final choice. She could not lose him, her family, or the career she had worked so hard to build. If Tang Chen made this public, not only would she not be able to be a police officer, but she might even be imprisoned. At that time, her future life would be extremely dark, which would be even more uncomfortable than death.

Walking to the hall on the first floor, Liu Yue'er's footsteps have become heavier and heavier. The consequence of leaving this place is that the couple will be imprisoned. This is not the result she wants to see. It's easy to give up on Fu Mingxiu's case, but what worries her the most is the second condition proposed by Tang Chen, because it's a bottomless pit. Once you step on it, it means sinking, but she knows she has no choice. room.

So, Liu Yueer drank desperately while crying. Originally, she drank more than a dozen bottles of beer in one go, but the more she drank, the clearer she knew that she had met two nosy girls. The mind is still very awake.

At the moment when her finger pressed the number on the sixth floor, Liu Yue'er's heart suddenly loosened, as if she had put down a huge boulder. .

The second time she came to the door of 606, without any hesitation, she stretched out her white fingers and knocked on Tang Chen's door.

"Huh? It's Officer Liu! I knew you would come back, have you thought about it?..." Tang Chen seemed to have expected everything, and was not surprised at Liu Yue'er's arrival. His eyes were full of pride and naked greed, and he did not shy away from his presumptuous eyes.

Those two qualitative eyes seemed to have stripped off all the clothes on the beautiful lady standing outside the door.

"I can stop investigating Fu Mingxiu's case. I hope you can fulfill your own promise." Liu Yue'er said.

"Huh? Is that right? Actually, what I care most about is my second condition. When Officer Liu comes back this time, he must have figured it out..."

"You just want my body, I can promise you, but you have to give me everything back, and

And only this time, I will not promise to be your female secretary, after entering tonight, we will go our separate ways, and then you can't harass me again..." Liu Yue'er seemed to be talking about the price of green vegetables He calmly discussed his contribution with Tang Chen, and there was a tinge of firmness in his eyes.

Tang Chen knew that this was the last bottom line for a female police officer. If he insisted on it, it would definitely backfire. "Haha... Your conditions are really enough, but with a beautiful body like Officer Liu, one time is enough... Haha..."

"First of all, I want to explain that I don't like to force others to do things. If you don't want to, I won't force it. But if you agree, you have to listen to me, understand?..." Tang Chen glanced at the opposite person disapprovingly. woman.

Liu Yue'er didn't say anything, she knew that this was just an excuse for Tang Chen to make himself surrender. Since she already had a decision in her heart, what's the difference between taking the initiative and not taking the initiative...

"Then, let's start now! Officer Liu..." Tang Chen stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, Liu Yue'er slowly walked into the room, and when she heard the sound of the door closing behind her, she still couldn't bear it. The place sank.

"Take off your clothes first."


"" Liu Yue'er suddenly shook her head and stepped back. Although she knew what the result was, she was extremely resistant to actually doing it.

Tang Chen knew that the prey that was delivered to the door was just making a final struggle. According to his experience, a knowledgeable woman with strong self-esteem like Liu Yue'er would not give in easily. But the more difficult it is to conquer, the more fun it will be, and sometimes he doesn't want the prey in his hand to give up resistance too quickly.

"What, do you want to change your mind? It's still too late..." Tang Chen said, turning his body slightly, and flashing the passage leading to the door: "As long as you want, you can walk out of this door at any time... "

Liu Yue'er was short of breath, her chest was up and down, she swallowed, and suddenly said, "Why should I trust you..."

"Just because of what I have in my hand, because I am Tang Chen, you have no bargaining chip with me, Officer Liu..."

"You promise that this matter is only here, only once..." Liu Yue'er seemed to be making a final bargain.

"I never make any guarantees..." Tang Chen said coldly, "But what I said has always spit into a hole. Can we start? Officer Liu, I have made it very clear. If you still have to think about it, Please go out."

Liu Yue'er felt desperate. Although she had made the worst plan, when the moment came, she really didn't know whether she would be able to pass her own test. "Even if it's for him, let's sacrifice for this family once." This is her Keep giving yourself the only reason in your heart.

"Unbutton your clothes!" Tang Chen ordered, looking at the helpless policewoman.

Liu Yue'er lowered her head, tears seemed to well up in her eyes. In the incomparable humiliation, the hand was slowly raised to the chest, almost

At the slowest speed, the white fingers slowly pinched the button on the chest.

Tang Chen didn't urge him, he just admired it quietly, and the prey finally gave in! This is no ordinary prey, this is a well-known strong woman in the police world, the captain of the criminal police who has made countless rapists feel fearful, and today is finally about to give in under his own crotch.

One pill, two pills... Even though it was too slow, the buttons on the female police officer's upper body were finally completely unbuttoned. Tang Chen suppressed the impulse in his heart, and his eyes shot like arrows into the female police officer wrapped in a thin sweater. On the chest, what catches the eye is the towering figure across the gray thin sweater, which may be the reason for shame, the full and towering chest rises and falls violently...

"Well, very good, please continue..." Tang Chen's voice seemed to come from the sky, Liu Yue'er mechanically followed the man's request to make the next move.

Just when she grabbed the hem of the thin sweater in her hand, Liu Yue'er turned her head to one side, she knew that the man on the opposite side was looking at her with a wretched look, and standing in front of a strange man like this, she didn't know. Overwhelmed, he instinctively pressed the hem of the sweater against his chest with his hands.

However, with the coolness of her skin, Liu Yue'er also knew that between the sweater and the belt of her trousers, a small section of skin like snow had been exposed in front of Tang Chen.

"Bang..." Just when Liu Yue'er felt her blood surge, her face flushed like a red cloth, and when she didn't know whether to continue or give up, the door of the room was suddenly "pushed open".

"Hey, why are there always so few shameless people in this world slandering the image of men, and how can there be such a stupid woman willing to throw themselves in the net?" With the voice, a tall and handsome boy strolled. walked in.

Tang Chen asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

Liu Yue'er whispered in a shy and coquettish voice, "Why are you?"

"Why is it me? I'm also wondering? Why do these things happen to me?" Li Jun said, smiling at Tang Chen who put his hand under the sofa cushion: "You better not Have any idea, otherwise, you will be miserable..."

Just after he finished speaking, Tang Chen had already pulled out a blue-light pistol from under the sofa cushion. With the weapon in his hand, Tang Chen had already turned into a grinning face: "Boy, you'd better be honest and get out of here, this one. The gun is equipped with a silencer. If you don't know, you can ask the female police officer. I'm not afraid to tell you one more thing. My old man holds a foreign passport. Even if you are killed, as long as the incident happens I can get on a plane to America and what can I do if I know I did it?"

"Well, this is a question, isn't it, Officer Liu?" Li Jun asked with a smile.

"He's a devil, you'd better go, don't worry about the gossip here." Liu Yue'er shouted while covering her face.

"Hey, if you don't leave, do you still want to stay here for one night?" Hearing Li Jun's voice beside his ear, Liu Yue'er let go of her hands in surprise and opened her eyes.

Ah, what's going on here? How did the pistol in Tang Chen's hand just now end up in Li Jun's hand? Look at that Tang Chen, who had a fierce look on his face just now, but now sits on the sofa with his teeth bared like a defeated rooster, blushing, sweating on his forehead, trembling and speechless. .

"I, I can't go." Liu Yue'er's heart was sour, and she said in her heart why she was so lowly, she did it for the sake of being a human being, and sent it to someone's room after being rescued. dare not go.

"Yes, it is determined that you have some reason to be caught by this guy. I don't know what mistakes the people's police officer Liu, who is upright and has clean sleeves, will make a mistake and be used as a handle to be so blackmailed?" Li Jun said nothing. , even sarcasm and blow, originally thought that Liu Yueer would ignore her, but Liu Yueer's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Li Jun's words, and she rushed to Tang Chen's table with a single stride, stretched out her hand and pulled Tang Chen away. minister's drawer.

"Hurry up and find it for me, what are you doing?" It's a pity that Tang Chen was just taking out the evidence from this drawer, but now the drawer is empty and nothing has been found. In addition to being disappointed, Liu Yue'er completely forgot that Li Jun had only known ordinary people for two days, and the two of them were not even friends, so she yelled for Li Jun to help her find something.

Li Jun smiled bitterly: "Why is it so troublesome, can't he just take it out by himself?" As he said, he stretched out a finger and tapped on Tang Chen's chest, and Tang Chen finally let out a sound. let out a long breath.

"Hurry up and take out Officer Liu's things, otherwise, you will be more comfortable than just now." Looking at Li Jun's shaking finger, Tang Chen's face became even paler, and he hurriedly nodded slightly The bald head with a bit of hair said with a trembling voice: "No, under the bed inside, there is a..."

Before he finished Li Jun pushed open the door of the inner room and walked in. With flickering eyes, Li Jun knew what Tang Chen said about "under the bed in the inner room".

Li Jun reached out and lifted the Simmons mattress on the bed, lifted a wooden board on the side of the bed, and stretched out a stack of printed items from it.

Liu Yue'er stood behind Li Jun, snatched the materials from Li Jun's hand, and threw the things she didn't want on the ground while watching.

"I found it, I finally found it..." Holding a stack of prints in her hand, Liu Yue'er burst into tears with excitement, ecstatic.

"Isn't it just a few pages of waste paper, and it's not a gold bill, are you so excited?" Li Jun said, and when he turned his head again, he inadvertently glanced at a document on the ground, and was immediately surprised. A voice: "What is this? Why is there Duranlan's name on it?"

I started to get busy again. Now the house decoration has entered the stage of painting, and I have to work hard to run both ends. . Alas, seeing a lot of money put into other people's pockets makes me feel bad!

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