Chapter 201: who is the traitor

The backyard of the hotel is a nice garden with dense overgrown weeds and trees. Although it is winter, there are still many trees that do not shed their leaves all year round. This has become a rare clean place in the noisy city, and because of this, it has become the favorite place for some rich people to talk about business.

Li Yong and Meng Ru were walking inside, listening to the faint sound of car horns coming from outside the courtyard wall, and they lost their conversation for a while. The two of them had their own thoughts, as if they were expecting something to happen. Especially Li Yong, looking at this elegant female university in front of him, he felt that his heart was about to beat out.

It was Meng Ru who broke the deadlock. She said softly, "Thank you for drinking so much for me just now!"

Li Yong hiccupped and replied drunkenly: "I can't drink for you, look at those guys, they are like wolves, I wish they could eat you up, I'm afraid you drink too much like last time, too much. It's so frustrating!"

That sentence made Meng Ru giggled, "You're afraid that I've drunk too much and you'll be tired, right?" Li Yong quickly explained, "No, it doesn't matter if you go back behind your back. The main reason is that if you drink too much and feel uncomfortable, I will also feel bad!" After speaking, Li Yong felt a little regretful, knowing that he had left his mouth, but he couldn't take it back, and he hoped that Meng Ru didn't hear it clearly.

Unexpectedly, Meng Ru's neck crooked: "Oh? You will feel sorry for me?" Li Yong felt a little embarrassed. Seeing Meng Ru's serious appearance, he simply gave up everything. "Yes, I will feel distressed!" Li Yong turned Meng Ru's body over while saying that, and looked at her affectionately. This time, it was Meng Ru's turn to be embarrassed and bowed her head shyly.

Without any hesitation, Li Yong took Meng Ru's little hand and burrowed into the woods. Meng Ru struggled and said, "No!" As he said this, he followed Li Yong into the depths of the woods. Li Yong found a willow tree to lean against, and kissed Meng Ru's round lips.

Meng Ru was obviously not mentally prepared, and was panicked by Li Yong's sudden action, shaking her head and dodging constantly. "It's getting late, let's go back!"

Li Yong said, "No! I want to stay with you for a while longer."

"Don't! It's not good, it's been known, how can we meet people?" Meng Ru said while avoiding Li Yong's lips.

After all, women don't have the strength of men, and Meng Ru didn't particularly want to reject him. In the end, Meng Ru reluctantly grabbed Li Yong's hand and said, "I can give it to you, but you have to treat me wholeheartedly?" Li Yong Nodding vigorously, he said quickly, "I will!

After speaking, how could Li Yong give Meng Ru a chance to breathe? With his mouth full of alcohol, he kept catching her lips as Meng Ru dodged. After a few back and forth, Li Yong finally caught him. Li Yong hugged Meng Ru and kissed her wildly. At the beginning, Meng Ru struggled with her mouth shut, but she didn't cooperate. Gradually, Meng Ru gave up her resistance and kissed Li Yong back enthusiastically. Individuals are finally entangled...

After an unknown time, Li Yong and Meng Ru suddenly separated when they heard footsteps. After a while, the footsteps actually stopped not far from the two of them, and Li Jun's voice came clearly: "Are you all well? We are all going to leave."

Li Yong embarrassedly took Meng Ru's hand and walked out, whispering in his mouth, "What kind of eyes does this guy have, how far can he find it?"

Meng Ru pinched him quietly with her slender fingernails, and whispered, "He's a big boss, but don't be heard." "Hehe, you don't want me to hear anything bad about me? Tell you, it's just There is no door. Hmph, how dare you say that my salary and bonuses for this month are all deducted..."

At this time, Li Yong took Meng Ru's hand and walked in front of Li Jun, and said with a bitter face: "Boss, don't you just say something bad about you, please don't deduct the bonus? I still want to save some money to marry a wife."

The two of them sang and reconciled, making Meng Ru blushed. He took out his little hand from Li Yong's hand, ran out of the woods with his head down, and went back to the private room first.

Li Jun smiled at Li Yong: "Hehe, so fast? She's a student girl who just graduated. You're already in your thirties, so don't lie to other people's feelings."

"Hey, I'm real this time. When I saw this girl, I was moved, or can I bring it over to show you? What do you think, are we two a good match?" Li Yong smiled asked.

Li Jun raised his leg and kicked him: "You bastard, didn't you always say that you were serious? But did you take it seriously again? This girl is not bad, if you really like it, you will be right. People, you should become a family too."

Today at noon was a reunion dinner with Li Yong, Zhang Yabei, Zhang Yadong, Zhang Yanan, Du Lanlan, Han Xiaoyan, Liu Ying'er and others after Li Jun returned from Hong Kong. These people are either business partners or good friends, and they eat and drink casually.

Hearing that Li Jun made the Zhao family extremely embarrassing, Brother Zhang Yabei exclaimed with joy. In particular, Li Yong also brought Meng Ru, a female employee of the company. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the relationship between the two was a bit "abnormal", and the atmosphere on the scene became more active.

As a result, Zhang Yadong and Li Jun frequently toasted Meng Ru, Li Yong actually stood up as a hero to save the beauty, and he replaced all the wine Meng Ru had to drink. Everyone has been drunk and confused. In order to avoid drinking, he stood up staggeringly and said to go to the toilet, but Meng Ru was worried and followed him out. Naturally, everyone burst into laughter.

Who knew that drinking for a beautiful woman would also be favored by the beautiful woman. The words he had been holding back in his heart were said today through the spirit of drinking. Li Yong finally had the courage to kiss Fang Ze, and the pride in his heart was not to mention how happy he was. If it weren't for Li Jun's uneasy finding out, the two might have made further breakthroughs.

On the way back, Li Yong sang and danced excitedly as if he was a teenager. When he returned to the private room, when he heard everyone say that the show was over, Li Yong was unwilling to say anything, and kept shouting that he was going to sing and dance.

"Today I invite, if anyone doesn't go, they will look down on me." Li Yong stared at the woman in the room who wanted to open a bottle of wine for him, holding Li Jun and Zhang Yabei but not letting them go. .

"What's so good about that kind of place?" Han Xiaoyan was the first to object. In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to go, it's that she doesn't want to let Zhang Yadong go to that kind of place.

Duranlan didn't want to go either, thinking that Li Jun finally didn't come out with Liu Fei, can't you give us some freedom?

However, how could Li Yong pay attention to this today? Meng Ru's figure is in his eyes. The two of them have just found a sense of love. If they don't bring people into the dance hall to enhance their relationship, it will not be a waste. Did you have that affectionate kiss just now?

Therefore, in the end, there was nothing else to see about Li Yong, so they went out and got in the car and followed him to the Shangdao Song and Dance Hall. Originally, Li Jun thought of going to his own dance hall, but Li Yong said that it was tasteless.

"Mr. Shen, can you provide more clues about your son's disappearance?" In a high-rise office building in the center of a bustling city, in the president's office on the top floor, Shen Huairen sat behind an oval mahogany desk Holding his head, he sighed while looking at a photo on the table where his son was beaten with bruised eyes. In front of his desk, sat a young woman in a professional suit.

This young woman is only twenty-seven or eight years old, and her bright eyes are full of vigor, revealing an unspeakable temptation. Although the beauty of ice skin and snow skin is slender but not weak, she looks young but never experienced. ordinary. And her exquisite and graceful figure, even under the orthodox and conservative professional suit, still shows the beauty of beauty.

Especially the charming smile on the corner of her mouth is full of confidence and infinite feminine charm. Even the long black hair on her head radiated an unusual and charming luster.

Her name is Liu Yue'er, the 27-year-old criminal police captain who was newly married last year. Because the only son of the famous entrepreneur Shen Huairen in the city was kidnapped, she personally led the team to investigate the case of Shen Xing.

According to the kidnapper's request, this morning, she dressed up as an employee of the Renfa Group and took the money to the designated place to pay for the ransom, but after waiting at the designated place for a whole morning, she didn't even see the shadow of the kidnapper~www. After returning to Shen Huairen's office, he discovered a new problem.

The photo in front of Shen Huairen was pushed in through the door of the office. In the photo is a close-up of Shen Xing like a black-eyed chicken. Inside the envelope containing the photo is a letter to Shen Huairen: "You have already called the police, and this is the lesson you have learned because of your disobedience. Get your money ready and wait at any time. My order, if the police follow me again, be careful of your son's life."

"I see, Mr. Shen... If I'm not afraid that you will be unhappy, I thought that there must be a kidnapper in your company..." Liu Yue'er said in a light tone after reading the letter.

"A traitor? Who is it?" After Shen Huairen finished asking, he froze again like a deflated ball. I have already monitored Duranlan through various relationships, but this morning Duranlan was working in the office and did not go out at all. It was only at noon that she left the office and went to a place to eat with people. It is said that several people who are having dinner together now sing at the Shangdao Song and Dance Hall.

This Duranlan was acting too normal, and there was nothing suspicious at all. The beautiful policewoman in front of her lurked all morning with money and her subordinates, and did not find any sign of the kidnapper. How could she know who the traitor in her company was?

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