Chapter 157: Jessica is Millie

Qiao Sen came in with Li Kizhe personally accompanying him. What kind of big man is this kid?

Just when Li Jun was confused, Jessica, who was wearing a light gray suit, walked in slowly, accompanied by a middle-aged and elderly man and woman. (www.VoDtw.coM)

I saw her smooth skin was crystal white and delicate. She is tall and slender, with a pair of slender and round legs protruding from the well-tailored skirt, giving people a soft beauty of even flesh and blood. The graceful and slender waist is matched with a slightly protruding buttocks and a firm breast. The lines are exquisite and embossed, it should be thin and thin, and it should be very strong. It is indeed a rare and stunning stunner.

I have seen this woman several times, and every time I see her, I can give people a different impression. Jessica is young and beautiful now. She looks only twenty-six or seven years old. The smile on her face is less reserved and more spring breeze.

There were no two inseparable bodyguards behind her, and they walked in like a big sister next door. Li Jun's heart beat involuntarily as she got closer and closer to him.

Seeing the middle-aged and elderly couple coming in, everyone in the hall stood up. As for the 60-year-old man walking on Jessica's left, Li Jun has seen him more than once in TV magazines.

This person lost his life when he was young. He worked as an apprentice, a repairman, a salesman, and a professional manager. He started his business in the 1950s, entered real estate, acquired foreign banks, promoted companies to go public, and spread overseas. He has been received by top leaders in the Mainland. , has a sensational reputation in the Asia-Pacific region, and is the first person in the business circle of Hong Kong Island.

This person's life can be regarded as a miracle life, a legendary life.

Back then, when Li Jun started to develop, a book "Autobiography of Li Zhicheng" almost became a guiding light for Li Jun's progress. Later, because of a project, he met his son Li Kaizhe, but he never had the chance to meet this business man in person, which made Li Jun often regret it. But he didn't think that, in this life and this world, he was able to witness this old man's expression with his own eyes. How could Li Jun's heart not swell?

However, at the moment of entering the hall, among the three people who entered at the same time, it was clear that Jessica was the protagonist. So, the beautiful and moving Jessica, what is her identity? There is no rostrum with changing lights, no poetic red carpet, no flash for reporters to make a film, not even a single microphone. Accompanied by Li Zhicheng and his wife, Jessica stood demurely in the center of the banquet hall.

"Haha, today is a private party for the little kid Kaiser. Originally, an old man like me shouldn't be here." Li Zhicheng's opening remarks attracted a burst of kind laughter.

"I'm old, and I'm still a little conservative in my thinking. It's not as easy as your younger generation to accept new things. In the past, Kaiser's birthday was only celebrated on the lunar birthday every year, but you young people want to get together on the solar birthday. , my old man had no choice but to be kind. Haha..."

While he was talking, he looked at Jessica and smiled and said, "I said just now, originally all of Kaiser's children were present today, but with my old man around, everyone would not be free. However, today Kaiser dared to invite His teacher at Oxford University, the current Governor of Hong Kong, Ms. Millie, attended the party. Although Ms. Millie attended the party in a private capacity, if I didn't come, I would show lack of respect for Ms. Millie. However, you guys Don't worry, I won't waste everyone's time here, just say a few gossips, toast a glass of water and wine, and the rest of the time is for you young people. Okay, my gossip is over, let's ask Ms. Millie to say a few words. sentence."

Jessica, oh, is she that Governor Millie? Li Junxin said, why didn't I think of it? I took her younger brother as my younger brother, and that day scolded her in front of her for coming to Hong Kong to disrupt the situation. I'm afraid this must be considered a miracle, right?

"Dear Mr. Li, young friends: Mr. Li Kaizhe is my student and my friend. During the three years at Oxford University, Mr. Li Kaizhe has performed very well, and we have also forged a deep friendship. He graduated last year. After returning to Hong Kong, he has been showing his strength in the business world for more than a year. Although there is no lack of Mr. Li's support and help, it is also enough to show Mr. Li Kaizhe's business talents and personal ability. I wish him a prosperous career and more and more The better, the sooner he surpasses his father..." At this moment, the gentle and gentle Millie really came to this birthday party as a person, and there was no official language in what she said, but it was from the perspective of a friend. Li Kaizhe expressed his best wishes. It seems that the relationship between these two people is really not easy.

Whether it's because of Li Zhicheng's face or because of her personal relationship with Li Kaizhe, it shows that Millie has a favorable impression of the Li family and his son, and this so-called personal favor is fundamentally inseparable from her status as the governor of Hong Kong . Everyone in the room understood very well. They sighed in their hearts that Li Kaizhe not only has a good father, but also such a good teacher. At the same time, some people were jealous: "Why did this kid catch up with all the good things?"

After a few simple words, Li Zicheng and his wife sat down with Millie at the innermost table. Li Jun saw that the boy Huang Jiayou was also brought to the chief by Li Kaizhe himself.

Seeing Huang Jiayou shaking hands and talking with Millie calmly, Li Jun realized that Huang Jiayou and Millie actually knew each other. No wonder he kicked himself when he was on the beach that day. As soon as he figured out this section, Li Jun immediately became angry: "Good boy, since you know what Jessica is Millie, why didn't you tell me earlier? Even if you can't say it at that time, you can always Remind me? If that's the case, I won't be scolding people in front of me, and I'll have to settle accounts with him when I go out later."

Li Jun was secretly ruthless, but Li Kaizhe had already walked over with a smile and said in a low voice, "Could you ask Mr. Li to move over, Millie and my father would like to get to know you."

This person is very good at doing things. Although Li Jun is much younger than him, he did not say that he introduced two people to Li Jun, but instead said that Millie and his father wanted to know Li Jun. According to Li Jun's current position, being able to know which of the two people should be said to be "high climb", but people say that not only politely, but also more approachable.

Oscar and the other couples sitting at Li Jun's table didn't know what Li Jun's identity was. After hearing Li Kaizhe's words, the eyes that looked at Li Jun changed slightly.

"Mr. Millie, father, this is the new friend I just met today, Li Jun, a student from the University of Hong Kong..." Before Li Kaizhe finished his introduction, Qiao Sen, who was sitting next to Mrs. Li, stood up: "Master, I didn't expect you to come too. already."

Millie glanced at her brother lightly, turned her face and said to Li Kaizhe: "So you two just met today, but Li Jun and I have known each other for a long time. He and Qiao Sen are alumni, Li Jun's kung fu Yes, Qiao Sen worshipped him as his master."

Hearing the words of Millie and Li Kaizhe, Li Jun's heart suddenly moved. Compared with Li Kaizhe's introduction to Millie, the most crucial sentence was to explain that he and him were the first time he met today.

And Millie actually called her name directly, even omitting the word "sir". Although it sounded very affectionate, isn't what he said also an alternative interpretation?

Every word these people say together may contain deep meanings.

"Haha, it turns out that Ms. Millie and little brother Li Jun are acquaintances. It seems that the old man is half a beat. I have long heard that little brother Li Jun has spent hundreds of millions of dollars and generously donated welfare. This style is really very personable. But ah! I have long been interested in getting to know Li Jun's little brother, and I want to see it today is worth it. Come, come, sit with this old man, let's have a good drink today."

Mrs. Li looked at her old man and smiled and said, "He's still an underage guy. I like this guy from the bottom of my heart when I see him. Don't drink with him."

"Haha, our husband and wife are thinking of going together. Are you also thinking about how nice it would be to have a young daughter to marry him?"

Mrs. Li looked at Li Jun and nodded: "Don't say it, it would be nice to have a daughter to marry him." After speaking, the old couple laughed.

Li Jun listened to the old couple's praise, and his face would inevitably be a little shy: "This is the wrong love of the two old people, in fact, people like Brother Kaizhe can be called the dragon and the phoenix, I can't be the two old people to praise like this. ."

Li Zhicheng laughed and said: "He, the best business is still successful, but his realm is far from it. Don't be unconvinced. I know that what you are thinking about now is how to make the business bigger, and when will you be able to escape from me? But my son, let me tell you, from the day you chose to be my Li Zhicheng's son, your whole life will always be branded with me. No matter how successful you are, when someone mentions you, they will still say You are Li Zhicheng's son."

"Life is made up of struggle and enjoyment, both of which are indispensable." Li Zhicheng looked at Li Kaizhe with a smile, as if he was talking to him alone, but also seemed to be talking to Millie, and said with a smile: "If If you don’t struggle, then what kind of capital will you enjoy? If you don’t enjoy it, then what is the purpose of struggle? These two points complement each other, and no one will be able to leave. If you only know how to struggle and don’t know how to enjoy, then you will also lose your struggle. If you only know how to enjoy but don’t know how to Even if there is a golden mountain at home, you can’t stand the toss. It’s a pity that I learned this truth too late. Understand the dialectical relationship between struggle and enjoyment, only in this way can your career be successful and your life will become more exciting." Li Jun nodded, feeling that what Li Zhicheng said was true. "Haha, Little Brother Li sees this point more clearly than Kaizhe, and if you can make a shot, it will be 100 million yuan, which shows that Little Brother Li doesn't take the money in your eyes at all, only you don't take money in your eyes, You can make more money." Li Zhicheng said with a laugh.

Li Jun's heart moved, this old and sophisticated guy, every word he said would not be in vain. Whatever he says casually contains the philosophy of life. Although on the surface, saying this on this occasion is a bit outrageous, in fact, who knows that he did not deliberately say it on this occasion?

Could it be that this old man was only talking about business experience? In fact, if you think about it from another angle, the old man's words are actually talking about the whole life. Either way, the more you care about it, the easier it is to lose it. On the contrary, success is not far away from you only when you look at everything.

In the afternoon, I went to the company headquarters for a meeting, and I uploaded the one I just wrote in advance. I didn't receive a single flower today. You Long is really sad. Friends who have flowers in their hands, would you like to smash two of them to comfort them?

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