Chapter 142: cruel to the enemy

Chapter 142: Cruel against the enemy

There is still rain in the sky, but compared with the raging typhoon "Omeni" a few days ago, the sea can be described as calm and calm. In the silent night, only the sound of the waves hitting the shore can be heard. (www.VoDtw.coM)

This is a sea area in the west of Hong Kong. If it is normal, this sea area will be quite busy, but when the typhoon has just passed, this sea area is extraordinarily quiet.

The roar of the engine cut through the silence of the night. A tattered fishing boat came from the coastline and stopped slowly. The roar of the engine also stopped.

The sea returned to silence again.

Minutes and seconds passed, the rain had stopped, but there was a strange humming in the sound of the sea

A star of light flashed in the dark sea, flickering regularly.

The door of the fishing boat cab opened, and a thin man walked to the bow of the boat. He took out a strange-looking infrared night vision goggles and put it on. Immediately, the world in front of him turned into a strange red world, rolling waves and fishing boats. The cage was covered in a squirming red.

Through the night vision goggles, you can see a strange red light flashing in the waves, but you can't see where it came from

"Damn, these foreign devils, the equipment is really good, they all use invisible speedboats." The man scolded in a low voice, he knew that this red light was the light signal from the infrared headlights on the speedboat to respond. This light is invisible to the naked eye and can only be seen by wearing infrared night vision goggles. The foreign devils who came to pick up the goods were driving stealth speedboats that were secretly equipped by the US special forces. The infrared light emitted by the infrared night vision device can be absorbed by it, so he can't see the "Sea Ghost" in the night vision goggles.

Although he couldn't see the speedboat, the man still pressed the remote control switch in his hand, and the infrared lights hanging on the mast also began to flash regularly, sending a signal to the sea.

"It's finally here." The man let out a long sigh, and he was finally relieved from the anxiety he had been in for a week. Although there were no less than 40 or 50 items in his hands, it had never been more difficult than today's item. These few days Like crazy, the police set up check-ups everywhere.

It's no wonder that the "goods" in their hands are too special. The police can't afford to lose face, so they are naturally very hardworking.

But as long as this batch of goods gets on the ship and goes abroad, the Hong Kong police will be helpless no matter how good they are. What's more, even the Interpol, I am afraid that "that place" is beyond the reach of it?

While thinking about it, he walked to the middle of the deck, opened the door of the cargo hold, raised his flashlight to take a picture, and then laboriously dragged a large sack from the inside and threw it on the ground.

There was a muffled groan from the sack, and then it began to wriggle. The man kicked the sack with his foot and scolded, "Be quiet, I am sending you to a foreign country to enjoy happiness."

After scolding him, he felt regret again. It's a pity that such a good thing is going to be cheap for those foreign devils. Thinking about it, he untied the rope on the sack, revealing the contents inside.

Inside the sack turned out to be a woman, a beautiful woman about twenty-two or three years old, with a plump and fit body.

The woman's hands were tied behind her back, and her plump and round **** were pinched by two ropes that went around her chest, making her more prominent. If you look closely, you can see that her top is a police uniform. The uniform skirt of the woman's lower body has been torn in many places, her fair and slender thighs are exposed, and they are also tied several times by ropes. Even her knees are tightly bound. The ropes are deeply embedded in the muscles, making her unable to move at all.

There was a gag ball in the woman's mouth, the buckles on both sides of the gag ball were tightly fastened behind the woman's head, and her saliva kept flowing out of the hole in front of the gag ball.

"Officer Ximen, goodbye." The man held the woman's face in his hand and said with a smile, "Beautiful days are waving to you. I can guarantee that you will become one of the most popular auction items."

The saliva from the corner of the woman's mouth touched his hand, and the man couldn't help frowning, smearing the saliva on the woman's slender thigh with his backhand, deliberately rubbing it hard. "You're going abroad. It's really a pity that you didn't do it. You have to leave a memory for our compatriots before you leave, right?" , Since the woman had a gag ball in her mouth, the man smoothly inserted his tongue into her mouth, stirring recklessly.

An angry look shot out of the woman's eyes, she struggled hard, and a dull sound came out of her mouth. The man sneered in a low voice, stretched out his hand and squeezed a hand on her plump chest, but he had already drawn a dagger in the other hand, and looked at the woman up and down with obscene eyes.

The woman's eyes began to show fear, and the sea breeze blew through her. She couldn't help but get goosebumps. Since she fell into the hands of these gangsters, she has suffered countless abuses. Count, could it be that he was so angry that he wanted to take something from himself as a souvenir? Thinking of this, she was almost swallowed by fear.

The man's hand slowly stroked her body, feeling her trembling in fear, and finally stopped between her slender legs. The woman felt cold in her lower body, and before she could understand what was going on, the knife flashed, and the man was already showing off a tuft of curly black hair and stretched it out in front of her: "Officer Ximen, I'm leaving this as a souvenir, I'm sure you don't. Would you mind?"

With wild laughter, the man put her in the bag again, turned around and walked towards the approaching boat.

It was a tall white man who got off the boat. He raised his hand with a smile and hugged the man cordially. "Luo, my friend, what gift did you bring me this time?" the white man laughed. The man surnamed Luo smiled and said, "See for yourself." Then he turned on the powerful flashlight and dragged the woman out of the sack, "How about this?"

When the light hit the woman's face, the white man saw the woman's face at first glance, and whispered, "Oh, good stuff." Not bad." Before she could struggle, she felt the woman's plump buttocks with her left hand through the skirt and pinched it, the woman let out a muffled "woo" and struggled fiercely.

The white man smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it's really a good thing. The place that should be big is big, and the place that should be tight is tight, but why is she wearing this dress?"

The man surnamed Luo took out a wallet, handed it to the white man, and said with a smile, "She has a very special identity, and I have never handled it."

The white man took the wallet and opened it, suddenly exclaiming in a low voice, "Oh, God, she's a policeman!"

"Yes." The man said proudly: "She is Senior Inspector Ximen Feixue of the Hong Kong Police Department. We only caught her this morning, and Lei Hao and I didn't even touch her. Smith said that you and I are old friends. , it's cheaper for you my friend.

The white man grinned and smiled, "Very good, the more special the status, the higher the price. Luo, I want this woman. It's an old rule. I'll let you pay you the money."

Hearing that they had reached a deal, Ximen Feixue's eyes were full of despair. Could it be that he was really being sold as a piece of goods to a foreign country and became a slave? She struggled desperately, but the rope had bound her into a zongzi, which made her unable to move. She could only watch the white man cover her with a handkerchief in fear. As she smelled the smell of ether, she saw a flash in front of her. Black, I don't know anything.

"Luo, can we trade now? Did you bring all your money?" the white man asked, looking at the man surnamed Luo.

The man surnamed Luo nodded: "Of course, there are a total of eight boxes, all of which are in the car on the shore. This time the transaction volume is relatively large, Mr. Smith came to inspect the goods in person." As he said, the flashlight in his hand It flashed a few times towards the shore, and there was a roar of cars in the distance. A van, without turning on its lights, slowly drove out from behind the rocks on the shore.

"Ah, Smith is here too. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know if her hair is all bald?" The white man said, strode to the shore, and walked towards the van.

However, what surprised him was that the man who got out of the van was not the Smith he was familiar with, but a young man he had never seen before.

"Who are you?" the white man asked, standing still.

"The one who wants your life." The man said, waving his hand and punching him, and the white man fell to the ground before he could react.

Then, the young man jumped on the fishing boat and kicked the man named Luo. "You are..." Before the man surnamed Luo could ask, he was kicked in the chest and fell into the sea with a thud.

The young man walked to the reached out and pulled Ximen Feixue out of the sack: "These bastards, Huo Yuanfeng, bring that Smith here." Seeing the scars on Ximen Feixue, Li The army's heart was almost broken.

"Don't kill me... Hong Kong is a society governed by the rule of law, you can hand me over to the government..." Smith was dragged out of the car. As soon as he saw the white man lying on the ground, he immediately felt his own danger and involuntarily shouted loudly. howl.

"Okay, then as you wish, I will hand you over to the Hong Kong government." Li Jun said, punching him in the stomach. This time, Smith could taste the pain that Ximen Feixue suffered under his hands at noon. He felt uncomfortable as if his stomach was torn apart by this punch. His stomach was rumbling, and he opened his mouth and vomited loudly. stand up.

Li Jun stretched out his hand to grab his left arm and twisted his five fingers vigorously. Before Smith could catch his breath, he immediately felt a sharper pain. He was sweating profusely, and his voice was hoarse. Can't make a sound.

Li Jun did the same, pulverizing all the bones of his arms and legs into powder, even the most brilliant doctor could not heal his hands and feet.

Li Junyou was not relieved, and he crushed his pipa bones with a wave of his hand.

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