Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1969: Seeing people

Gu Xiyu nodded, the crane is a very popular mount in this world. If the small palace owner rides the crane to escape, it is difficult to pursue it.

It seems that this small palace owner has prepared a lot of backhands and is not easy to grasp.

It is surrounded by mountains, surrounded by cliffs, and there are many peach trees on the cliffs. There are waterfalls that rush out from the peach forest and merge into the deep pool below. The petals of the blushing peach blossoms float in the wind and float on the water. There is a touch of peach blossom in the air.

Looking up, there is a pink mist in the sky, and you can't see the real sky above.

Peach blossoms!

The pink mist is the legendary peach blossom.

The peach blossoms here are extremely poisonous. If there is no antidote, any animal will be poisoned and died there, so it is very quiet and there is no trace of animal activity.

Such a poisonous place is naturally inaccessible, and he swears: "Look for it."

Perhaps there are some clues to find here, after all, this is the secret back garden of the little palace owner.

God nodded slightly and turned and walked away.

It seems that after he knew her identity, he was a lot cold to her, and there was hardly any conversation on the road.

Gu Xizhen actually regretted it and regretted that she had recovered her face so early. He did not marry her, but she seemed to have a deep guard against her. She gave him the medicine he did not mean. He certainly did not believe it. she was……

It seems that it is a little difficult to train him in the future.

Forget it, after the future, the soldiers will block the water and cover it.

It is not the spring and spring of March and April, but the peach blossoms are just right, the burning of the Chinese, the pedestrians in the peach forest, the petals fluttering under the feet, it is also very romantic.

If a couple is here to play together, I am also very happy.

Gu Xizhen remembered the illusion that she saw. In the illusion, she and Huang Wei once swam in Taolin...

Should I be very happy at that time? Because she and his manners are very close in the illusion, she has been walking with her arms.

Phoenix -

He and he should be very in love, but unfortunately he disappeared, and she forgot him...

I hope that after God’s meditation, the master of heaven and earth, will be able to resurrect the phoenix after he has cultivated it.

She fluttered in the peach forest and did not let go of any doubts.

Then she found a path.

This Taolin is actually very primitive, naturally formed, and the thorns are everywhere. It is the wild original ecology.

But this road is a bit awkward, this road is not the road to build, but who is often stepping on it.

Could it be that the little palace owner often came here?

Gu Xiyu looked at the footprints on the road, and his heart was even more strange.

On this road, not only the footprints of some people, but also the traces of wheelchairs...

She simply followed this path and looked forward. This path was nine bends and eighteen bends. It walked in the middle of the Taolin and finally disappeared under a cliff.

There is a waterfall on the cliff, and the waterfall is not in a hurry, but it is as dense as a curtain, blocking all the cliffs...

Gu Xi's eyes fell on the cliff, standing in her direction, I can't see what the cliff is special, but Gu Xi is keenly aware that this cliff must be weird!

Together, she jumped to the stone of the small pool under the waterfall and raised her hand and knocked on the mountain wall. After the mountain wall is empty, there should be a cave!

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