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I dare say there is no one behind you?


This Cmy troll suddenly rushed up with W without help, and then used all his skills, and even used the troll's ultimate?

At this moment, AJ was extremely regretful.

He really realized it.

Before the game, he watched dozens of Chen Yiqiu's games and studied his game play. He thought he had a certain understanding of this guy.

But when the game started, he was slapped in the face!

I won't say much about the wave of giving away first blood.

Now this time, AJ was not feeling well.

I dare say it's the end.

AJ found that he had seriously underestimated the acting skills of this Oscar-winning actor. This guy might be Oscar-winning actor. Even Oscar-winning actor doesn't suit him.

Maybe, Oscar-winning actor is more suitable!

Just like this, AJ was extremely sure that someone was coming behind him.

The key now is that AJ Olaf's ultimate skill is used.

For the hero Olaf, the ultimate skill is definitely the most important skill. Olaf without the ultimate skill is not a reckless man, at most he is just a stubborn person.

What made him most angry was that AJ had told his teammates that someone was coming to catch him, but now he didn't see the rest of GD, and instead temporarily misled his teammates.

Although it was only a few seconds, the opponent was fighting the Baron at that time, and a few seconds were absolutely precious. It was probably because of these few seconds that the final result was unexpected.

Think about the consequences of losing this Baron... and then look at the troll that teleported directly not far from him.

AJ really wanted to cry.


Too wronged!

The feeling of being teased was really uncomfortable.

But at this time, he couldn't think about these things. What he needed to think about most was how to deal with it.

The troll could interrupt Olaf's teleport, but AJ's Olaf couldn't interrupt the troll's teleport. At this time, A Olaf was using his ultimate.

I don't know whether to teleport or go up and beat the troll.

What a headache!

So uncomfortable!

So tangled!


AJ finally decided to beat him first.

Anyway, if he teleported over now, the effect of his ultimate skill would be almost over. Basically, he would be like a piece of trash when he went in. It would be better to beat the troll now.

Olaf's combat power at this stage was still quite strong.

As long as he could knock down more than half of the troll's health, and the troll didn't have an ultimate skill now, he would be useless in the team battle later.

If he was useless, the troll would be useless later.


AJ went up to fight and suddenly found something wrong.

His Olaf didn't hurt the troll much when he hit him.

What's more, when he watched the troll teleport over, it still had four-fifths of its health.

He looked at its equipment.

Cloth shoes, glacial armor...

AJ vomited!

Another key point was that the troll's ultimate skill sucked Olaf's blood back to restore part of his health.


At this moment, AJ was very upset. He shouldn't have gone up to beat him. He should have teleported to the front of the team as soon as possible to interfere with the opponent's attack on the dragon, or create space for his teammates.

It doesn't matter if I die in battle.

Now, it's too late!


"Autumn God's troll teleports to the front first"

"The dragon's health was only a little bit left, and at this time, the factory manager and his team also arrived. Is there a chance to grab it?"Although it was a little late, the other four EDG players still arrived in time.

LGD didn't finish the big dragon.

Meiko's wind girl started to blow directly inside, and the wind blew over, but was blocked by Hirano Aya's Braum. At this time, LGD's team went all out to attack the dragon.

A tense and exciting moment


"Just a little bit short of the big dragon!"

"See who can get it!"

"The blind monk of the factory manager kicked Ping Bron, and now DG is counting on the performance of the factory manager."

At this time, AJ also turned on the teleport.

But whether he can make it in time now is hard to say.

Countless eyes are now looking at the blind monk of the factory manager, waiting for his shot. Basically, at this time, all the hopes of EDG are pinned on the factory manager.

Because it will take time for others to come over.

The factory manager is the fastest one.

If EDG can grab the dragon, then this game is still a good one, and they can even rely on the big dragon buff to make up for the previous disadvantage.

This is all very possible.

"Factory Manager's second stage Q!"

"It's time to fight for punishment!"

The decibel of the baby's voice has increased to a higher level.

Chen Yiqiu, who had teleported to the ground, was now frantically pressing his E skill. At this time, he did not have a big move and was relatively fragile.

Apart from the pillar, the rest was probably to resist damage. It seemed that his troll was no longer useful in other aspects.

"You troll, hurry up and turn on the CD and put it on the pillar!"

Chen Yiqiu was already roaring crazily in his heart.

The mouse clicked randomly.

His left hand pressed E frantically, just like operating Yasuo.

At this moment, the factory manager was looking at Chen Yiqiu's troll while keeping a close eye on the health of the big dragon.

Dogecoin troll!

You want to use the pillar to block me again, right?

Do you think I will suffer a second loss?

As a veteran who has experienced many battles, the factory manager was very calm at this most critical moment. His mind was unusually clear at this time.


Another second Q!

The factory manager chose a very unexpected way. As long as he flashed to open the angle, the troll's pillar would not be able to block him from entering the field.

You can see it from the live broadcast.

At this time, the troll pillar did not block the factory manager.

Chen Yiqiu looked at the ice pillar he threw out, his face turned green, he wanted to block the factory manager's blind monk, but it seemed that he put it crookedly!


It turned out that he was clumsy.

Chen Yiqiu really vomited!

Critical moment!

As long as the pillar was placed better this time, this match point game would basically be over, but in such an important team battle, he actually put an important skill crookedly.


"Taobao rights!"

"Got the dragon!"

The commentator, Wawa, was speaking at a much higher volume.

At this moment, Zz1tai's Lee Sin had already rushed into the dragon pit, but the moment he entered, he knew that he was a little late.

When his Lee Sin's second stage Q went out, Taobao Quan's excavator just happened to punish the dragon.

A few tenths of a second late!

Zz1tai looked back.

The troll's pillar... didn't block his previous position?

When he saw this, Zz1tai was in a bad mood. The pillar placed by the troll didn't block him.

But... def vomited blood!

Why is it me again?

His VN wanted to come over to fight, but suddenly a troll pillar stood in front of him. He had already turned on his ultimate and turned invisible, but he was still stuck by the troll pillar.

It was like a mountain, blocking him from passing.

Not only that.

Paw's Viktor was also stuck by the pillar at this moment. At this moment, the two of them were squeezed side by side, and were just stuck by a troll pillar.

Can't pass!

EDGC had no way to deal damage in the first place.

When Zhazi rushed into the Baron pit, Braum's blind monk instantly activated his passive. Zhazi didn't even have time to use his ultimate, and LGD's four players killed him in a few seconds.

Zhazi looked at his computer screen, which went black. He was stunned!


"Go, go, go!"

"We can fight, we can fight!"

Five against four.

They also got the dragon buff.

At this time, Hirano Aya was already roaring in the team voice chat.

LGD's chance has come!

Hirano Aya's Braum came first and flashed to use his ultimate.

Pawn and Deft were both slowed down by the troll's pillar. Now facing Braum's ultimate, they were forced to give up their flash instantly.

Paw released Viktor's gravity field, obviously trying to stop LGD's pursuit.

Meiko, the wind girl, had no choice but to use her ultimate to repel the Taobao Quan excavator and Hirano Aya's Braum.

EDG people, there is no way to fight


Wei Shen's Cassin is not a joke.

At the time of, Wei God Casin's next R energy was turned around, and he continued to fight round.

Do n't want to run.

Meiko was also lifted up by Taoquan's excavator.

Another one was killed!

Sitting in the competition seat, the factory manager watched all these scenes with helplessness in his eyes.

He was still thinking.

If he had known that the troll pillar was placed in this position, and he didn't flash, could he have gone in a little earlier to punish the dragon? Get the dragon.

Even if he lost this team battle, it's probably not a loss.



_Please download Feilu Xiao to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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