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"Pawn is in a difficult situation in the middle lane now!"

"Weishen supported the top lane and got two kills directly. Yasuo's equipment was far ahead of Gangplank's."


The camera is aimed at the middle lane.

What can be seen at this time is that Wei Shen's Yasuo is now playing more arrogantly.

The two kills he got also successfully helped Wei Shen to make the electric knife in advance. Although it is Guo Ben's electric knife, in the laning phase.

Once Yasuo starts to have this equipment, and so early, he can become very strong.

Paw's Captain is facing Yasuo, and it is not easy to fight now

"These two heads are so crucial."

"Before, when facing Pawn, Captain, he could rely on his powder barrel and not be so afraid of Yasuo's charge, but now he is a little inferior to Yasuo in terms of consumption."

Miller also said.

EDG's situation was a little awkward.

Soon, Imp and Hirano were ready to clear the bottom lane and directly advance to the middle lane, and push down the two outer towers of EDG's top lane.

If EDG's first tower can be pushed down, then it will be much easier for LGD to fight.

And in the top lane.

Chen Yiqiu returned to the city and went online.

He did not use his teleport, but went up directly.

Looking at the time, it has been 11 minutes since the final.

11 minutes! It was not until this time that Chen Yiqiu began to eat a normal wave of soldiers. This kind of line change in the early stage was a devastating blow to the top laner.

Seeing this wave of soldiers, do you know how much Chen Yiqiu cherishes it?

He was almost extremely careful to make up for every knife. It was as uncomfortable as dying to make up one less.

Now this kind of line change is too torturous for the top laner. Maybe it will only be completely reversed until the next world game.

By then, the status of the top laner will be greatly improved.


At this time, Koro did not make trouble, and the top laners on both sides were almost developing peacefully. What

Chen Yiqiu likes most is harmony.

This is simply a dream that makes him return to the days of being a slacker.

Being able to be a slacker again will make Chen Yiqiu relax a lot, after all, it is a familiar style of play and a familiar way.

There is another point.

He has played against Koro before and is"familiar" with Koro.

Under various familiar situations, it is very comfortable to mix.

Chen Yiqiu really likes this kind of harmony in the top lane.


Koro felt uncomfortable when he saw Olaf didn't miss a single kill. If he continued to develop like this, he would really be invincible. Every time he last-hit, it felt like a thorn in Koro's flesh. Every time he last-hit, it felt like a thorn in Koro's flesh.

It hurt.

But now the factory manager is scared. Obviously, his Ekko got two kills, but the factory manager himself has no interest in ganking Olaf. He is even unwilling to come.

After last-hitting for a while.

Chen Yiqiu helplessly found that the line of soldiers passed by.

What the hell? This is very uncomfortable.

How did it push the line?

I hit the A one by one, but it actually pushed the line of soldiers.

Chen Yiqiu originally wanted to learn the line control play of his teammates, so he kept slowly mixing in the top lane, but now he found that there seemed to be something wrong with what he learned.

I don't understand why, but the line of soldiers passed by.

Koro took a look.

You still want to deceive my factory?

Are you seducing again?

The line of soldiers is like this. People who don't know would think that you, Cmy, can control the line. Look at your steady last-hitting, without missing a single one, and you didn't even hide your flaws.

"Olaf is acting again."

""Zhangzhang, don't come to the top lane."

Retreating to the second tower, letting the soldiers get stuck, Koo reminded the factory manager at this time.

This trick is no longer practical!

After hearing this, the factory manager deeply agreed.

If he suffered the same loss again, he could surrender directly in the first game of the finals. The same thing would not happen a second time.

Top lane.

Chen Yiqiu looked at this situation and was quite helpless, but he didn't have much money at this time, only more than 1,000 in total. If he went back, it would basically be enough to buy another small item for Black Cleaver.

The money was pitifully small.

Forget it, anyway, there were no soldiers to eat, so let's go back.

Although Chen Yiqiu didn't play well enough.

But he also knew that standing in front of the opponent's second tower at this time was completely meaningless, so it would be better to return to the city earlier.

Pressing the B button, Chen Yiqiu had already opened the store.

And he was madly clicking on the burning gem.

Chen Yiqiu's Olaf has a little D reduction in runes and talents. If he buys the burning gem, he can continue to increase the CD by 10%.

In this way, the skill CD will be shorter and the speed of clearing the line can be faster.



"Autumn God's Olaf hasn't left yet, he's still squatting on Lulu!"

"This wave of squatting is a bit too long!"

Seeing that Chen Yiqiu's Olaf was still motionless in the bushes, the commentators were also saying

"Still squatting!"

""God Qiu is so patient!"

Miller was a little surprised when he saw Olaf still didn't leave.

In the game.

Chen Yiqiu clicked for a long time.

Why can't I buy the equipment?

Why didn't I see the flash back to the city?

After canceling the store page, Chen Yiqiu's face suddenly turned black. He seemed to have pressed the B key, but he didn't press it successfully?

Damn! It's embarrassing again.

Chen Yiqiu didn't know how many low-level mistakes he made in this game. It was extremely embarrassing.


How did Lulu come over?

Seeing Koro's Lulu, Chen Yiqiu threw an axe over.

Hit... Hit?

When seeing Lulu being slowed down by his Olaf's axe, Chen Yiqiu was stunned for a moment.

In this case, the mad dog starts!

Originally, Chen Yiqiu didn't have any ideas, but now if it hits Lulu, based on his poor understanding of the hero Olaf, it is.

If the axe hits, it can be fought in a single duel.


Directly activate the big move.

Koro seemed to be a little slow to react. After Olaf rushed to his face, he was anxious and wanted to turn into a sheep, but now Olaf is immune to everything.���Turn on W and use E to attack Lulu.


"This wave of Koro has to use flash"

"Olaf has a strong lethality now after making the small wooden hammer."

After seeing Chen Yiqiu squatting on Koro's Lulu in the top lane, Miller and the others were also talking.

On the live screen, you can see that Koro's Lulu used her ultimate and flash at the same time. If it were other heroes, they could definitely rely on Lulu's ultimate to lift up other heroes around them, but facing the mad dog Olaf, it was obviously useless.

Olaf's A. The passive trigger of the small wooden hammer directly increased Olaf's movement speed.

Pick up an axe.

Koro's Lulu was still twisting and moving, trying to avoid Olaf's next axe. Once hit, it would be difficult to escape even if she wanted to.



Chen Yiqiu threw Olaf's next axe without thinking.

Koro vomited.

Olaf didn't make any predictions at all, and the axe hit him again. Seeing this, Koro was very desperate.

Mad dog Olaf continued to rush forward and beat Lulu violently. He chased Lulu who was using flash and ultimate skill, and killed her with an axe near the second tower.


"This wave was still blocked by Olaf of Autumn God"

"I feel like Koro is still not careful enough. When he was walking forward, he didn't expect Olaf to stay here for so long."

When he saw Koro's Lulu being killed, Miller said this.

The whole process of killing was quite simple and rough.

Olaf kept picking up the axe and slowing down continuously, so that Koro's Lulu had no way to escape, and was killed helplessly in front of the second tower.

"With this kill, Olaf is basically unstoppable!"

"I guess I can make Black Cleaver later!"

Su Xiaoyan followed up.

From the current situation, Olaf does have the capital. The revised Black Cleaver is not as expensive as the previous brutal synthesis Black Cleaver, but the current Black Cleaver is still very practical.

Especially for a half-tank top hero, it is even more so.

On the field.

Chen Yiqiu was happy.

This wave seemed to be a little show. It was obviously because he failed to press the return key, which led to an embarrassing thing for himself, but he didn't expect that he would beat Koro's Lulu to death in the end.

This was also a bit unexpected.

The original embarrassment seemed to be covered up in an instant.

This is what Chen Yiqiu is most happy about. A blessing in disguise Not a blessing?

It seems to be a bit like that.

If you think about it this way, sometimes a small mistake can actually bring you good benefits.

Chen Yiqiu glanced at his gold coins.

The gold coins from killing Lulu are still not enough to go back and make Black Cleaver. Anyway, Koro's Lulu just pushed out a wave of soldiers at this time, and it seems that if they are eaten up, it should be enough. With

Black Cleaver in hand, the world is mine!

If he can go back and make Black Cleaver smoothly, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf's attack equipment will be enough, and he can make some other tank equipment next.

Delicious! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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