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Yiqiu knew he would be nervous.

But... he found that after shaking his legs, he seemed to feel a little comfortable, and he didn't know if it was because the shaking of his legs diverted his attention a little bit, and he was not so nervous all of a sudden.


I didn't expect that shaking my legs would have such an effect.

Chen Yiqiu was stunned.

Looking at his Olaf skin in this game, his best friend Olaf, although it looked a little green, Chen Yiqiu really thought it was handsome.

Suddenly, he felt less nervous. He focused on the game with peace of mind. This was the finals, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at him. The opponent was also LL's top single Koro, so he had to go all out.

Even though Chen Yiqiu was only a gold-ranked player.

Although he had won once in the previous laning by luck.

But that was already the beginning of the summer season. It has been almost three months since now, and I don't know how many times the League of Legends version has been updated.

Koro will also improve, and it is possible that he has even studied him on purpose.

In this situation, if you are careless, you may be beaten.

In terms of the lineup.

EDG's players are relatively fragile, which is a major disadvantage of their lineup.

But LGD also has shortcomings.

Olaf on the top lane, Gragas in the jungle, Yasuo in the middle lane, and Kog'Maw on the bottom lane, this lineup obviously has the flavor of a kitchen knife team. In the late game, as long as the opponent makes a little armor equipment, it will make LGD very uncomfortable.

And by then, Olaf may be killed instantly when he enters the field.

The two heroes, Gangplank and Jinx, are no joke, especially Gangplank's gunpowder barrel that breaks armor, not to mention Lulu's protection.

For LGD, if they can't solve EDG in the early and mid-game , and drag it to the late game, they are basically waiting to die.


"Didn’t imp say before that he would kill three times in the laning phase?"

"Where is your promise?"

You can see it from the God's perspective.

At this time, Imp's Kog'Maw and Nori's Alistar started to move up from the bottom lane, with no intention of fighting against each other. Miller laughed and teased.

Imp was very arrogant in the interview, facing Deft.

But now, facing Deft's Lulu and Annie's bottom lane combination, he took the initiative to switch lanes and go to the top lane.

It smells so good!

"I really admire General Sturgeon for this. He said that he would beat Deft that day, and then he rushed up and beat Deft during the game."

"The plane flashes W up"

"Then he was replaced by Deft!"

Wawa used the most generous words to say the most cowardly result.

Previously, when IG was playing against EDG, Kid Shi said this, and IG finally won that game.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also amused by Wawa.

The crosstalk brother in the commentary world is really no joke.

At this time on the court.

Chen Yiqiu has already started to hang out in the jungle with Taobao Quan's Gragas.

Compared with other top-lane heroes, Olaf is really much more comfortable in the jungle, and the current version of Olaf is actually quite strong. A big reason is that

Riot has strengthened many of the top-lane semi-tank output heroes.

This also laid the foundation for various top-lane chaos shows in S5 later.



Seeing the two sides successfully switch lanes, Chen Yiqiu was even happier.

In this game, his Olaf was not playing against Koro Lulu. Besides, when a short-handed single player and a long-handed single player are playing against each other, wouldn't it be a shame in the early stage?

If they switch lanes to develop, they will be very happy.

Chen Yiqiu sometimes hates switching lanes, but sometimes he really wants to switch lanes, such as this game now. If it is any other long-handed single player, maybe Olaf will fight, but Lulu, this Yodel, is really annoying. In addition to slowing down, there is also a sheep-turning function, which is the most annoying.

But... if Olaf is allowed to develop to level 6.

Slow down?

Turn into a sheep?

Beat your scalp to numb!

When Chen Yiqiu thought of this scene, he felt very refreshed.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Olaf, this reckless hero, was super suitable for him.

A real man, just fight if you don't agree!

As long as I rush up, it's either you or me.



Douyu LOL premium anchor

"@All the members, brothers who are professional players, must watch the summer finals tonight, especially those who specialize in singles, must focus on Qiu Shen's operations, details, etc."

"The PDD replay craze exploded before, and the number of viewers increased by 8 times. You can also follow suit."

"While Tencent is not pursuing this matter yet, do a review like this, and maybe the popularity of your live broadcast room will take off."

This group is considered Douyu's high-end LOL anchor group.

Many of the anchors here are at the level of Douyu's LOL category pillars.

Wuwukai, Shenchao, and Strawberry are among the representatives, and there are many other big anchors here.

In fact, on some other platforms, especially the recently launched Longzhu Live, there are people doing the same thing.

You know, Longzhu Live is a real Tencent direct lineage, a live broadcast platform completely created by Tencent itself, and they have just poached a lot of Douyu anchors to settle in.

Dongzhu, Cake, Langziyan, Brother Jing, etc.

A new platform is inherently lacking in popularity. PDD's review of a wave of operations exploded, and instantly made many people see the opportunity to catch the heat.

Now this final is a very good opportunity.

What will be the result of this?

Almost all the teams and a large number of LOL anchors who don't broadcast late are watching the finals, watching the various details of Chen Yiqiu's single, and are ready to catch some of Chen Yiqiu's operational details.

Then analyze it for a while.

Olaf picked up the axe

"Details.���Get closer to pick up the axe and shorten the time of hunting in the wild!"

Olaf turned his body slightly.

"Qiu Shen is so meticulous. When Olaf is clearing the jungle, he is always thinking about how to move and show off to the wild monsters."

Olaf A-knife wild monsters

"Damn, Qiu Shen is so scary. He can even play a hero like Olaf by clicking the floor to cancel the backswing."


If Chen Yiqiu saw this, he would vomit blood.

PDD was really too much. But PDD's review was reasonable and plausible, but this kind of random imagination was too much. If it was this kind of review, then it was treating the fans as fools.

But now in the game.

The director's camera shifted to the middle lane.

The duel between the two mid laners was the real focus of this game.

Paw's Captain faced Wei Shen's Yasuo

"Wei Shen plays very aggressively online!"

"The starting equipment is directly selected as Doran's Blade, which is completely for the purpose of playing advantage in the line."

You can see it from the game screen.

At this time, Wei Shen Yasuo began to rush in the middle lane with his E skill frantically, constantly looking for opportunities to consume. The most important thing is that many people have discovered that

Wei Shen's Yasuo operation is much smoother than that of the Oscar-winning actor Chen Yiqiu.

Elegant and agile.

This is very generous, unlike Qiu Shen, the cunning villain, who is very insidious.

"The early combat effectiveness of the Captain hero basically depends on the Q skill, and Yasuo himself has a shield, which is a great advantage."

"And if Yasuo is upgraded to level 2, he can even block Gangplank's Q skill directly.

Miller obviously has���Understand.

This is also one of the main reasons why Wei Shen wants to use Yasuo to line up against Gangplank.

Gangplank is very strong in the late game, and it can even be said that it is very strong in the mid-game in this version, especially after the three-item power is made, but if the development of Gangplank can be suppressed in the early game.

That's different.

Once this hero dies once or twice in the early game, the development time will continue to be dragged down.

LGD's lineup plays the mid-to-early game and does not give you any chance in the late game.

Previously, when Rookie faced Doinb's mid-lane Gangplank, he used this method, but the hero Rookie chose in that game was Lelan.

And Wei Shen took out Yasuo.

Although the two heroes are different, Gangplank is very easy to get numbed when facing these two mid-lane heroes.

In fact.

Wei Shen actually wanted to use Jie Yue at the beginning, but unfortunately he was pulled away by DG. He almost never lost the game in which Jie Yue appeared in the summer season.

If Pawn Gangplank faced Wei Shen's Jie Yue, it would be really exaggerated.

No matter how strong your Gangplank is, GodV can find an opportunity to kill Gangplank alone, and it should be very easy.

Now that the mid lane is being suppressed by Wei Shen, Pawn has no way to deal with it.

And it is also difficult for Zhaizhang's Ekko to help. Before the level is up, Zhaizhang's Ekko's gank is of no help to Pawn.

Instead, it will slow down Zhaizhang's jungle clearing rhythm.

Pawn can only let the mid lane withstand the pressure first.


"God of Autumn!"

"You go to the bottom lane and stay there to grow!"

At this time, Taobao Quan said��

What we can see is that Koro's Lulu is now alone in the top lane facing Imp and Hirano Aya's Minotaur. Although Lulu can't farm normally, she still gets experience.

As a result, Chen Yiqiu's Olaf seems to have to keep up, otherwise he will be the one who loses in experience.

Chen Yiqiu is helpless.

He just reached level 2 and has to go to the line again.

Bottom lane.

At this time, Deft saw Olaf and also noticed Olaf's ID.

LGDmy def was immediately shocked.

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