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Although Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo played well in the last encounter with IG, it only looked good.

Chen Yiqiu himself knew very well what his Yasuo did in that game, all kinds of strange operations, now looking back, he felt quite embarrassed.

Duel with Zzitai's Centaur in the bottom lane.

Wind wall to block minions?

Subconscious operation when nervous can be explained in this way.

The wave in the top lane was also outrageous. He clearly didn't realize that Kakao was coming to gank, and as a slacker, Chen Yiqiu's Yasuo made a tank equipment.

But he became the strongest seduction at the level of Oscar winner, helping his teammates get a huge advantage in the bottom lane.

And in the next wave of tower crossing to start a team fight, the ultimate skill was not given to Ekko, but to the Janna behind. It looked like a wonderful operation, but in fact, Chen Yiqiu didn't react at first. He pressed it too slowly, and the ultimate skill was given to Janna.

As for the reverse wind wall in the back, blocking half of Centaur's ultimate skill?

It's just nonsense!

It's all because of my clumsy hands that I made such a weird operation. What's even more outrageous is that in this team battle, Yasuo, who was so happy that he kept using E here and there, was actually the world's top laner with the strongest understanding of the game in the eyes of netizens.

Relying on Yasuo's continuous displacement to attract all firepower, helping the back row to output comfortably.

Now think about it carefully. If PDD had recovered at that time, wouldn't he have become the world's number one Yasuo again?

Damn, it's terrifying to think about it!

And the previous game with Ryze was the same. He could continuously refresh Ryze's shield by rolling the keyboard by hand, and Chen Yiqiu couldn't explain it clearly to others.

With his own strength, how optimistic can Chen Yiqiu be?


"God Qiu is so awesome! Go IG!" rookie Weibo.

Many e-sports people were discussing Chen Yiqiu's Captain overnight, all kinds of explosive damage, quadruple barrels and so on. rookie Weibo obviously mentioned it, but few people noticed his Weibo post until everyone focused on the next game between LGD and IG.

After defeating OMG, LGD will compete with IG next.

This also involved some related information about the game between the two teams, and the Weibo posts posted by IG players at this time were noticed by everyone.

"I'm so panicked, I'm going to meet that devil Qiu Shen again!"

Zizi also posted on Weibo.

However, because Zizi himself recently updated"The Miserable Diary of a LPL Top Order", his self-deprecating spirit and the literary talent of his diary attracted a lot of fans.

Now seeing Zizi's words, many netizens are very happy again.

"Don't panic, don't panic, you can also play the role of Qiu Shen"

"Take down Gangplank, take down Yasuo, take down Ryze, if that doesn't work, take down Qiu Shen, IG will definitely win"

"If you can beat Qiu Shen, we will honor you as the brother of the Oscar winner."

"Good fun, you guys."


Many netizens also left comments under Zzitai's Weibo.

Chen Yiqiu also saw it.

When playing against other teams, it seems that most of the time it is about e-sports, winning or losing, and the results, but with IG and its players. It seems to be very different.

Rookie is humble and gentle, often smiling, and feels more optimistic than other GD players.

The most terrifying thing is.

Rookie is so good at Chinese. Look at him speaking Chinese. Compare it with Imp, who has a cute face and is also a Korean aid and came to LP at the same time.

The two of them are good at the game, but Imp is really far behind in Chinese. As for Zzitai, they will not say anything deliberately whether the game wins or loses, and they will accept the result calmly. Anyway, they have tried their best in the game.

This team wins the game very freely and loses very freely.

Before rebirth.

As a spectator, Chen Yiqiu pays special attention to the results of the game when watching the game, because in his opinion, this is e-sports, and winning or losing the game is more about honor.

It concerns the dignity of LPL.

But now that he has truly become a professional player and has helped LGD to reach this point, Chen Yiqiu feels more and more that the results of e-sports are important, but the process and the game itself, as well as the players, are what make people excited.

In his opinion, this is the real charm of e-sports.

However, when LGD and IG really played, IG lost miserably in the end.

LGD MGM was 3-0, and IG also won 3-0 in the end.

This terrifying fighting power frightened the entire LPL.

Obviously, IG targeted Chen Yiqiu's top laner in all three games.

They defeated the captain three times to show respect.

But they still had no choice.

Overall, IG was not as strong as the LGD team at this time.

In the end, IG lost the game.

Although the game was lost, the players of the IG team were very generous.

When the players on both sides shook hands after the game, the IG players said congratulations.

Congratulations to LGD for entering the finals.

Instead of sitting in the e-sports chair in a daze, staring at the computer screen.

Chen Yiqiu really thinks this team is very good.

On the other hand, EDG successfully defeated QG with a score of 3 to 1 and entered the final.

Although this result made I and QG feel a little regretful, the champion of the summer season was completely out of their reach, but there was still a place for the world championship.

Because the playoffs of the summer season only determined one place in the world championship, and the remaining two still needed to compete in the bubble match.

Before rebirth.

The normal process should be the final PK between LGD and QG, but now many results of the world's games have changed dramatically because of the arrival of Chen Yiqiu.

Now the final of the summer season has also been affected.

As for this year's S5, what will be the fate of LD, Chen Yiqiu really can't say.

But next, Chen Yiqiu knows that LGD will face off against EDG, a powerful opponent, again.

And this time, it is still on the stage of the summer season finals, and its weight is far higher than that of the regular season.

LGD's championship is equal to the summer championship plus the top seed of the LPL World Championship, and the high prize money of the championship.

The same is true for EDG's championship.

This is the real fight to the death.

Fight for honor, for this year's World Championship spot, and for all the fans who support and like us.


《In the first game of the playoffs, GD was 30-0, and in the second game, he was still 3-0. Will GD also win 3-0 in the third game?》

《Will the powerful LD team win the first LPL championship in team history?》

《EDG has won consecutive 1p1 championships since the 2014 season. Will this miracle be broken by LGD?》


On UC.

The publicity for this final is already going on crazily.

The regular season may not be lively enough, but after the playoffs, the popularity of LPL games has exploded, and the number of viewers watching the games has increased.

Now that it has reached the finals, it is even more so.

This focus duel is destined to attract everyone's attention.

And the PK between the two teams can be regarded as a real fateful duel.

In the spring season, LGD lost to EDG in the finals. Now, after a series of reincarnations, the two teams met again in the summer season finals, which is itself a very interesting thing.

In addition.

From the beginning of this year to now, there are too many things that have happened between the two teams.

From the grievances of the spring season to the PK duel in the regular season of the summer season, it seems that every time EDG and LGD play against each other, there will be something fun and interesting.

For example, in the regular season of the summer season. def Wheel Mother was hooked by Chen Yiqiu's Titan and her mentality exploded, and she almost cried.

So at this time, it is a real break.

For this summer season final, both LGD and EDG have been fighting in the air before the game has even started.

Poster PK, player data PK, record PK... and fan PK.

In many places, you can see the shadow of the debate between EDG fans and LGD fans.

Although LGD performed extremely strongly in the summer season, and had already played two 3-0 in the playoffs, the EDG team.

When they lost to LD in the regular season, it was entirely because Pawn's waist injury was very serious at that time.

Now, it has improved a little.

This is crucial for the entire EDG.

Paw's state sometimes even affects the performance of the entire EDG.

And speaking of it.

The last time the two teams played against each other with all their main players was in the early summer season, but now they have come to the finals of the summer season. The time interval in between is very long. It is really hard to say what kind of sparks will erupt when they meet again. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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