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OMG fans held their breath, their hearts suddenly in their throats.

It was a critical moment!

At this moment, Lingyao's blind monk was the hope of the whole village.

At this moment, all OMG fans were looking forward to it.


Umbrella King came on.

Lingyao also came on.

Umbrella King's Titan's ultimate skill was directly used on Wei Shen's Victor. Obviously, Umbrella Master was also very clear that Wei Shen's Victor would probably explode in a very terrifying team battle.

For Umbrella Master, this team battle was a 1V1 duel between him and Wei Shen.

Titan's ultimate skill also directly forced Wei Shen to give up his flash and retreat.

Immediately afterwards, Umbrella Master's temper came up. After Wei Shen dodged his Titan hook, he flashed directly into the crowd and used his E skill, instantly slowing down several LGD players.

Big brother gogoing's Na was also trying to accumulate anger.

And the moment Lingyao kicked the captain, he followed up with the second stage of Q without hesitation.

He lived up to everyone's expectations.

The elixir at this moment���He chose to charge into battle.

And here.

Chen Yiqiu was so scared that he directly pressed the ultimate move.

Damn it!

This is the only skill he can use. As long as the ultimate move is used, at least he can contribute in this wave.

If he is lucky, like before, he can get a kill?

Seeing the ultimate move appear, Chen Yiqiu felt relieved.

The rest doesn't matter.

If he was kicked back to the tower by the blind monk and was killed instantly without using any skills.

That would be very uncomfortable for Chen Yiqiu. Fortunately

, the ultimate move was released.

As a top laner who can get by, the only skill that can get by is used. Anyway, in this team battle, releasing the ultimate move has already played the biggest role.

As for the rest... run away!

Chen Yiqiu's mind is full of running away.

Flash and orange are all used.

Who cares about it, just press all the life-saving skills at once. In a panic, Chen Yiqiu didn't know how many skill buttons his left hand pressed at once.


"Umbrella Master Titan's only target is Wei Shen"

"Lingyao's Lee Sin's second stage Q also kicked over, and he found the angle and flashed to do a roundhouse kick!"

"Kicked back!"

Guan Zeyuan saw that the two sides were about to fight, and the decibel level of his commentary became much louder.

So far, OMG's timing in starting the fight was very good. Lee Sin kicked Gangplank, and Titan's ultimate was also used on Wei Shen, forcing Wei Shen to flash and retreat very far.

These two skills have helped OMG create a very good first move.

Next, the competition is about the players' operations.

Both sides immediately used their skills.

UZI Vayne used his ultimate.

Imp's mother used her ultimate.

Hirano Aya's Minotaur had always been used to start a team fight, but in this wave, when her teammates were kicked like this, they could only be forced to play protection.

Even Taobao Quan's excavator was the same.

But... the most critical link seemed to have a big problem.

The captain was not kicked under the tower by Lingyao's roundhouse kick, but suddenly disappeared after just being kicked for a while.

What happened?

Where is the captain?

Why was he not kicked under the tower?

Lingyao was very puzzled at this moment.

In fact.

Many viewers who were watching this wave of team fights were also very confused about this scene.

It shouldn't be!

Lingyao had clearly flashed and kicked, and clearly saw the captain being kicked out for a distance, but why did the captain disappear halfway through the kick. He didn't appear under the tower.

Riot, come out and explain, isn't this a bug?

At this time, Chen Yiqiu looked at his captain.

Not dead?

And ran into the arms of his teammates?

When seeing this, Chen Yiqiu dared not believe how he could appear in this position.

Lingyao made a mistake?

Although Chen Yiqiu didn't know if this was the reason, he was relieved when he saw that his captain was not dead.

Chen Yiqiu retreated quickly.


Chen Yiqiu suddenly found that his captain seemed to have no one to attack for the time being.

It might be because OMG's double distance was not enough, or Chen Yiqiu's position after flashing back was not bad, and the opponent didn't dare to approach at this time.

Put out two barrels first.



Or UZI's Vayne?

Chen Yiqiu suddenly found an impulsive guy who rolled over to his side.

When he saw this, Chen Yiqiu was immediately not good.

The key is that UZI wanted to attack Yiqiu's barrel as soon as he came up. This little fat guy could actually notice the gunpowder barrel of Captain Chen Yiqiu in such a chaotic team battle.


Chen Yiqiu just put down the gunpowder barrel, and immediately pressed the Q skill frantically, not caring how many bars the gunpowder barrel had decayed, as long as it could explode.

If it didn't explode, the little fat guy would rush to his face to deal damage.

Damn, an ADC went around.

Only this little fat guy could do it.

But... boom!

It actually... exploded?

When Chen Yiqiu saw that his two consecutive barrels could actually explode, he was shocked and didn't dare to believe what was happening in front of him.

Throughout the game, no matter it was one barrel, two barrels, or three barrels, Chen Yiqiu had never exploded anyone.

But at this critical moment.

Surprisingly, it exploded magically.

This feeling is like buying lottery tickets every day, buying lottery tickets every day, for several years, and suddenly one day, the lottery won, and it was the first prize.

What does it feel like?

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu's pupils widened.


"Autumn God! Autumn God Nic!"

"Counterattack quickly, counterattack!"

"Kill Vayne first!"

"Kill Vayne first!"


Seeing the explosion damage of Captain Chen Yiqiu, the LGD team voice chat went crazy.

They were originally on the defensive, but because of the damage of the explosion of Captain Chen Yiqiu's gunpowder barrel, the situation was reversed in an instant.

In an instant, the LGD team began to fight back.


"Oh My God!"

"The gunpowder barrel of Gangplank exploded and hit four people, and UZI's Vayne was left with little health."

From a god's perspective, Guan Zeyuan was stunned when he saw this scene. The gunpowder barrel with a glowing effect, the damage of the explosion was too exaggerated.

""The Captain's damage is too horrible!"

After saying that, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Captain's ultimate move had already exploded a lot, and it had dealt some damage. Now the Captain's gunpowder barrel damage.

It immediately made the big brother ggoing's Gnar, UZI's Vayne, Sanye's Titan, and Lingyao's Lee Sin suffer a lot. The health bars of the four people disappeared.

UZIVN was miserable.

He was a fragile skin, and he had suffered damage all the way. He was instantly crippled.

"The captain's development in this game is still too comfortable"

"After getting the kills and equipment in the early stage, the damage output is completely unstoppable."

Miss followed.

On the field.

The OMG players who originally wanted to rush up to fight, retreated instantly. The stateless Tsar immediately threw out his ultimate move, trying to stop the LGD players from chasing.

But in this situation, how could LGD let go.

Imp flashed over and hit UZI with a basic attack. Even if UZI reacted quickly and gave up the flash, it was useless.

Umbrella's Titan fell.

UZI Vayne fell down.

Hit by Gangplank, the deceleration effect made UZI's Vayne unable to escape, and the true eye on the ground made UZI even more desperate.

There was no room for operation.

Immediately afterwards.

Lingyao's Lee Sin was also killed.

Even the big brother gogoing's Gnar was powerless at this time. The anger of this wave of big brother Gnar only started to grow until now.

But it was too late.

The team battle was over.

Standing at the back of the team, Wushuang was always very helpless. His sand soldiers poked at the excavator of Minotaur and Taobao Quan, although they dealt a lot of damage.

But what's the use?

The explosive ao on the LGD side instantly melted OMG's front row.

Wei Shen's Victor's death ray, coupled with the ultimate move Chaos Storm, Imp's Annie, and this terrifying Gangplank's gunpowder barrel and the damage output of the ultimate move.

It was obviously a wave of team fights that OMG blew the horn to open, but now it has become their despair.


"The Autumn God is still as strong as ever"

"I just want to ask you whether you accept it or not?"

"Mss was slapped in the face, is Captain Qiu Shen unskilled? Hahahaha"

"This captain is really outrageous. One explosive barrel directly killed OMG."


Barrage area.

At this time, many netizens are brushing frantically.

Seeing this team battle between OMG and Gangplank, and then looking at the output of the captain, how can OMG play?

Many OMG fans feel extremely uncomfortable.

They are the galaxy team in their minds. They know that OMG has not played well this season, and they know that there are huge internal problems in this team.

But when they saw the five people on the stage, they still held a little pitiful hope.

But now.

Looking at the OMG players who were like gods in their eyes, they were blown away by the powder keg of the captain and fled in panic, and finally fell down helplessly, and their beliefs suddenly collapsed.

WE has fallen.

The royal family has become RNG.

And the once dark force OMG now looks like it will be cold.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collection,

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