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When his teammates talked to him about calculations, gogoing was a little bit indifferent, but now he has experienced it once, and he doesn't want to experience it a second time.

Although, he still can't figure out how his own big Gnar died.

Switch lanes directly.

Let UZI go to the bottom alone to suppress Chen Yiqiu's Captain, while his Gnar follows Titan to the top lane to resist pressure.

This kind of play...

Chen Yiqiu likes it very much.

Anyway, he no longer expects his Captain to do anything.

After making the Greedy Blade and the Blue Crystal, he is already thinking about constantly relying on the Q skill to supplement soldiers and then eat the tower knife. As for more, Chen Yiqiu no longer dares to hope for it.

UZI goes to the bottom lane.

In this way, Chen Yiqiu can develop with peace of mind, without any thoughts, and without having to compete in operation or anything.

It seems pretty good.


"OG changes again!"

"In this case, imp will be much more comfortable, and he can develop more comfortably."

Guan Zeyuan said while looking at the field.

Imp's personal strength is not bad, but the difficulty in the match with UZI is entirely due to the relationship between the hero and the support.

OMG's duo in the bottom lane is a very strong duo of Titan + Vainglory, while LGD's side is Lucky Drifter + Head, which is also considered bad.

But in the current version, especially in the early stage, it is still a bit uncomfortable.

Lucky Drifter is a hero that serves the lineup in many cases. Compared with Vainglory, these two heroes are weak in the early stage.

But if it comes to single combat.

VN.Still stronger than Annie.

Now UZI's Vayne is suppressing Chen Yiqiu's Gangplank, so Imp is temporarily freed up and can comfortably last hit and develop.

Only Chen Yiqiu's Gangplank is a little uncomfortable.

Bottom lane.

Chen Yiqiu faced UZI and he thought he could just stay behind and QQQ, but soon Chen Yiqiu found out he was wrong.

Jian Zihao, this guy, will not be polite to Chen Yiqiu.

Chen Yiqiu's Gangplank made a mistake in his positioning, and Vayne rolled up to attack.

Chen Yiqiu wanted to go up and last hit, but Vayne rolled over


"Dog God!"

"You are a true genius, let's not bully you like this, okay?"

Even though Chen Yiqiu had tried his best to be careful, he was still easily beaten down by UZI and had to rely on crystal bottles and oranges to recover his health.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Although UZI was later criticized for his character and his games, he is still a very strong player no matter what.

Chen Yiqiu was very optimistic at first.

However, two minutes later, seeing that his captain's health was only half left, Chen Yiqiu suddenly became a little uneasy.

Let a gold player face UZI.

Is this something a human being would do?


"I'm pushing the line!"

"I think we can surround the top lane."

Mid lane.

After taking a look at his own troops, Wei Shen said to his teammates.

Up to now, his Viktor has developed to a certain extent and can roam for the time being. Now Wei Shen can also make some time to support the side lanes.

"I have a big move to support."

When Chen Yiqiu heard Wei Shen say this in the team voice, he immediately thought of this. Now his Captain is basically hiding against UZI's VN.

Just don't die.

But the Captain hero has a great advantage in that he can provide support all over the map. Once a team fight starts, he doesn't need to go over, teleport, or use a big move.

"Can fight!"

"I'll take the initiative this time."

Hirano Aya was already impatient. The OMG players didn't seem to realize the danger and were still developing in the top lane. The timing of

LGD's top lane 42 was also very good.

The skills of his teammates were also very good.

As a result...

Chen Yiqiu lost his big move, got a kill, and an assist.

He obviously did the least, but he gained the most from the double-teaming in the top lane, which was really great.

Of course.

From this wave, it can be seen that the communication between the five OMG players is not enough.

After all, they haven't played together for a long time.

After this wave, Chen Yiqiu suddenly found out.

God still didn't forget about him.

He just used a big move and made a lot of money.

Chen Yiqiu himself didn't believe it.

If that's the case, it seems...

can he still get by? In this game, Chen Yiqiu didn't have much guidance for his captain anyway.


The line with his elder brother Geguing is already vividly displayed.

Bar bucket ? Is this special? Can I show it casually? The son would get up, and the captain he did not dare to come out under the tower, and the data changed from 10 to 2-0-1.

Suddenly, the captain was too uncomfortable.


"This wave of Captain's ultimate move made Big Brother and Umbrella Master despair."

"Completely blocked the two people's retreat."

Seeing LGD's 42 in the top lane, getting a double kill and adding a defensive tower, Guan Zeyuan commented.

Big brother gogoing is very difficult.

In this game, he was killed by the captain's ultimate for the second time.

The game came to 17 minutes.

When big brother gogoing's Er was killed by the captain's ultimate for the third time, he was already a little doubtful about his life, watching the 0-3 battle.

Big brother has been wondering what he did wrong and why he was targeted so much.

Chen Yiqiu also doubted his life.

With the third captain's ultimate, he didn't think about grabbing heads or anything.

But... this support ultimate placed at the red bff position of the second tower in the top lane, big brother's Gnar had already walked away, but the wild monster still killed Gnar.

What can I say?

Chen Yiqiu suddenly felt that today's game was real luck.

Chen Yiqiu, who had been messing around, turned back and updated a wave of equipment.

At this time, normal development without heads For the Captain, the equipment that can be synthesized may only be a three-item sword, plus some other small items.

But Chen Yiqiu.

Greedy Blade for money.

Captain's Q skill for money.

The ultimate skill for kills.

Now in addition to the three items, he has a Greedy Blade and a pair of CD shoes.

It's simply a windfall!

And his equipment is already comparable to the mid laners on both sides. In the early stage of lane switching and development, it is quite outrageous to be able to do this.

There is also a very critical point.

Since Chen Yiqiu has been developing alone, although he may not be able to last hit, he has a lot of experience and his level is almost 13.

The hero Captain has a very obvious increase in strength at levels 7 and 13.

At level 13, the decay rate of the gunpowder barrel of the Captain's E skill is greatly accelerated. It will decay to one bar not long after the gunpowder barrel is put down.

In this way, the captain's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved


PDD was watching straight.

In this game, from the beginning of the laning phase when facing the big brother gogoing Gnar, maybe at the beginning, Gangplank played a little casually, and was knocked down by Gnar's gunpowder barrels several times.

But after Taobao Quan's gank.

PDD really saw a super terrifying top laner, and his use of Gangplank's skills was simply to an extreme.

The first time Gangplank's ultimate move, there was nothing to say, it was all about details.

The second time Gangplank's ultimate move, the bombing position completely blocked Gnar and Titan's retreat.

The third time Gangplank's ultimate move deliberately bombed a little bit of the red buff, triggering the hatred mechanism, which directly led to the last wild monster attacking Gnar, allowing Gangplank to get the head again.

Almost, every skill was used very well.

This is really terrible!

A top laner can do this. PDD really can't imagine what role this Gangplank will play in the team battle next. It always feels that it will be far more exaggerated than he imagined.

In the ranking rank, there are many videos of Gangplank. There are already many scenes of the explosion Aoe of three consecutive barrels and four consecutive barrels.

In this game, Cmy's captain had a huge advantage in terms of equipment and level, and then played a wave of captain group battles that shocked the world.

PDD was not surprised at all.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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