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Yiqiu was watching a few soldiers with low health who were not blown up by the explosive barrel.

He was in pain.

The key point was that the barrel was also killed by the big brother, which was equivalent to killing a small soldier. The captain who just came out in the current version is like this. A explosion is 10 yuan.

Later, it was changed to 5.

When Chen Yiqiu thought of this, his mentality exploded. This money was too much.

If the big brother gogoing was good at A, then wouldn’t he become a money-giving boy in this game, putting all kinds of barrels to give money to Gnar?

Suddenly, Chen Yiqiu was nervous.

Next time, he must not make the small mistake just now. He did n’t even check the CD of Q and directly put the barrel to give money. He must learn from the loss of blood once and must not make the same mistake a second time.

Chen Yiqiu went forward and killed three soldiers with low health by using the basic attack.

But when he went up, he was hit by the big brother Gnar twice.

It’s so uncomfortable!

If he hadn’t been attacked by the explosive barrel just now, he would not have been consumed like this.

If it is a melee battle, it should be very comfortable to play with Gangplank, but facing a long-handed single player like Gnar, Chen Yiqiu suddenly felt that he was indeed too inflated.

Relying on the explosive damage of Gangplank's skills and strong enough attributes, he thought he could get blood?

He didn't even look at his own level!

Thinking about these things now is useless, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Take a blood bottle.

At the moment, Captain Chen Yiqiu's blood has been consumed a little too much, and he can only take drugs to recover a little. In this case, the choice of starting equipment and rune talents.

There is an obvious difference between tank play and attack play.

His Captain only Q to Gnar once, but his brother's Gnar was crazy QAQA. Although the hero Gnar has been weakened a little, he is still very strong.

It still hurts when the three rings are hit.

At this time, Chen Yiqiu can only step back a little.

"I don't believe that you really have theshy body, big brother!"

After a while, in the first wave, big brother Gary took the lead to attack his own explosive barrel. No matter how Chen Yiqiu thought about it, he felt that big brother had some luck.

Chen Yiqiu was a little bit unconvinced.

Thinking carefully about his own games so far, is there anyone with better luck than himself?

As for the heroes he played in the summer season, he still didn't understand many operations, and he had to ask teammates for equipment. Chen Yiqiu himself didn't know how to win.

Gary didn't take Q and took away Swift's blue buff.

Ryze pressed randomly and refreshed the shield like crazy.

Yasuo's wind wall was counter-attacked, and his ultimate was not connected, but he ended up carrying and getting MVP in a daze.


Chen Yiqiu put down the barrel, and big brother forced him to move, resulting in the last hand speed competition.


The captain's explosive barrel was attacked again.

This wave of big brother won, and he made him earn ten more dollars again.

Chen Yiqiu was in a bad mood


"The two top laners are in a laning match, and the big brother doesn't seem to be at a disadvantage at all"

"He led in last-hitting and successfully played a very beautiful consumption. Now Qiu Shen's Captain's health is a bit unhealthy."

The director then put the camera on the bottom lane.

At this time, you can see that Chen Yiqiu's Captain was forced to retreat by the eldest brother's Gnar. As soon as he went forward, he would be madly attacked by Gnar's basic attack. Gnar had a great advantage in health.

In this game, the eldest brother gogoing's Gnar still brought Doran's Shield when he started, which was also because he was afraid of Chen Yiqiu's Captain at the beginning.

"The big brother's rush to grab bucket A was very successful."

"If the captain is allowed to explode and then use a passive attack, the damage will be exaggerated, and the captain should have the advantage."

"In this match, it seems that Qiu Shen didn't play much."

The commentator Miss said at this time.

Suddenly, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Mss is about to be slapped in the face. Have you ever heard of the Oscars of e-sports? Zhuge Liang of e-sports?"

"Hahahaha, there are still people who think Qiu Shen is not proficient in playing heroes"

"Sorry, Qiu Shen wants to slap Miss in the face"

"Mss said this, are you trying to make me laugh to death? Another commentator who will be slapped in the face by Qiu Shen"


Barrage area.

All of a sudden, netizens started to watch.

For such a long time, many commentators have seen Chen Yi Qiu's awkward operations, especially Wawa, Miller, Changmao, and even Guan Zeyuan has actually seen a lot.

They basically won't say anything about Qiu Shen's mysterious operations.

Because they have already been slapped in the face in the past.

Illusion, hallucination.

Chen Yi Qiu's operations cannot be easily understood with normal thinking, otherwise the commentator himself will be the one with a bad face in the end.

There is a consensus on this point.

Unfortunately, Miss is still too young.

"Let’s take a look first!"

"Qiu Shen, this player, actually sometimes plays very differently from other players, and he always makes some moves that you can't understand."

Guan Zeyuan is very sensible.

From his words, you can tell that he has suffered losses and been slapped in the face when he was a commentator before.

Off the court.

When many people watched this game, they were quite interested in Chen Yiqiu's Captain at the beginning, and they all wanted to know.

How will the Captain, who appeared on the LL stage for the first time after the rework, perform?

But now that the two sides have just started to line up, the Captain's performance seems a bit disappointing. When facing Gnar, he was chased and beaten.


On the field,

Chen Yiqiu was also in a very bad mood.

The soldiers began to push towards him.

If he entered the tower, it would be very disadvantageous for him to last hit. Although Chen Yiqiu had practiced the technique of last hitting, his last hit ability was definitely not as good as that of many professional players.

In this case, if he was allowed to last hit under the tower, he might suffer a big loss.

The captain was very dependent on development in the early stage. If he missed the knife in such a situation, it would have a great impact on Chen Yiqiu's captain's development in the future.

Put the barrel!


Although he was a little upset after being hit by the big brother A for two consecutive waves, this handsome captain had to keep the details.

This time, Chen Yiqiu still chose to put the explosive barrel behind him, and paid special attention to the CD of the Q skill, and he would never make the low-level mistake just now.

He even put the barrel a little further back.

If it doesn't work, even if he turns around and A the explosive barrel himself, it's better than being A.

Both top laners are now at level 3. For Gangplank, it will be much easier to survive with Orange.

The soldiers are coming.

Chen Yiqiu is not in a hurry. He is ready to Q the gunpowder barrel behind him and then release the barrel to make a double barrel explosion. This operation is very stable. There should be no problem, right?

Big brother gogoing Xiaona jumped up with the E skill, A the explosive barrel behind Chen Yiqiu, and turned around and hit Chen Yiqiu's Gangplank with a Q.


Chen Yiqiu is really torn!

Three times!

Three times!

At this moment, Chen Yiqiu is already extremely suspicious.

Big brother, you are not really theshy, right?

Before rebirth.

Chen Yiqiu was extremely impressed by a game in which IG played TP. At that time, theshy faced 369's signature long and directly beat 69 into autism.

TOP even gave 69 psychological counseling after the game.

After 369 got Gangplank, he almost didn't A a barrel when he was online with theshy. How could he not be autistic?

As we all know, the Captain's barrel can only be detonated when it is at one health bar, and 369 does this as well. However, theshy, with a lot of practice, can attack at two health bars. After calculating the flight time of the projectile, when theshy's general attack reaches the barrel, the barrel just drops to one health bar, which is why 369 is a little short every time!

Right now.

Although big brother gogoing should not be that strong, his three consecutive A barrels really made Chen Yiqiu extremely painful.

Is he going to be psychologically traumatized by AA like 39?


"I'm dying of laughter!"

"A has three buckets and costs thirty yuan for each bucket."

In OMG, Gogoing was in a better mood at this time. He didn't expect that the match with Chen Yiqiu would turn out like this.

In the early stage, he made a magical profit.

The director's camera was also given to the big brother's face at this time. Seeing that he played the game so easily and was still talking and laughing, many fans who supported OMG were relieved.

You have to know that in this game, facing the LGD team ranked first in the regular season, how much psychological pressure OMG, ranked eighth, has.

It is conceivable.

And these five people have not played together for a long time.

Unexpectedly, OMG still has the upper hand in the laning.

Top lane.

UZI's VN suppressed Imp and Hirano Aya's Minotaur. The mid laner Wushuang did not lag behind Wei Shen's Viktor, and the big brother Gogoing who switched to the bottom lane.

Now the blood volume is ahead of Chen Yiqiu's Captain, and the last hit is also ahead by three.


OMG is ahead of LGD. It is really not easy to do this._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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