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The summer season playoffs, as soon as the schedule was released, has already caused a lot of controversy.

In my impression.

Chen Yiqiu remembered that before rebirth, a team like LGD, which ranked first, basically could not play such a game. They were all teams waiting to play in the final stage.

The teams ranked lower need to play the bubble game first, then the promotion game, and then they may meet the first and second ranked teams like EDG or LGD in the end.

But in this world, the competition system has been significantly changed.

In a sense, this competition system is indeed quite unfair to the top-ranked teams, but since the official wants to do this.

The team can only obey.

As for the LGD team, it is not too worried, after all, it is going to play against the OMG team.

In fact.

At the end of the regular season, there was a huge contradiction within OMG, and the top single brother gogoing has not appeared again.

Frozen Sunset started.

ADC was placed on the top, UZI became the water dispenser manager, and Kuang Xiaobei started.

What's even more outrageous is that.

Uzi, who was in the ADC position in S4, now plays support for Kuang Xiaobei.

The conflict between Uzi and UZI seems to be irreconcilable.

This series of operations stunned countless netizens and hurt the hearts of many OMG fans. Now, whenever there is an OMG game, the barrage area is basically full of curses.

As for OMG, Chen Yiqiu was also a fan of this team before.

But that was the OMG in S3 and S4, not the current OMG team.

Before rebirth.

Chen Yiqiu started watching the game in S3. What impressed him most was not the Royal Club or WE, but the dark force OMG team. The

OMG team in S3 and S4 broke the dominance of several traditional strong teams, and the playing style and style of the game were also quite likable.

But now OMG is disintegrating.

Fate makes people play tricks.

Chen Yiqiu himself traveled back to this era and became the top laner of LGD, and will personally kill the OMG team next.

Of course.

OMG still has some fans who hold the last hope and look forward to OMG's rise in the playoffs.

Big brother gogoing, Da Lingyao, mid laner Wushuang, ADC Xiaogou, support Nuoxia or Umbrella King, unite in the playoffs and put aside the conflicts of the past.

Then, defeat the current No. 1 LGD team and perform the final black eight miracle.

Only in this way can OMG have a chance to enter this year's S5.

But... is it possible?

When he learned that he would face OMG in the first round of the playoffs, Chen Yiqiu even thought about it, even if he had no luck at all.

Can OMG beat the current LGD?

There should be no problem!

After all, LGD 4 vs 5.



But to be honest

, OMG is in a very bad situation right now. Chen Yiqiu can easily win a game like this if God takes care of him.

Chen Yiqiu firmly believes that

Grandpa will favor him.

Grandpa will bless him to help LGD advance.

Grandpa will give him a chance to win the summer championship this year.

Grandpa will never let him become a player who drags down the LGD team at this critical stage of LGD's impact on the global finals.


"Right, Grandpa?"

Chen Yiqiu couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Although he didn't get a response, Chen Yiqiu's heart was there.


"In the next few days, all kinds of live broadcasts will be temporarily suspended."

"Although our opponent in the first round is OMG, and it seems that this team has many problems now, it is not an opponent you can underestimate. The individual strength of this team is still very strong, especially UZI."

"Playing a BO5 match is no joke."

LGD team base.

In order to prepare for the next playoffs, Feng Ge has already issued an order and specifically reminded the players.

Cut off all live broadcasts.

Cut off all other activities.

Take the playoffs wholeheartedly and seriously. After all, this is related to the qualification for the next world championship, which is quite important.

The players themselves are also very clear about this.

At this critical moment, no one wants to fall behind at this time.

In fact, because of the runner-up in the spring season, LGD itself has a certain advantage. If LGD can reach the semi-finals in the summer season playoffs this year, even if it is eliminated in the semi-finals, as long as it can win the third and fourth place competition, it can also get the final qualification.

This is also a little advantage for the summer season regular season champion.

The club's order was issued, and immediately afterwards, LGD almost entered a closed state.

But now.

There are only two days left before the start of the playoffs. The entire playoffs, from August 11 to August 23, are very limited.

Of course.

As the first team in the regular season, LGD is not the first to play.

On August 1, the first two teams to play were the fifth and fourth teams, followed by the third and sixth teams, and so on. The match between GD and OMG was placed last.

After the top 8, they will take a day off, play the semi-finals on the 16th, and the third and fourth teams on the 17th.

And on the 18th, it will be the final of the summer season.

At this time, all the major teams are already working hard to prepare for the playoffs.

A very important point is that the playoffs of the summer season will use the latest version of the national server, and the new version of the captain can also be selected. All kinds of unknown factors are great challenges for many teams.

So now is a very critical preparation period.

If some teams can dig out some new tactical systems and playing styles of the new version during this time, they may be able to win by surprise and perform miracles.

This is all possible.

In the base.

Chen Yiqiu looked at the next game version very carefully.

He suddenly made some shocking discoveries.

All along, Chen Yiqiu thought that this playoff game version was just a new version of the captain, but After reading it and adding the information given by the coach and analyst, he found that he was wrong!

And, very wrong.

In addition to Gangplank,

Riven, the Exiled Blade, the top-lane hero who shined in S5, will also appear in front of everyone.

And what's more terrifying is that the reworked Sword Princess, the Fiona who came to the professional arena to stir up trouble after dancing the waltz, will also appear in the playoff version. There is no need to say how important the Sword Princess will play in the next S.

Riven is here!

Sword Princess is here!

These two girls holding swords are destined to make the Summoner's Rift tremble.

And this means that the era of the top-lane king in S5 has arrived!

The only thing missing now is Noxus, the hand of the elementary school student. This hero still needs to wait for a while, and it will be launched at the end of August.

But no matter what, Noxus will eventually be on the stage of S5.

It is precisely because of this that the huge changes to the top-lane heroes will have a very terrible impact on the next playoffs, and may even cause some top-lane players to fall from the top to being bullied.

After reading this, Chen Yiqiu finally realized why some people said this was the prelude to the S5 competition version.


"Riot had already given a hint, and the final defeat in S5 was really beyond help."

Thinking about it now, Chen Yi Qiu couldn't help but sigh.

In S5 before Rebirth, the collapse of the three LPL teams in the world game couldn't seem to be Riot's fault, as the game version at that time had already been updated to this extent.

The LPL teams themselves were just awake enough.


Chen Yi Qiu quickly thought of a very scary problem.

Riven, Fiora, Gangplank, Olaf, Crocodile... wouldn't that subvert all the top lane heroes I had played before?

Maokai, Titan, Centaur, Irelia, etc., these top lane heroes that wreaked havoc throughout the 2015 season, were almost devastated.

By the time the world championship comes, they may not be able to appear at all.

Riven's light speed QA. Gangplank's extremely fast four barrels, Crocodile's anger control, Fiora's five knives in one second and four breaks in one second.

Is this something a gold rookie like me can accomplish?

Chen Yi Qiu's scalp numbed when he thought of this.

If he had practiced specifically, he might... I know a little bit, but it is extremely difficult for a player like Chen Yiqiu to practice these in a short period of time.

After coming to the LGD team, it was not easy for me to get to where I am now, but now I have to face a greater challenge.

It's too hard!

Shaking his head.

Chen Yiqiu glanced at the calendar. Now there are about five days before his playoff game against OMG. He must take advantage of this time to practice these heroes well.

Maybe, in five days, I can practice Riven's light-speed QA

, and in five days, I can master all the awesome operations of the new version of Fiora.


Chen Yiqiu panicked!

No matter how optimistic he is, it won't work.


PS: Regarding the playoffs, the system is a little different from the current one. I made a few changes to help you better understand the rules of the playoffs. Don't mind.

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