Chapter 259 The World’s Origin Will

“Zhou Fan, I want to follow you to the next world.” The little girl ran to Zhou Fan’s side, looked up at him, and said softly.

“Why? Wouldn’t it be nice for you to stay in the sky?” Zhou Fan asked after hearing his words. He didn’t expect the original will of the world to follow him.

“It’s so boring to stay here.” The little girl said lightly.

“And Zhou Fan, you rescued Yun from the seal. You can be regarded as my savior. I am following you to the lower realm now to repay you.”

Zhou Fan thought for a moment and then agreed.

There is a world origin will with a divine breath to follow, which can greatly enhance his power-strength.

Moreover, this little girl is still the remnant soul of the ancient gods, and it will also help him to find the burial place of the ancient gods.

“Then you’re gone, what should I do with the operation of this world?” Zhou Fan asked, with a hint of worry on his face.

“It’s all right. After I was sealed before, the Death Soul Star is still running.” The little girl said softly.

“As long as it’s like this.” After that, the little girl shot a candy blue light on her hand.

In the mist, the blue light turned into another little girl.

It’s just that this little girl’s breath is very weak.

“This is a clone of my rhythm from the source. I can’t speak, and I have no intelligence. I only understand the laws of heaven and earth. The strength is also the realm of the red seat fairy. It is enough for her to manage the daily operation of this world. “The little girl pointed to her avatar and said.

“Okay. That’s it.” Zhou Fan smiled.

“You don’t have a name yet? Going to the Nether requires a name to make things easier. It’s not very convenient to keep calling you the origin of the world.” Zhou Fan continued.

“Then take one?” the little girl said.

“Well, let’s call it Xueer.” Zhou Fan said.

“Okay.” After that, Zhou Fan took Xueer back to the Biqing Sect.

Everyone saw that they brought him a little Loli, and there was no difference. No matter what the Immortal King does, they will not be surprised.

On the contrary, Ye Linger suspected Xueer’s identity. She is in the realm of the Red Dust Immortal, and her perception of many things is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Like Zhou Fan, she also felt a divine aura in Xue’er.

But after Zhou Fan told her frankly that Cher was the original will of the world, she didn’t ask any more questions. I went to the mine to practice alone.

On the other hand, Zhou Fan came to the Wushen group, and carefully taught them a wave of exercises and cultivation experience.

After a period of cultivating you, the Martial God gathered these three Jian people, and also half-stepped into the realm of the Red Dust Immortal.

Zhou Fan stood on the mountain and looked at the huge Biqingzong and smiled. Reminds me of the tutors and sisters of Biqing College. I don’t know what happened to them.

Now Zhou Fan has the ability to cross the stars. He intends to bring them all back.

Open the imprint of reincarnation, Zhou Fan dials the video call of Xiaoqun.

It didn’t take long.

Nangong Xin’er, Zhuan Xiaoguo, Dean Honglian, and several girls appeared in the video at the same time.

“Where are you now? I’ll pick you up.” Zhou Fan asked.

“Zhou Fan, I’m on Ares. It’s far away from you. I won’t go there yet. I’ll find you when I reach the realm of Immortal Emperor.” Nangong Xin’er said.

Zhou Fan saw from the video that there was a huge phoenix phantom floating behind Nangong Xiner. It must be that Nangong Xin’er has activated the full power of Xiao Fenghuang’s bloodline.

“Dean. How about you?” Zhou Fan continued to ask.

“I told you last time. I’m in Tianlongxing. It’s very close to you.” Dean Red Lotus said softly.

“I’m on Turing Star, Zhou Fan.” Zhuan Xiaoguo said.

“I’m on XX star.” All of a sudden, several women reported their planet.

Zhou Fan revised the laws of heaven and earth through the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules, and found out by viewing the star map. Except for Nangong Xiner, who was too far away. The other girls were not far from him.

With his cultivation base of the peak of the Immortal King, he crossed the starry sky. All of them will be brought back in two or three months.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fan is not dawdling. After explaining some things to Ye Linger.

Then he drove towards the depths of the starry sky alone.

Dragon Star

0…for flowers. …

Tianfeng Dojo.

At this time, a fierce battle is breaking out here.

The two sides of the battle were a beautiful and coquettish woman and a group of cultivators with strong cultivation and black robes.

They all exude the breath of the emperor.

The extreme emperor soldiers in the hands of both sides were also in the battle, and the supreme power of the emperor broke out.

The coquettish woman withdrew to the side of the dojo, wiped the blood on her mouth, and said to the crowd that he forced: “You guys are shameless, so many people bully the old lady.

“Aaah. Biqing Honglian. You don’t care how many we have. As long as we can kill you, that’s enough.” A powerful cultivator walked out of the crowd and said.

“Last time, you destroyed a giant palm of mine in the real world. I have always held a grudge in my heart. This time, you can just be obedient and capture it. I will kill your body and destroy your true spirit. Let you forever death.” The black-robed monk said.

Hearing his words, Dean Hong Lian shouted in surprise, and then she said coldly: “It turned out to be you. You are the powerhouse of the Pantheon who was going to kill Zhou Fan last time.”

“Hahaha. I didn’t expect it.” The black-robed monk laughed wildly.

“Fortunately, the two of us landed on a planet at the same time. I will have the opportunity to seek revenge on you.” The black-robed monk continued.

“Aah. Are you so confident that you can kill me? I am the number one empress in the world. You five great emperors are nothing more than chickens and dogs in front of me.” Headmaster Honglian said coldly.

“Ding Ding Ding, who said that I am the Great Emperor Xiao. Biqing Honglian, let me tell you, I have a secret method that can make me reach the cultivation level of Hongchen Immortal in a short time.” The black-robed monk said. A strange incantation came out of his mouth.

As he chanted the incantation, his eyes turned black, and countless black lines appeared on his body.

A vast and powerful magic energy began to surge around him. This powerful demonic energy roamed inside his body. Let his realm continue to break through, from the great emperor to the realm of the Red Eagle Immortal.

“Fellow Daoist, you can’t. You can’t destroy your foundation. This is a forbidden technique of magic. You forcibly improve your cultivation. You will be completely enchanted.” The emperor next to him reminded. little,

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