Chapter 247 Exile the Seven Kings, the Descendants of Sin and Blood

After the headmaster of Red Lotus swept over the Ming Luo-level powerhouses on the field, he smiled bitterly and sent a voice transmission to Zhou Fan: “Zhou Fan, this time the team that entered the last Holy Tower World. The number is very large. Reincarnation points ranking The top 300 teams are all in danger. And our human race is around 400. It will be very difficult to stand out this time.”

“I’m not worried about you, I’m just worried about the other powerhouses of the human race. I’m worried that they will hold you back.”

Zhou Fan nodded: “This time, it may have something to do with the last opening of the Holy Tower World. Countless powerhouses from the Chaos Heaven and hundreds of millions of creatures will descend on the last Holy Tower World to compete for tickets for the opening of the Holy Land.”

Red Lotus smiled bitterly: “I hope we don’t drag you back. At that time, you think we are Jurong. You don’t have to worry about us. You can fight for the origin of the world by yourself. You are the only hope of the human race. We hope that you can also achieve extremely high growth in this Santa world. It doesn’t matter what the rest of us humans say.”

Zhou Fan shook his head: “The dean is joking, our human race is originally one, one prosperous, and one loss all lose. How can I abandon the entire human race because of one person. Dean, rest assured, no matter what happens at that time. I will not abandon you.”

Hearing this, Honglian smiled, and Zhou Fan’s eyes were full of admiration and affirmation.

“If Zhou Fan has your words, I can rest assured.”

Zhou Fan looked at the countless Mingluo-level powerhouses on the field, and there was an unwillingness to admit defeat in his heart. He knew that after coming to the world of the Holy Tower this time, it would definitely be extremely dangerous, and the development of the world situation would also be incomparable. Incredibly difficult. But the more he did, the more he wanted to win. He also leads all races and becomes the first eternal powerhouse in the heavens and myriad worlds, allowing the race to truly surpass hundreds of millions of race creatures.


After the team in the tower is complete

The luxurious white jade gate of the source-level holy tower world slowly fell.

The top of the tower opened a colorful vortex, and an incomparably vast breath surged in the vortex.


Behind the vortex is a real world.

less than a few seconds

The vortex expands.

The terrifying suction is constantly increasing.

The true souls of all the powerhouses in the Holy Tower, as well as the higher soul consciousness, were attracted into the vortex.

“All gathered around Zhou Fan for a long time.”

“Zhou Fan depends on you.”

“It’s up to you whether the human race can get the tickets to enter the Holy Land this time.”

Headmaster Honglian’s spiritual sense urgently transmitted to others.

The Will Sweep of the Santa World is very scary

The police said that this was still the source-level reincarnation tower, the highest-level Santa Xiao.

Even the Ming Luo class, if the emblem is down, may be directly eliminated from the rhyme game in the early stage of the arrival, and lose the qualification to compete for the ticket of the Holy Land.


The soul level of the other powerhouses of the human race is very low. Under this huge suction, it is difficult for their bodies to approach Zhong Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan also understood this, he stretched out countless soul chains from his true soul and pulled all the other human race powerhouses.


A large number of teams entered the whirlpool at the same time.

A strong pressure came, making Zhou Fan’s true soul almost unable to sustain. The body and mind are about to collapse.

He hurriedly communicated the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules with a trace of clear consciousness.

The Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules was launched, blooming with endless rays of light.

Covering all the human race powerhouses.

The terrifying pressure on the strong human race disappeared in an instant.


As soon as Zhou Fan heard the voice, his true soul lost consciousness.

For the third time, he successfully descended to the world of Xiaoshengta.

After regaining consciousness, Zhou immediately checked his reincarnation mark.

【Name: Zhou Fan】

【Planet: Dead Soul Star】

【Identity: Descendants of Sin and Blood】

[Attribute: None]

【Boundary: None】

as last time,

In addition to the simple display of basic attributes, there are also two attributes that symbolize identity, one is geographic location, and the other is blood descendant.

But this time it shows hidden on the right side of the property bar.

He clicked to hide. The properties of the Real World Reincarnation Mark are displayed.

【Name: Zhou Fan】

[Realm; Supreme Ming Luo level (pure source shaping))

[Attributes: reincarnation, life, death, light, darkness, all things, destiny)

[Dao fruit: 3 pieces

[Dao: 1. Origin of reincarnation: 1 strand, 2.5 Origin: 1 strand, 3. Human origin: 1 strand, 4. Origin of life: 50 strands, 5. Origin of destruction: 50 strands, 6. Origin of light: 1 strand, 7. The origin of darkness: 1 strand, 8. The origin of destiny: 1 strand]]

(In kind: Rule Dao Seal Fragment, Supreme Rule Heavenly Book Fragment 72/100, Origin Special Treasure World Bead, Origin Special Treasure Kunlun Mirror, Origin Attack Magic Treasure Reincarnation Holy Sword, Origin Defense Magic Treasure Samsara Sacred Armor, A map of mountains and rivers of primary attack defense materials.”

[Top-grade talent exercises: True Spirit level 21)

[Cultivation Technique: Code of All Things, Soul Essence Technique][Reincarnation points: 2020 trillion 80.7 million][Evaluation: Saint-level legend, 4th-level source-level legend][Reward: 4026 times of arrival, 406 times of free admission tickets to the Santa Samsara]

see here,

His heart suddenly felt a little bit.

It seems that every Santa World is different.

This santa world is obviously more advanced than all the santa worlds in the past.

In the past, the Santa World only displayed the state or continent of Yunsheng.

And this time, it directly shows the planet where it was born.

There must be countless descendants who have descended on other planets or universes.

The last time he came to the world of the Holy Tower, he was only competing for the origin of the Sanyi Avenue within a planet.

And this time, I am afraid to escape from the planet. Going to a higher dimension will inevitably compete for the origin of the world.

This time, not only is the world level thief high, but the powerhouse that descends is also very terrifying.

Not only did the top 300 teams in the reincarnation points come down.

Even all the veteran Mingluo-level powerhouses of the seven supreme forces also descended.

*~ Zhou Fan, come to safety. ”

“Coming to safety.

“Zhou Fan, I’m not in danger (Zhao Wang Zhao encountered).” Nangong Xin’er and several daughters passed the reincarnation mark like Zhou Fan’s voice transmission.

Afterwards, the other strong human races also passed the reincarnation mark, ringing Zhou Fan to report peace.

Zhou Fan suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

With the divine light of reincarnation, as long as they arrive safely, they will be able to spend the first thirty years safely.

Concentrating his mind, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

As his eyes opened, the surrounding scenery was blurry.

Zhou Fan was startled and looked at his body.

His hands and feet were all pierced by huge chains, and the huge chains had countless mysterious talismans attached to them, and were tied to the four walls of a prison in the evening.

And his face was also engraved with a blood-red character: sin.

Zhou Fan was stunned.

Communicate with the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules, and quickly check the source of the imprint on your body.

“The mark of sin and blood, the mark of the descendants of the seven queens of sin and blood. With this seal, journalists will be slaves from generation to generation, and prisoners of death from generation to generation.”

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