Chapter 240 From now on, I will be God and end the world

Desolate planet.

Below the ruined hall.

The descendants of the seven supreme forces of the Ming Luo class and the Chaos Heaven forces.

All sleep here.

Even the incarnations of the will of the sky, such as the sky, the blue sky, and the dark sky, are also here.

They are waiting.

Waiting for the moment when the future Dao Emperor sets foot on this barren planet from the life planet.

in this way.

They can completely contaminate the cause and effect with this invincible Dao Emperor.

At that time.

When the other party killed three corpses and became enlightened in Sendai, it was inevitable that they would have to repay the cause and effect.

That’s their purpose.

Yet at this moment.

Including the moment when Cangtian, Qingtian and other peak will incarnations are all destroyed.

The descendants of Chaos Heaven said in surprise.

The Great Sage Daodi woke up from his deep sleep.


There was a voice in their minds.

“In the name of my pipa, “Seven-Five-Zero” will be changed to the Pipa Heavenly Dao from now on, and the rest of the Dao will be dissipated, only the Pipa Heavenly Dao will exist forever!”


The whole world is shaking in the depths of its origin.

Countless monks raised their heads in astonishment.

at this moment.

They sensed that the road they were walking was in front of Akatsuki.

There is only one way to the world.

That is the Pipa Heavenly Way.

Only by cultivating the way of killing the pipa, one can finally reach the pinnacle of the Taoist emperor. Although other ways still exist, they can become all trails, such as reincarnation, light, life and other avenues, which are all legends, swordsmanship, swordsmanship and so on. Such things have become chores in the rivers and lakes, and they can’t get on the hall of elegance.

in other words.

The origin of the world is coming.

Radical change.

A large number of Dao Emperor descendants in Chaos Heaven, as well as the Dao Emperor of the native creatures, couldn’t help but feel a trace of sadness in their hearts, which was a kind of sadness for the loss of the road they walked.

It was as if his life was passing by.

But no matter how sad they are, it is difficult to resist the general trend of the world.

Heavenly Space.

Zhou Fan couldn’t help laughing as he watched the world origin that gradually evolved into the Pipa Heavenly Dao.

Finally succeeded.

He did not expect the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules to be so powerful.

It is worthy of being the strongest unique item in the Santa Samsara.

Of course.

He can succeed. Although the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules has a great effect, the most important thing is that he has influenced the origin of the world through the Pipa Heavenly Dao, and his own strength and will is extremely tyrannical.

In the end, it was successful in one fell swoop. If it were replaced by other Tiangong wills, it would not be possible anyway.

At this time.

The effect of the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules is fading fast.

Immediately after.

He sensed that the restraint on him in the depths of the origin of the world had completely disappeared, and he could easily control the authority of the origin of the world without the use of the supreme rule book.

This is because the Pipa Heavenly Dao will that he represents has completely become the original will of the world, that is to say, he is Heaven!!

in such a case.

He can change the future situation at will.

Through countless spaces, his eyes fell on the child of the invincible Dao Emperor.

Zhou Fan cross-examined step by step.

stood beside the child.

The child lying in his mother’s arms seemed to see Zhou Fan, his eyes widened.

“Little guy, in the future you will become the true defender of the Pipa Heavenly Dao and maintain the Pipa Heavenly Dao for eternity!”

As soon as a word is spoken, the rules of heaven and earth are established.


Zhou Fan couldn’t help showing a happy expression on his face.

He looked at the property.

【Name: Zhou Fan】

[Realm: Origin Level

[Attribute: Pipa][Dao fruit: 5035 pieces)

[Avenue; Pipa Heavenly Road]

Daoguo condensation directly broke through the upper cover of Xiaoxiao, reaching as many as Wanwuyan.

To know.

1000 Dao Fruits can directly raise the true spirit to the peak!

It is not far from the eternal eternity.

And now.

He directly condensed five rough pieces.

Absolutely full!

“It’s time to leave!”

He murmured.

The origin of the world in this world was completely harvested by him alone.

There is no point in staying any longer.

What Zhou Fan has to do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible, so that in the Holy Land War, he can reach the last Holy Land and break through into eternity!

There is only eternity, around is the real detachment of the long river of late time, even if the heaven and the earth are destroyed, the time is rotten, and the eternal powerhouse will always exist.

such a level.

It is utter detachment, utter eternity!


He took another step across the rhyme.

Come to the late Tianqin Sect.

Nangong Xin’er, Han Yanran and the others were all excited, obviously they already knew that their husband had completely completed the harvest of the world.

“I never thought it would go so well!

Zhou Fan couldn’t help but sigh.

Originally, he thought that it would be very difficult to reduce the will of the rest of the Tiangong…

Who knows that the Heavenly Book of Supreme Rules can directly shorten this process to a moment of joy.

This is also why he chose the future of the world, otherwise the origin of the world would not be able to resist at all, and once the origin of the world resisted, even the supreme rule book would not be able to keep changing for such a long time.

“Husband has completely offended all the forces in Chaos Heaven this time!” Xi Xiaoguo said worriedly.

The forces of Chaos Heaven are superior to billions of worlds. For countless years, there has never been a creature from billions of worlds that can truly resist the forces of Chaos Heaven.

Moreover, the seven great powers of Chaos Heaven even completely divided the billions of worlds into various areas, like the human race world belongs to the Pantheon, and before Zhou Fan rose, it was completely ruled by the Pantheon.

The ten descendant organizations are the minions of the Pantheon. They want to rule the human race world, enslave the entire human race world, and make the human race world a place where people can be cultivated continuously for the Pantheon.

So even if Zhou Fan is all-powerful in the world of Samsara, he is far from being an opponent of the Chaos Heaven forces.

Except extraordinary achievement eternal.

Han Yanran, Yan Bingru and others also expressed concern.

This time, Zhou Fan completely swallowed the Dao of the Origin of the World, which is definitely annoyed by the supreme forces of Chaos Heaven. They are afraid that it is impossible for them to allow monsters like Zhou Fan to exist, especially now that the Holy Land is about to open!

Zhou Fan said with a smile, “It’s okay, this time I plundered the Dao of the World’s Origin and gathered a lot of Dao Fruits, which is enough to raise to the peak level of Ming Luo. Special items back to Santa, but they still can’t help us!”

Nangong Xin’er nodded, “Guo’er, Ma Ran, you don’t have to worry, husband, he has the heavenly book of supreme rules, in the real world, it is still infinitely powerful, other forces cannot break the world’s shackles, but in the world of Wheel Saint Pagoda , the other forces are not even the opponents of your husband!”

Zhou Fan waved his hand, “Okay, we should leave now!”


While speaking, he waved his hand and all the figures disappeared.

And the moment they disappeared.

Fairy Pipa raised her eyes and moved her lips slightly. She knew that Zhou Fan had left. Since then, she was no longer bound and became a defender of Pipa’s way of heaven.

But she was not at all happy.

On the contrary, it was extremely sad.

Because she knows.

It will be difficult to see Shang Xian in the future!

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