120: The two brothers and sisters achieved the first grade, and went to stop the overseas practitioners, the shocked old Li!

Looking up, Lin Tian saw a little girl who was holding a boy’s hand, and her eyes were shining brightly at the candied haws in front of her.

“Did you meet like this?”

Lin Tian said to himself, he did not specifically search for the location of the Lu Shu brothers and sisters, but directly entered this world, but did not expect to meet Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu.

This should be the beginning of the plot. The brothers and sisters came to see the temple fair, and then accidentally broke through the net of heaven and earth and were catching the awakened.

Looking at the brothers and sisters, Lin Tian smiled, and then directly opened the investment terminal.

“Choose the investment target, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu.

The words of these two people are the best choice in this world.

Lu Shu is the reincarnation of the God King, and it can be said that he is the most honorable existence in this world.

As for Lu Xiaoyu’s words, it was the reincarnation of the Lord of the Sword Lodge, the lover of the God King in the previous life. The words of the two were undoubtedly the people with the best identity and aptitude in this world.


After Lin Tian decided on the investment target, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu were shocked, and then in the crowd, the two of them saw Lin Tian standing in the distance.

At this time, Lin Tian was looking at them with a smile on his face, and for some reason, when the two brothers and sisters saw Lin Tian, ​​they couldn’t help but feel a kindness.

You must know that the first half of Lu Shu’s life was a hard life. After all, as orphans, it was a luxury to eat enough food.

It is because of this that Lu Shu actually has a lot of thoughts, and it is not easy to trust others.

But when he saw Lin Tian at this time, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of intimacy, which was incredible, even Lu Shu didn’t know why he was like this.

Lin Tian walked towards the two of them, then crouched down, looked at Lu Xiaoyu in front of him and said with a smile.

“Want to eat?”

Lin Tian pointed to the candied haws beside him and asked Lu Xiaoyu.

Lu Xiaoyu nodded strangely.

When Lin Tian waved his hand, a stack of soft sister coins appeared directly in his hand, which he threw directly to the small trader and said to him.

All “I want it.

This small trader was stunned, all his candied haws added up to only a few hundred yuan, but the money Lin Tian used was at least a thousand yuan!

He said happily at the moment.

“Ok ok!”

He hurriedly handed all the candied haws in his hand to Lu Shu, and then the small merchant took the money and left, for fear that Lin Tian would go back on his words.

In the quasi-sage realm, in such a middle-thousand-world world, he is completely like a creation god, and he can do it by directly modifying the laws, not to mention just conjuring up some modern money.

“It’s all yours.

“What else do you want to eat, I can buy it for you.”

Lin Tian said with a smile, and patted Lu Xiaoyu’s head, knowing that other than Lu Shu, no one could be so close to him.

977 But I don’t know why, but Lu Xiaoyu is very happy. Even when Lin Tian touched her head, she squinted her eyes comfortably, and then she grabbed two strings of candied haws with joy, one on the left and one on the right, so unhappy.

“Brother, who are you?”

Lin Tian was in his early twenties at this time, and he didn’t maintain the appearance of a high school student, so in the eyes of Lu Shu and the others, he could indeed be called a big brother.

Looking at Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu in front of him.

“I want to accept you as apprentices.”

Lin Tian said with a smile.Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu were taken aback for a moment, they didn’t know at this time that there was a supernatural existence in this world.

“Apprentice? But I still need to study, and Xiaoyu is too young to learn craftsmanship, right?”

Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, just waved his hand casually, and everything around him was immediately banned, and even the flames that were performed by someone in front of him, the flames stagnated in the air.

“This, this is?”

Both Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Shu were stunned.

Lin Tian waved his hand again and flew them out of the earth in an instant, and came to the cosmic starry sky, looking at the boundless cosmic starry sky, Lin Tian said to the two of them.

“What I want to teach you is this method, how about it? Want to learn?

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu were not idiots, they just looked at each other and made a choice instantly.

They knelt directly on their knees and kowtowed to Lin Tian respectfully.

“Disciple Lu Shu!”

“Disciple Lu Xiaoyu!”

“See Master!”

In this way, Lin Tian easily became the teacher of the brothers and sisters.

On the way home, these two children still did not recover. After all, the means that Lin Tian showed just now made them somewhat incomprehensible, and it was natural that they needed time to digest.

“Teacher, our house is in front.”

“But if this house is rented by us, I will definitely make money in the future to buy a house of our own.

Lu Shu said this, he actually doesn’t have any big dreams, he just wants to make money, and then give Xiaoyu a life of worry-free food and clothing.

It’s just that with the great changes in the world, he had no choice but to step into this chaotic world, and finally created his own legend.

In the final analysis, everything he did was just to seek peace.

After all, he was the king of gods in his previous life. In this life, he just wants to spend the rest of his life with Lu Xiaoyu, who was the founder of Jianlu in his previous life.

“Xiaoyu, Lu Shu, you are back, is the temple fair fun?”

Suddenly, an old woman walked out of the room slowly, and then asked Lu Shu and (cgfe) Lu Xiaoyu with a smile.

He glanced at Lin Tian without leaving a trace, it was just these small movements, in front of the quasi-sage, there was nothing to hide.

After a simple greeting, Lu Shu returned home with Tian.

And next door, the old woman came to an old man.

“It’s Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu’s master, but I didn’t feel any extraordinary aura from him.

Li Lao nodded, in fact, he didn’t even know it, so he didn’t take it to heart, just thought it was Lu Shu who had found some way to make money.

In Lu Shujia’s room, Lin Tian sat on the sofa, looked at the two people in front of him, and said with a smile.

“The world here has changed dramatically, and the spiritual energy has recovered. In the future, countless practitioners will sprout like bamboo shoots after a rain. This is a world of great competition.”

“If you want to protect yourself, your cultivation strength is very important.

Hearing Lin Tian’s words, Lu Shu’s expression became serious, he may not yearn for a great strength, but in the turbulent times, he wants to obtain the strength to protect Lu Xiaoyu.

Lin Tian pondered for a while, and finally decided to teach them martial arts.

Because for the rules of their world, teaching martial arts is the best choice, and for the many martial arts worlds under Lin Tian, ​​the most suitable one is the world in the snow.

At this time, the world in the snow has long been upgraded, and it is the world in the dignified thousand.

“My teacher will teach you the martial arts from the world in the snow.”

Majoring in “The inner strength is the true martial arts martial arts created by your brothers!”

“Because your brothers are the reincarnation of the Zhenwu Emperor of their world. After becoming an immortal powerhouse, he created this divine art.”

Lin Tian said so, Xu Fengnian was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu. After his world was under control, he naturally got the memory of his previous life, and then with the improvement of his cultivation, he created this real martial arts.

At least one can cultivate to the Golden Immortal Realm! This practice has already touched the threshold of the Great Thousand World. After all, as long as the Jinxian Realm powerhouse can be born, it can be upgraded to the Great Thousand World.

When Xu Fengnian created this practice, he consulted many people.

For example, Emperor Zhenwu in Journey to the West, Emperor Zhenwu in the world where the magic pot came into the world, etc., so his level exceeded the limit of the world he was in.

“It’s amazing, the legendary Emperor Zhenwu is actually my brother?”

Lu Shu said in shock that there are myths and legends in their world.

Almost the martial arts of the entire snow world were integrated into this True Martial Arts by Xu Fengnian. Not only internal skills, but also eighteen martial arts such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds. It can be said that this is a supreme collection.

After teaching them the True Martial God Art, Lin Tian directly opened the Chaos Orb of Chaos Treasure, and opened up a small space inside for the two of them to practice.

In the environment where the innate spiritual energy is all over, it is completely comparable to the initial flood period, and the cultivation aptitude of these two people is also very good, so it can be said that the cultivation base is constantly skyrocketing.

It is worth mentioning that the star maps of Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu have not been opened directly.

Because of the true martial arts, it is a practice that transcends this world. After all, it can be cultivated to the realm of Jinxian.

Therefore, the Gold Finger in Lu Shu’s original work, and the dark star map of Lu Xiaoyu, were all suppressed, and would be transformed into the background of the two of them.

The time of a night is fleeting, but the two people who practiced in the Chaos Pearl have passed for a while.

“Yes, it has reached the second-rank realm of this world, that is, the B-level ability user of the earth.”

Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, after all, you must know that the most powerful Tianluo on the earth is currently only a second-rank master at this time.

In just one night, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu directly became second-rank masters. Perhaps in a few days, when the Chaos Beads were opened, they could easily become first-rank masters.

If it is above the first rank, it is the realm of the gods. Among Lu Zhou, it can be called the realm of great masters. The powerhouses of this realm can live up to three thousand years, and they are the real people of immortality.

However, for Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu, who were taught by Lin Tian, ​​they could achieve this state in ten days and a half.

For Lin Tian at this time, it is really too easy to invest in a Zhongqian world, because he can easily cultivate his investment target and become the strongest in the world.

“Master, I’m so strong! I feel like I can break this day with one punch!”

Lu Xiaoyu said excitedly, after all, she is a second-rank master at this time, and on the current earth, she can be called a true supreme power.

And this is only one night’s practice, in a few days, the two of them will be able to become first-rank masters.

At that time, even the most powerful Nie Ting in the Tianluodi Net, the No. 1 expert in the East, will be weaker than them.

“It’s just an illusion, if you want to break the sky, you just need to become the realm of the gods.

Lin Tian tapped Lu Xiaoyu on the head and said with a smile.

Both brothers and sisters are students. Usually, Lu Shu sends Lu Xiaoyu to school, but now that he has a master, Lu Shu goes straight to the school, and then Lin Tian sends it off.

On the road, Lin Tian took Lu Xiaoyu’s hand and walked towards the school.

Who dares to imagine the heavens and the world? – Respecting the Holy Master, at this time, it is like a parent sending a child to school. This is simply unimaginable.

It never occurred to me that this young man, who was laughing and chatting with the big sisters who sent their children to study as a parent, would be a terrifying existence that could turn this universe into ashes at the click of a button.

In the next few days, Lin Tian stayed at Lu Shu’s house.

Because of Lin Tian’s existence, he naturally won’t treat his disciples badly, although he won’t give them money directly, after all, after Lu Shu has strength, he can easily change his life.

But Lin Tian still gave him the best food. The food he eats every day is all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, and the ingredients are the beasts of the modern universe.

The beasts of the modern universe are great supplements for practitioners. Lin Tian has even thought about it. After obtaining the beasts in the world, he will treat them as special breeding farms, specializing in the cultivation of beasts. food.

After all, even Daluo Golden Immortal, even the beasts above Daluo Golden Immortal, even if it is a saint-level powerhouse, can get a lot of benefits from eating it.

With the best exercises, the best cultivation environment, and the best resources, how could the strength of Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu not skyrocket?

On this day, Lu Shu took the lead in the promotion and became a Grade A superhuman, that is, a first-grade master.On the current earth, at least in the most powerful celestial net in the east, no one would be Lu Shu’s opponent.

After all, the most powerful Tianluodiwang, the first-year-old Nie Ting, was only a second-rank master at this time.

The current Lu Shu, Luo Chen Baili, has already cut his beard for the third day, and has become the first rank one master on earth!

Up to now, in fact, the plot of this world has almost changed.

After all, Lu Shu’s Gold Finger was lost by himself.

His Gold Finger is the star map of his previous god king. Now, because he has practiced Xu Fengnian’s True Martial Arts, it has directly become a nutrient. It is used to improve Lu Shu’s cultivation strength. Naturally, there will be no more pitiful Gold. Finger.

The same is true for Lu Xiaoyu, so the plot is actually beyond recognition from here, which is why, the strength is also strong, the easier it is to change the plot.

In fact, there are not many world controllers in the universe, and the few are high-level world controllers.

Ninety-nine percent of the world masters are only the masters of the small thousand worlds, and there are only a very few masters of the middle thousand worlds. As for the masters of the large thousand worlds, there are not many in the entire earth human race, and Lin Tian is one of them. One, so it is highly regarded.

However, no one knew that he mastered the holy world, and there were still several! In the case of the Great Thousand World, there were now several.

The lotus lantern, the devil boy came into the world, etc., all of them are in the world!

“Lu Shu, I have given you a mission for the teacher today.

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Lu Shu was stunned, and then stood respectfully in front of Lin Tian.

“The border ruins are about to open, and now the practitioners and extraordinary people from overseas countries are attacking the border, intending to take a share of the ruins.”

“The task given to you by the teacher is to go to the frontier and use your own strength to stop the practitioners in the world.

“The so-called front China, monks are forbidden!”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Lu Shu was stunned, and then said with some worry.

Teacher: “Am I really strong enough at this time?”

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

“You are the first 1st rank master on the earth. As long as you exert the power of the true martial arts, you will be invincible in the world.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Lu Shu nodded seriously, and after saying goodbye to Lin Tian, ​​he flew directly with his sword and headed towards the border.

And when Lu Shu flew away, he didn’t hide his whereabouts, so Elder Li next door was directly shocked.

“how is this possible!”

Standing at the door, he stared blankly at Lu Shu, who turned into a sword light and flew away, unable to believe it.

You must know that he has watched these two children grow up! They are definitely ordinary people. Even if the spiritual energy is revived and the awakened people are starting to appear, it is impossible to fly with the sword directly, right?

On Lu Shu’s body, Old Li felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

“Your Excellency, who are you?”

Old Li looked at Lin Tian hesitantly, he was not an idiot, he immediately understood that Lu Shu’s strength was definitely related to Lin Tian.

“Hey, Grandpa Li, I was a second-rank cultivation base before, and I didn’t see your strength.”

“Now that you have advanced to the first rank, I found out that you actually have the strength of the second rank. It seems that your identity is not simple! You have been hiding it from us.

Lu Xiaoyu looked at Mr. Li in surprise and said.

Old Li was startled, and then his face changed greatly.

“One, one product!”

They who have been developing the ruins for a long time naturally know a lot of secrets. The practitioners they call A-level on Earth are actually first-rank in Lu Zhou!

And Lu Lao and others like B-level ability users are called second-rank in Lu Zhou!

Lu Xiaoyu is actually a first-rank practitioner! How is this possible, she is just a girl! A child!

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