110: Shen Gongbao oppresses all beings in the Three Realms, raising his eyebrows! The way of heaven is actually a junior!

“How could it be? The best innate spiritual treasure!”

Sanqing was shocked, because they saw that Nezha and the magic weapons in the sect were all top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

You must know that even in Sanqing, there is only one top-grade congenital spiritual treasure, but Nezha and Jiubing actually have so many.


With a loud bang, Sanqing directly took out Pangu Bo and Taiji Map, and collided with the attack of Nezha and the others.

Just as soon as they came into contact, they instantly looked ugly.

Because they thought that Nezha and the words in the sect had just entered the realm of the Golden Immortal Daluo and were far inferior to themselves and others.

As a result, after the fight, they discovered that this was not the case at all. The fighting strength of Nezha and the sect was not weaker than any one in the Three Clears.

As for the outcome, it depends on the battle of life and death and the performance of both sides.

But how terrifying this is! You must know that since ancient times, Sanqing has been the Golden Immortal of Great Luo.

It can be said that in this world, the oldest Daluo Jinxian strong, only a few people can become Daluo Jinxian before them.

For example, Hongjun is one of them.

But at this time, the strength of Nezha and the sect is not weaker than them, how can people dare to believe this?

“Is that the strength? Hahaha!”

Nezha laughed, but he was suffocated. He cultivated in Lin Tian’s dojo. Apart from fighting each other, how could they have so many opponents.


I saw that Nezha actually used the Huntian Ling to attack the Jade Emperor and the Second Saint of the West.


The three exclaimed, obviously they did not expect that Nezha, who was fighting against Sanqing, would actually spread the war on them.

“Shuzi is courting death!”

The three of them were furious. Originally, in front of all beings in the Three Realms, it was difficult for them to take action together, but since Nezha was courting his own death at this time, they could not help them.

In this way, all sentient beings in the Three Realms saw a very shocking scene.

Nezha and Yang Zhan, two young men.

Directly fight against the Jade Emperor of Heaven, the Second Sage of the West, and the Three Purities of Taoism and other six supreme powers at the same time!

You must know that these are the six supreme powers! Usually, the battle between them is rarely seen once in thousands of years, or it is impossible to fight at all.

But today, unexpectedly six people shot at the same time, and they were still dealing with two children who were less than three years old.

“Boom boom boom!”

The terrifying explosion kept blasting in the air, and it was no exaggeration to break the sky, because countless chaotic qi began to be broken into the three worlds by the cracks in the world they shattered.

This is the battle of the strongest, and the most shocking thing is that Nezha and the sect are actually fighting one against three!

“Damn, who are the masters of these two people? The magical powers they use will definitely not come from Hunyuanzhu.”

Yuanshi Tianzun’s face was ugly, mainly because he felt ashamed.

Because he is Yuanshi Tianzun! One of the most powerful people in this world, at this time, he was forced to such an extent by two juniors, and he couldn’t even be besieged by others.

A few people who were really angry, directly took out their strongest magic weapon and magical power. It seems that if there is no winner or loser today, everyone is not allowed to give up.

Seeing the aftermath of the battle, 977 was about to sweep the entire Three Realms, and a terrifying aura suddenly fell from the void.

“This is?”

Countless people were shocked, because under this breath, the battle between the two sides stopped at the same time.

“This breath is what the ancestor said about Hongjun Daozu, right?”

Nezha and Jiubing glanced at each other, both of them were a little awe-inspiring. Although they were invincible in the same realm, they were still far from the holy powerhouse.

Sure enough, from the void, an old man slowly fell.

His body exudes an icy aura, which is the solemnity of the Heavenly Dao, and this old man is Heavenly Dao Hongjun.

“See Daozu!”

Sanqing and other top-level powerhouses who came to the world with the magic seal, all hurriedly bowed and saluted.

But Nezha and the inside of the sect did not buy it at all. In their opinion, although this Daoist Hongjun was powerful, he was not as good as the Patriarch, so why did they worship him?

Daozu Hongjun nodded, and then looked at Nezha and Jailing, his eyes flashed, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Immediately, the indifferent voice sounded and spread throughout the Three Realms.

“Destroy the Three Realms, causing sentient beings to fall into crisis, and their sins cannot be redeemed.”

“Punish the two of you, and think about it when you enter the Zixiao Palace.”

After speaking, Hongjun actually shot directly, trying to capture Nezha and the sect, no one can see it now, Hongjun is obviously also watching the secret behind the two.”Old man! You are shameless!

Nezha was furious, but he used the formation to protect Chentangguan and the East China Sea. It can be said that all beings are completely fine, and the cracks in the world caused by the battle can be easily repaired by Da Luo Jinxian’s methods.

This old guy is clearly looking for a reason to arrest them.

Take it to Zixiao Palace, the ghost knows whether it is tortured or not, just to obtain the secret behind them.

Hongjun is a good-natured existence and is extremely indifferent, so how could he care about Nezha’s scolding?

Direct shot to capture the two with supreme supernatural power.

But at this moment, a voice sounded.

“I see who dares to move my disciple?”

Listening to this figure, many people watching the battlefield made a sound of doubt.

“Hey, that voice is so familiar!”

“It seems to be the voice of Brother Shen Gongbao!”

Although Shen Gongbao is not likable in explaining teaching, but in the Three Realms, his popularity is actually good.

Otherwise, during the Conferred God period, why could he keep inviting all kinds of great supernatural powers to join the battle?

Therefore, when his voice sounded, many people recognized him.


And at this moment, a terrifying giant palm collided directly with Daoist Hongjun’s Hand of Heavenly Dao, and for a while there was no difference.

Then, in the midst of the explosion, a figure slowly walked out of the crack in the space.

When he saw that figure, the entire Three Realms fell silent.

“Shen Gongbao! It’s really Shen Gongbao!”

“My God! Isn’t he in the realm of Jinxian? How can he force the attack of Daozu?

“It’s impossible! It’s absolutely impossible!”

The one who responded the most was the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, who had been unhappy with Shen Gongbao.

There are several reasons. First of all, Shen Gongbao is a demon and plays with cgfe. They don’t like it.

Secondly, the humble Shen Gongbao actually has a cultivation level that is not weaker than them. Like their twelve golden immortals, they have become the existence of the golden immortal realm. This seems to make them feel insulted, and they don’t like Shen Gongbao even more.

Under this kind of mentality, they saw that Shen Gongbao could actually force the attack of Daozu, how could their mentality not explode?

The extreme jealousy and disbelief made the faces of these twelve golden immortals distorted.

“Rebel! It’s actually you!”

Yuanshi Tianzun was furious.

But at this moment, Shen Gongbao just looked at it with one look, and the terrifying coercion directly caused Yuanshi Tianzun to fly upside down and fall on the cloud.

They are both Golden Immortals of Great Luo, but Shen Gongbao’s cultivation has reached the limit and can be called a half-step quasi-sage.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun is really nothing in front of Shen Gongbao.

“My good master, I didn’t expect it? I, who was once looked down upon by you, now have the strength to make you look up.

Shen Gongbao said softly, before he obtained this powerful strength, all he wanted was to prove himself, let Yuanshi Tianzun admire him, and dare not make a small country.

But after gaining the strength to crush Yuanshi Tianzun, he found that he was bearish.

Because the existence that he once looked up to has now become a weak person in his eyes, this feeling is special.

Yuanshi Tianzun’s expression rose, but he couldn’t believe it more.

Tian Dao Hongjun looked at Shen Gongbao, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“Half-step quasi-sage? You can actually take that step right away?”

Tiandao Hongjun had to be surprised, because he had to know that in this world, he chose to fit in with the Tao when he was a golden immortal, and only then did he achieve the quasi-saint realm.

After all, the birth of the devil boy is one of the worlds of the prehistoric series, and the whole is far weaker than the real prehistoric world.

There are many prehistoric worlds, and there are general prehistoric worlds, such as the Six Saints of Heaven and the Way.

There are also weak and prehistoric worlds, such as Journey to the West, Baolian Lantern, Devil Boy, etc. There are even magic mobile phones, which are even weaker. After all, the gods inside can be hit by a car!

And the powerful prehistoric series world, there are high-end prehistoric, myth prehistoric and so on.

Listening to Daozu Hongjun’s words, the faces of the top powerhouses such as Sanqing changed dramatically, which proved that Shen Gongbao was already an existence that surpassed them.

Shen Gongbao looked at Hongjun and smiled slightly.

“If it was a second before, I might not be as good as you, but now…

In an instant, Shen Gongbao’s breath changed instantly!


“Quite holy!”

In an instant, Shen Gongbao actually became a quasi-sage, and Lin Tian in the dojo saw this scene and also showed a smile.

First of all, he opened many small kitchens for Shen Gongbao, took him to the world of Journey to the West, and used the authority of heaven to evolve his bloodline many times.

If it was just an ordinary leopard demon bloodline before, it can be called a super beast bloodline now.

So the strength progress is extremely terrifying, after all Lin Tian can open too much.

For example, taking it directly to a world, letting the power of heaven add to it, and feeling the feeling of becoming the way of heaven, can’t his comprehension take off directly?

So for Lin Tian, ​​it is not difficult to cultivate a strong person.

A look made Yuanshi Tianzun fly upside down, which could be regarded as unlocking the shackles in Shen Gongbao’s heart, so he directly entered the quasi-saint realm when he was open-minded.

Although it is not as good as Hongjun, who has been a quasi-sage for many years, but with the various magic weapons and magical powers given by Lin Tian, ​​he can be completely invincible.

“Boom boom boom!

Shen Gongbao’s mood was agitated, and he could no longer control his emotions at this time. He released his quasi-sacred breath to the fullest, coercing the entire Three Realms, and all beings bowed their heads on the ground.


“Today, I apply for Gongbao to become a quasi-sage, and I want to be the real superpower in the world!”

“Wait, just pretend to be an ant!”

Shen Gongbao looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, looked at the Yuanshi Tianzun, and said disdainfully.

He finally raised his eyebrows, and he made all those who looked down on him now look up at him and tremble because of his great strength.

Hong Jun frowned, he did not expect that there are still people in the world who can become quasi-sages.

But the more so, the more he dared to be interested in Shen Gongbao’s secret.

After all, Shen Gongbao himself became a quasi-sage, and his two disciples became Da Luo Jinxian. His secret was definitely not simple.

It seems “that’s the only way to go.”

“You are the cause and effect of the chaotic world, the unexpected people who destroyed the general trend of heaven, and now you can only ask heaven to come and kill you.”

Hongjun said so, although he can’t drive Tiandao, but he can use his identity as the spokesperson of Tiandao to motivate Tiandao’s decision-making.

Shen Gongbao and the others are indeed changing the general trend of conferred gods, so it is not difficult to let Tiandao take action.


At this moment, Hong Jun’s eyes that were still full of emotion disappeared, replaced by a pair of extremely indifferent pupils.

The breath of the whole body erupted again, and in the blink of an eye, it surpassed the quasi-saint level, and entered a level unknown to this world.

“Heaven, the breath of heaven!

“Daozu invited Tiandao, even if Shen Gongbao has a cultivation base that is not weaker than Daozu, should he bow his head at this time?”

“That’s the way of heaven after all! It’s a pity that Shen Gongbao, who has become the strongest in the world, has to bow his head under the power of the way of heaven.

Many people sighed and said that Hongjun, who fits the Tao, is indeed invincible, because he represents the Tao of Heaven.

Of course, when Hongjun is completely merged with the Dao of Heaven, it will not be so scary. At that time, Hongjun will not have his own will and act according to the rules of the Dao of Heaven. Naturally, he will not worry about being angered by Hongjun.

“Is this the power of a saint in the mouth of the master?”

Shen Gongbao felt the breath released by Tiandao at this time, and was extremely amazed.

“Master, is this too powerful?”

“It seems that you can only use that trick. If you use that trick, in a short period of time, you will not be weaker than this idiot!”

Nezha and Ao Bing said so.

Shen Gongbao nodded and said in a deep voice.

“Go and protect Chen Tangguan and Donghai, and let your teacher try it out today. With the body of a living being, the feat of attacking the Tao of Heaven!”

Shen Gongbao’s eyes were full of excitement, and all beings in the three realms were stunned when they saw him face the way of heaven without awe.

That’s the way of heaven! Just with the help of the breath that Hongjun’s body erupted at this time, he could make Da Luo Jinxian all kneel on the ground and dare not move.

But Shen Gongbao was actually full of excitement at this time, not knowing what fear was.

Come on “! Taste the strongest supernatural power taught by the master!”

Shen Gongbao put his hands together!


That’s right, what Shen Gongbao wants to use is his transformation into freedom, the supernatural power created by Lin Tian at a great price, and the cultivation base strength that can improve a realm without limit.

Although the time is short, it can turn the tide of the battle.

His own disciples, Lin Tian, ​​have all taught them, after all, how can they not learn such a rogue supernatural power?

At critical moments, it can play a role in winning.

After all, all of them were quasi-sages one second, and all became saints the next second! Then the enemy must feel very sour, right?

However, just when Shen Gongbao was about to perform his transformation, he was stopped by a voice.

“You guy, if you really smashed this Heavenly Dao, or crippled it, wouldn’t you be making trouble for your teacher?”Lin Tian’s reprimand sounded, not only Shen Gongbao heard it, but all sentient beings in the Three Realms also heard it.

“This, this is?”

All beings in the Three Realms were horrified. What did they hear? Master Shen Gongbao?

But isn’t Shen Gongbao’s master Yuanshi Tianzun? Could it be that Shen Gongbao’s strength against the sky was taught by someone?


Slowly, I saw a figure slowly walk out from the void.

Wherever he passed, the golden lotus condensed by the power of heaven actually lifted it up automatically, surrounded by laws, and I was like the incarnation of heaven.

But it does not have the majesty and coldness of Heaven, but a noble and unparalleled nobility.

“Disciple Shen Gongbao!

“Disciple Sun Nezha!”

“Disciple Sun Ao!

“See the Master, see the Patriarch!”

Shen Gongbao, Nezha, and the clergymen directly knelt down on one knee and bowed in salute.

Lin Tian nodded, and then looked at Tiandao Hongjun. If he didn’t come out again, Shen Gongbao directly started his transformation to freedom, and raised it to the realm of a saint, which could properly shatter this heavenly way.

This is obviously not possible, after all, this is the world that I want to control! I really let Shen Gongbao smash the way of heaven. After controlling this world, how much time will it take to restore the way of heaven!

Therefore, Lin Tian had no choice but to appear in person to stop Shen Gongbao.

Looking at Tiandao who appeared with the help of Hongjun in front of him, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

“Good boy, stop.

Lin Tian himself is the master of dozens of worlds. In his eyes, the way of heaven is naturally like an ignorant child.


A force of Heavenly Dao came out of Hongjun’s body, actually condensed into a childlike appearance, bowed to Lin Tian vividly, and then slowly dissipated in the heaven and earth, returned to the Heavenly Dao space, and continued his duties.

Being sluggish, all beings in the Three Realms are sluggish.

They thought about countless possibilities, but they never thought that Lin Tian just said a word and let Tiandao dissipate by himself.

And what did they see just now? Tiandao actually turned into a child and saluted Lin Tian, ​​just like the younger generation salutes the elders.

This is the most astounding, that is the way of heaven! The supreme way of heaven, the way of heaven that controls all living beings.

What kind of task is Lin Tian, ​​who can make Tiandao treat each other as a junior?

The horrified eyes were also awakened by Hong Jun. He was the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao and clearly felt the changes in the Heavenly Dao.

In the face of Lin Tian, ​​Tiandao has only infinite respect and kindness!

After all, Lin Tian has multiple worlds, and he is equivalent to the way of heaven itself.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to the investor Lin Tian, ​​the current investment world magic boy came into the world, and successfully obtained the S-level investment evaluation!

[S-level perfect investment evaluation reward; control the world of the magic pot, and at the same time open the second investment world of the mythical prehistoric series!]

In my mind, the voice of the investment terminal also sounded.

Lin Tian immediately showed a smile, this world is very smooth, mainly because he is now stronger and can be simpler and more direct when investing.

After completing this world, it is one step closer to the world of Mythic Prehistoric Investment.

I just don’t know, how many investment worlds of the prehistoric series have to be completed before the mythical prehistoric investment world can be opened.

However, this world is not bad, and it is also a big world. If it works well, it can keep upgrading and become a holy world just around the corner.

After all, in a perfectly controlled world, locks can be removed and constant upgrades can be made.

In the modern universe, in the palace in the starry sky, Lin Tian’s figure appeared.

After taking control of the demon boy into the world, everything became simple.

As the world controller, he can easily change everything, arrange everything properly, and Lin Tian left that world.

Now Nezha and the others have also entered the chat group. They are in the chat group at this time.

Even if the strength is strong, they still have to abide by the respect for the teacher.

“The world of the new Prehistoric series can be put aside.”

Let’s open up the “Great Thousand Worlds that have been opened after controlling the perfect universe world.”

Lin Tian said to himself, after controlling the perfect universe world, the perfect universe world that finally merged with the world view of Shenxu was judged to be a holy world.

Therefore, Lin Tian obtained a large thousand-level world extraction. At this time, Lin Tian was a little curious and did not know what kind of world he would extract.

Start “Use the Great Thousand Worlds to Draw Chances!”

Lin Tian ordered directly at the investment terminal.

In a short time, the world extraction was over, but after seeing the introduction of this new investment world, Lin Tian was stunned.

He didn’t expect it to be this world, which was a bit surprising.

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