107: Shen Gongbao achieves Taiyi Jinxian, accepts apprentice Nezha, accepts apprentice to save! (Please complete the order, seek more!)

“Predecessor, senior, I’m just a mere monster, are you really willing to accept me as a disciple?”

“Also, I already have a master, that is Yuanshi Tianzun.

Shen Gongbao said so, the reason why he can become the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun is because of the reason of conferring gods, other than that, he Shen Gongbao has no place worthy of Yuanshi Tianzun’s disciples.

“Yuanshi Tianzun? If I want to accept you as a disciple, I don’t need to care about Yuanshi Tianzun’s thoughts.”

Lin Tian said this, he is a quasi-sacred realm at this time, and the strongest person in this world should be Daoist Na Hongjun, because this person’s words are the master of Sanqing.

However, this world is only a large world, and the ceiling combat power is the Great Luo Jinxian. If there is such an existence as Hongjun, it is at most a quasi-sacred realm.

Therefore, with Lin Tian’s cultivation strength at this time, he is invincible in this world.

Therefore, with such arrogance, Lin Tian dared to directly say that he really did not take Yuanshi Tianzun in his eyes.

Shen Gongbao took a deep breath and knelt on the ground without hesitation.

“Disciple Shen Gongbao, see Master!

Shen Gongbao had no reason to hesitate, because he would always be a marginal figure when it comes to explaining teachings, and even if he thought he had worked hard, and if he was strong in cultivation, he was still above the twelve golden immortals of many teachings.

For example, the real Taiyi is a little worse than Shen Gongbao.

But even so, good things such as magic weapons, Yuanshi Tianzun has always only given them to Taiyi real people, never thought about Shen Gongbao, everything is because Shen Gongbao was born in a demon clan, Yuanshi Tianzun most values ​​heels, Shen Gongbao’s He was scornful of his origins.

In this case, he did not hesitate to switch to Lin Tian’s sect today, and this one is far more powerful than Yuanshi Tianzun, comparable to the existence of Taoist ancestors!

Lin Tian showed a smile, and then helped Shen Gongbao up. He is no longer what he used to be.

With the cultivation of a quasi-sage, Lin Tian has the confidence to teach his disciples no matter what world he is in.

“Nine Seven Seven” is because even if it is a powerful saint-level world, the investment target that he has chosen is weak and weak. In this case, Lin Tian’s quasi-sage cultivation base is completely sufficient to teach his disciples.

Looking at Shen Gongbao in front of him, Lin Tian thought for a while, then waved his hand directly, and several magic weapons appeared in his hand.

This is “the best innate spiritual treasure, the Jiutian Primordial Whip!”

“Its power is extremely terrifying, I will give it to you today, and if you can refine it, it will greatly enhance your combat power.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, and then looking at the top-quality Innate Spirit Treasure of Mianzhi, Shen Gongbao was immediately stunned.

The world level is different, the level of these magic weapons is also different.

This world’s Pangu Fan Taiji Diagram, etc., are the best innate spiritual treasures, far from the innate treasures in the orthodox prehistoric times.

That is to say, the magic weapon that Lin Tian bestowed on Shen Gongbao at this time was directly the top sequence in this world, and only the existence of Sanqing was qualified to possess the supreme magic weapon.

“Master, Master!

Disciple, “What virtue and ability, how can I get such a treasure bestowed by the master?”

Shen Gongbao was about to cry, God knows what days he was teaching, and the only magic weapon in his hand, the Lei Gongbian, was found by himself when he traveled in the prehistoric world.

Yuanshi Tianzun just took his income to explain the teachings, and left the basic cultivation method casually, and he ignored him.

He thought that as long as he worked hard, he could gain the respect of Yuanshi Tianzun, but he thought too much.

Even if he has achieved a realm that is no weaker than the Twelve Golden Immortals, he is still not favored by Yuanshi Tianzun, and he would rather give a fat man Taiyi real person than himself. How can Shen Gongbao accept it?

And now, the master whom I have worshipped, actually gave me the best innate spiritual treasure. How can I ask such a master, where can I find it?

“Okay, as a disciple of this seat, if others have it, you should have it too.

“It’s just that your cultivation base is too weak. In the realm of Jinxian, the innate spiritual treasure is your limit.”

One day, “If you can become a saint, this seat will bestow upon you a true innate treasure.”Lin Tian said so, as the controller of Journey to the West, as long as he is willing, he can use the way of heaven to create the innate treasure at any time.

Just because of the power of the world, the amount that can be created varies, but in the current world of Journey to the West, it is constantly advancing, and it is not difficult to create some innate treasures.

Later, Lin Tian also taught Shen Gongbao’s cultivation method. He cultivated immortality. Lin Tian simply did not teach the cultivation method based on the body as a seed.

In the end, Lin Tian taught Shen Gongbao’s 9-Rank Heavenly Immortal Art! This is the True Inheritance of Xuanmen, Interpretation and Interception, and other disciples, all practiced this technique.

A very small number of people with special feet, such as Yu Ding Zhenren and Yang Jian, etc., practice the Jiuzhuan Yuan Gong.

The great-grade Heavenly Immortal Art that Sun Monkey cultivated in the original book is actually a incomplete version prepared by Buddhism. The original Nine-Rank Heavenly Immortal Art is an authentic profound art that can be directly cultivated all the way to Daluo Jinxian.

It was originally passed down when Daozu Hongjun preached, but it came from Daozu, so it can be seen that this practice is powerful.

As for the realm above Daluo Jinxian, it is not a matter of cultivation method.

It is like using the body as the seed, and the highest is to cultivate to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and if it goes further, it is purely based on the perception of the Tao and the law.

Shen Gongbao was very excited, because the cultivation method he obtained could only reach the Golden Immortal realm at the highest.

In addition to teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals, the cultivation methods above are not available to ordinary people.

After all, the Yuanshi Tianzun, who came into the world with the magic chapter, is only in the realm of Daluo Jinxian himself.


I saw Lin Tian waved his hand directly, and then blocked the surrounding space.

“I have set up a simple time formation for the teacher, and I will preach for you for some time in it, so that you can successfully transfer to the Nine-Rank Heavenly Immortal Art.”

“How much you can comprehend from it depends on your own understanding.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Shen Gongbao nodded quickly.

Then Lin Tian started preaching for Shen Gongbao in this formation, the outside world is only a few days, but the time formation has passed for several years.

This simple time formation method, Lin Tian can still know, as long as he reaches the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, his understanding of the way of time and space will increase sharply, so it is not surprising to do this method.


After the sermon was over, a powerful aura erupted from Shen Gongbao’s body.

“Golden Immortal Taiyi!

Shen Gongbao’s expression was pleasantly surprised. He actually became a Taiyi Jinxian. To know this kind of realm, in the entire sect, there are only three people at present!

That’s Yun Zhongzi, Antarctica Xianweng, and the vice sect leader Burning Lantern!

But you know, these identities are not simple!

Yun Zhongzi and Antarctic Immortal Weng followed Yuanshi Tianzun before the establishment of Chanjiao, and if the deputy leader lights a lamp, they are the same generation of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Guang Chengzi, the leader of the Twelve Golden Immortals, is currently only in the Golden Immortal realm, and he is still a long way from the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

“Yes, it seems that you have learned a lot from your teacher’s sermons. If you give you some time, it is probably not difficult to become a Golden Immortal.”

“However, cultivation requires a combination of work and rest, and the teacher will assign you a task, and I hope you can complete it.

Lin Tian said so.

Shen Gongbao hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Many thanks, “Master’s great kindness and virtue, whether it is on the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​​​fire, the disciples are willing to die for the master.”

Listening to Shen Gongbao’s words, Lin Tian smiled slightly and continued talking.

“The magic pill has been reincarnated as the third son of Li Jing, the chief soldier of Chentangguan, right? If the Lingzhu is to be reincarnated into the dragon clan.

“The task given to you by the teacher is to accept the reincarnation of the spirit orb and the magic pill as disciples, and then teach them what the teacher taught you.”

Hearing Lin Tian’s words, Shen Gongbao was stunned. Although he didn’t know the reason for Lin Tian’s actions, he nodded without hesitation. As long as it was Master’s order, he would definitely do it.

Let’s go”, the Master will open a dojo here. After you accept them as apprentices, you can bring them to the Master.

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Shen Gongbao saluted respectfully at the moment, then bid farewell to Lin Tian and headed towards the East China Sea.

All the way to the East China Sea, the Shen Gongbao at this time is already the strength of Taiyi Jinxian, and he is the Jiutian Hunyuan whip with the best innate spiritual treasure. He should be invincible at the same level.

Unless it was Sanqing and others who took action, otherwise in the world where the magic pot came into the world, no one would be Shen Gongbao’s opponent.

Although the Dragon King of the East China Sea is the top powerhouse in this world, he is limited to the Demon Locking Formation.

Therefore, if you have all the strength, you can’t use it all. Otherwise, the Dragon King of the East China Sea who comes out has the strength of a cultivation base, and he is definitely a Taiyi Jinxian, a real top powerhouse.

After all, in the original book, Shen Gongbao of the Golden Immortal realm, when facing the East China Sea Dragon King, always showed respect and even awe, which at least proved that the true strength of the East China Sea Dragon King was above Shen Gongbao.

And this world is not a prehistoric god, the controller of the gods like the Jade Emperor is naturally the most powerful.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor in this world is a powerhouse on the same level as Sanqing, that is, the Daluo Jinxian realm. Only in this way can the dragon clan be confined here and let it guard the demons.


The Dragon King of the East China Sea let out a loud roar, and then saw Gongbao Shen walking out of the void, and sensing the powerful breath of Gongbao Shen, the Dragon King of the East China Sea shrank a little.

Because in Shen Gongbao, he felt the oppressive feeling of his peak period, obviously Shen Gongbao is a powerhouse in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

“Who is Your Excellency? Why did you come to my Dragon Clan?”

The Dragon King asked in a deep voice, his eyes a little dignified, after all, if this is an enemy, the current Dragon Clan can’t stop it.

Shen Gongbao looked at the Dragon King, pondered for a while and said, and directly took out the spirit bead.

“This is the Lingzhu, which is a part of the Primordial Pearl. After reincarnation, you can get the body of the Lingzhu, and your future achievements are limitless.”

Under “I am willing to reincarnate it as a descendant of the dragon race, and then accept it as an apprentice!”

Shen Gongbao said with a smile, after becoming the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he has a lot of confidence in his whole person.

Because he clearly knew that if he gave himself some time, he could become a Golden Immortal of Great Luo, and he even began to look forward to the scene where he would one day fight against Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi after he gained the strength of Golden Immortal.

That might be cool, right? After all, he has always been looked down upon, and if Yuanshi Tianzun sees that he has caught up with his cultivation strength, it is estimated that his face will be very exciting.

The Dragon King was stunned when he heard Shen Gongbao’s words. He naturally knew the Lingzhu, and also knew what kind of chance it would be if the descendants of the dragon race could be the reincarnation of the Lingzhu…

Lingzhu is destined to save the people of the world. If you can become a dragon, you may be able to take the dragon out of here in the future and return to the heaven.

Shen Gongbao’s strength is the Taiyi Golden Immortal. To be honest, the current dragon clan is a Reservoir Dog. He wants to find a master for him, and at most he dares to think about the Golden Immortal in this world.

Shen Gongbao in the original work is the realm of Jinxian and became the master of saving Cing.

It is Lingzhu again, and it is the teacher of Taiyi Jinxian, which makes the Dragon King hesitate.

Looking at the hesitant Dragon King, Shen Gongbao directly released his breath.

That’s the breath of a monster!

“Accepting an apprentice is my master’s order, you can see my strength, and my master’s strength is far above me.

“Therefore, with the strength of my master, if I want to do something to your dragon race, do I still need such trouble?”

Listening to Shen Gongbao’s words, the Dragon King’s pupils shrunk directly. Shen Gongbao is a golden immortal of Taiyi. Could it be that his master is a golden immortal of Da Luo? Is it a top master of the three realms such as Sanqing?

After pondering for a while, the Dragon King finally decided to gamble.

“Okay, my Dragon Clan agreed!”

The voice fell, the Dragon King took out a dragon egg directly, and then directly fused the dragon egg with the spirit bead, and finally gave birth to a child slowly, this child is Ao Bing.

“Disciple Ao Bing, see Master.”Lingzhu’s reincarnation is naturally extraordinary, his power was not suppressed like Nezha, he immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao smiled at the moment, and the task ordered by the master was half completed.

After leaving the East China Sea Dragon Palace with Ao Bing, Shen Gongbao took him directly to Chentangguan, because Chentangguan is on the East China Sea, so it is not far.

Inside the Li Mansion, the atmosphere at this time was not very good.

Although Nezha came into the world, it was the reincarnation of the magic pill. After three years, the Heavenly Tribulation Curse would fall, and then there would be a life-and-death crisis.

“Master Qi, an immortal elder came to visit outside.”

Li Jing was stunned, but he still came to the front hall and saw Shen Gongbao.

At this time, Shen Gongbao, because of the cultivation of the ninth-rank Tianxian Jue and the cultivation of the Taiyi Jinxian realm, has undergone great changes in both temperament and aura.

Because the previous Shen Gongbao did not have an orthodox inheritance after all, when Jinxian cultivated, he looked more like a demon.

But the current Shen Gongbao is definitely the master of the Xianjia.

“In Xia Shen Gongbao, this trip is only to accept the apprentice Nezha.

When the Lingzhu and the magic ball were exchanged before, Shen Gongbao did not show up, so no one knew that he was the culprit that caused the exchange of the magic ball and the magic ball.

Li Jing was stunned, his son was a magic pill, how could anyone want to accept an apprentice?

Of course, Shen Gongbao had already thought about his words and said directly to Li Jing.

“Although the magic pill is the cause of cholera, if there is a way to eliminate his demonic energy, the aptitude of this magic pill will not be weaker than that of the Lingzhu.”

Hearing this, Li Jing was directly excited, he looked at Shen Gongbao in surprise and asked.

“What does Xianchang mean, can I make my son return to normal?”

Shen Gongbao nodded naturally, even if he couldn’t, but his master would definitely be able to! Perhaps this is why Master 5.4 wanted to bring them to the dojo by himself.

Li Jing was very excited, but then his face collapsed.

“But my son has the Heavenly Tribulation Mantra set by Heavenly Venerate…

Speaking of this, Li Jing’s expression became serious.

“Xianchang, if it can really dispel my son’s demonic energy, the robbery curse that day will not be a problem.

Next, “I have come to a talisman. At that time, I can transfer my son’s Heavenly Tribulation Curse to me. As long as there is no demonic energy in the future, my son can grow up safely.”

Li Jing said this, with a smile on his face, this is the best result, not only can he survive, but also let him become a normal person.

Shen Gongbao didn’t know the plot, so when he heard Li Jing’s words, he was stunned at first, and then he was amazed.

After all, the words of this father-son relationship are touching.

But at the same time, he also disdains Yuanshi Tianzun’s aloofness. For him, it is not difficult to lift the absolute curse of heavenly robbery.

But he wouldn’t, because he wouldn’t care about the life and death of a magic pill. After all, a magic pill that had flaws and didn’t listen to discipline would not be placed in his eyes.

There is no need to say, “So, if the Heavenly Tribulation Mantra is mere, my master can solve it.

Shen Gongbao said this, when talking about Lin Tian, ​​his eyes were full of reverence.

Li Jing’s strength is not weak, although it is not as good as Taiyi Zhenren, but Jinxian Du’er Zhenren’s disciples can see that Shen Gongbao’s strength is far above his own master Du’er Zhenren.

Therefore, what kind of character is Shen Gongbao’s master? Maybe it can really solve Nezha’s Heavenly Tribulation Curse?

“Xianchang, Li Jing agrees, and the child will be handed over to Xianchang.

Li Jing said in a deep voice, in the end, when Ah Wei was Yin Shiniang, it took some effort, but Yin Shiniang also knew that if her son wanted to heal the demonic energy and the Heavenly Tribulation Curse, he would have to go out for some time.

Although they were reluctant to part with their son, they had to be ruthless. After all, if they could succeed, their son would be saved in the future.

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