104: Senior! My corpse Immortal Emperor also wants to hear the sermon, preaching across the world! (Please complete the order, please follow up!)


I saw Lin Tian waved his hand, and in the teleportation channel behind him, a figure walked out first.

Looking at the foot that stepped out, it was actually a woman.

Afterwards, everyone saw a woman with a luxurious face and supreme coercion all over her body, slowly walking out of it.


At this moment, in the immortal realm and the foreign realm, countless powerhouses were stunned.

They thought that there would be no strong people, at most the same Immortal Emperor, but they didn’t expect to walk out of such an unimaginable existence.

“Emperor Realm? The legendary Immortal Emperor?”

“No! I have imagined countless times what the Immortal Emperor should look like, but the one in front of me gave me a great horror, even hundreds of millions of times more than the Immortal Emperor!”

A supreme immortal king giant said in awe.

They looked at Shi Hao countless times, and the powerhouse behind him was either the Supreme Immortal King, or the legendary quasi-immortal emperor!

Even the quasi-immortal emperors didn’t quite believe it, but they didn’t expect that the reality would actually make people so horrified that a powerhouse that surpassed the countless existences of immortal emperors emerged from it.

Meanwhile, the dark source.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor is sitting here.


Suddenly Immortal Emperor Corpse opened his eyes, and there was some disbelief in his eyes.

“My light consciousness actually dominates?”

“Frightened? The dark consciousness was actually frightened, and he directly shrank in. What happened? Could it be that the guys who plotted against me were chased down by the gods?”

Immortal Corpse Corpse muttered to himself that the greatest villain in the perfect universe, and the ultimate enemy of Huang, woke up early at this time.

But he was not dominated by the dark consciousness, but by the light consciousness.

Because of the dark consciousness, she was frightened by the Nuwa who appeared in this world.

“Wait, is this?”

Suddenly, Immortal Emperor Corpse’s gaze was fixed on nine days and ten places, and he directly saw Nuwa walking out of the teleportation channel.

Just a glance, Immortal Emperor Corpse felt that his three corpses jumped violently and almost died.

The most important thing is that Nu Wa actually looked up at him.

Immediately, Immortal Emperor Corpse spit out a mouthful of blood, and then sat on the spot with a dull gaze.

“Sacrificial Dao? Above!”

The corpse Immortal Emperor went to God, where he was sneak attacked by several other Immortal Emperors, and eventually became like this, so he knew that there was still a realm above Immortal Emperor.

In the heavens and myriad worlds above the heavens, the powerhouses in the Immortal Emperor Realm are called the road to the end! And further words are called the sublimation of the road! It is also called the sacrificial realm!

Because the words of the Immortal Emperor and the Dao sacrifice are the names of the Immortal Clan, and the people who follow the Immortal Dao are called according to this realm.

The realms of some other cultivation paths are called differently.

That is a detour realm! Even in the heavens above the gods, the realm of sacrificial Dao is unimaginable. The Immortal Emperor is already the most powerful realm of the heavens. The end of many cultivation paths is the Immortal Emperor. .

Only by surpassing a certain path can one achieve the realm of sacrificial Dao. The existence of this realm has the strength to easily make the Immortal Emperor remain silent forever.

But the aura on Nuwa’s body was clearly far beyond the existence of the sacrificial Dao, which made Immortal Corpse Corpse think of a legend that is the oldest in the heavens.

That is, above the sacrificial way, there is a realm called detachment! But as far as Immortal Emperor Corpse knows, the only existence that has the potential to reach this realm from ancient times to now is the mysterious master of the bronze coffin of the third generation!

“Who the hell is she? Did she come from God?”

Immortal Corpse Corpse’s crazy brain holes exploded, but he just couldn’t figure out where Nuwa came from.

At this moment, several figures walked out of the transmission channel.

Taishang Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian sect master, receiving and guiding Daoist, quasi-promoting Daoist, Houtu sage!

Together with the previous Nuwa, all the original seven saints of the prehistoric land have all arrived! After Lin Tian took control of the prehistoric land, the shackles that Heavenly Dao gave to Houtu naturally no longer existed. As a saint of reincarnation, she can also get out of reincarnation. .

Stunned, Shocked!

In the eyes of the immortal kings in the perfect universe, the saints should be the legendary immortal emperor realm.

But only Immortal Emperor Corpse knew that all of these great powers were beyond Immortal Emperors and beyond sacrificial Dao! It was the transcendence realm that only existed in legends.

It is unimaginable that detachment is actually standing in front of his eyes, and there are seven full!

But! Is this the end?

After the seven saints walked out, it’s not over yet! Because the saints of the Great Wilderness Journey to the West are no longer the original seven! After all, the Great Wilderness has lost its limit, and the God Lord started to evolve immediately, so some of the saints who have been on the quasi-sage for a long time Existence is also beginning to go further.

The ancestor of Minghe! Daxian Zhenyuan! The ancestor of Yinpeng! The Jade Emperor! The Buddha! Kong Xuan!

A full six people! These six people turned out to be standing at the limit of the quasi-sage!

Ming He, Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng, they were all three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace at the beginning, but they were among the top-notch existences, and their aptitude and talent were not weaker than those of the Six Saints, but because of the saints’ personalities, they could not become saints.

However, the words of the Jade Emperor, the Tathagata Buddha and Kong Xuan are the most powerful quasi-sages who rose in the prehistoric after them.

The Jade Emperor is a boy of Hongjun, and there is no doubt that he is powerful.

The Tathagata is the big disciple of the Intercepting Teaching, and he has obtained the true biography of the Intercepting Teaching and Buddhism, which is unfathomable.

As for Kong Xuan’s words, he was called the first quasi-sage under the saints.

Therefore, the six of them entered the realm of saints as soon as the restrictions on the Journey to the West were lifted! They became a new generation of saints after the Seven Saints of the Great Desolation.At present, there are more than thirteen saints in the Great Desolation!

Then there are some top quasi-sages, and it is estimated that they will soon be able to enter the saints.

For example, the resurrected Emperor Jun, the East Emperor Taiyi, and several of the ancestors.

There are also a new generation of Antarctic Fairy Weng, Yun Zhongzi, Zhao Gongming and so on.

All in all, the future world of Journey to the West will usher in the real era of saints.

If the number of saints is conservative, it is estimated that there will be more than twenty!

“Okay, a lot of detachment exists!”

The corpse Immortal Emperor was stunned, and the dignified Immortal Emperor sat at the source of darkness like a fool at this time, staring at the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in a stunned manner.

The main reason is that it is too shocking. A saint-level powerhouse is an existence that surpasses two levels of Immortal Emperor!

But this is only the beginning!

After the thirteen saints of the prehistoric land all descended, three more figures came out.

The leader is Hong Jun, who looks like an ordinary old Taoist priest, but when Immortal Corpse Emperor sees him, his soul is shocked, and even the will of the whole perfect universe is shaking. It seems that this person has exceeded the will of the world. of imagination.

Even the gods outside the world are shaking violently.

Hongjun raised his eyebrows, Luo Mian was already competing to appear!

Everyone is a powerhouse in the half-step heaven realm!

If the sages are equal to the detached existence of the world view of the gods, they are comparable to the master of the bronze coffin of the third generation!

That half-step of the Heavenly Dao is an existence that transcends this realm. This belongs to, even the world view of the gods above the perfect universe, the existence that cannot be imagined.

And such existence, at this time there are three here!

Looking at the smiles on Hongjun and the others, it was obvious that the recent gains were not small. After the limitations of the Heavenly Dao disappeared, their realm improvement was much simpler.

In the past, there was no chance to progress, but now, as long as the qualifications are sufficient, progress at will!

“Yes, it is estimated that the three of you will soon reach the realm of heaven.”

Lin Tian said with a smile that Hongjun had reached the half-step Heavenly Dao realm by fitting himself into the Dao before the Lich War.

And Luo Hu’s words are probably similar, because when Hongjun became a saint, Luo Mian also became a demon master, comparable to a saint.

Not to mention raising eyebrows, with all his strength, he had defeated Hongjun in the saint realm back then.

Therefore, when the three of them reached the half-step heaven realm, they all walked out a lot. Now that there are no restrictions, they are directly infinitely close to the realm of heaven. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before they reach the realm of heaven.

“All thanks to Dao Zun.”

The three bowed and saluted, because they are the world controllers, the will of all living beings will change with Lin Tian’s will, so they are loyal to Lin Tian from the soul, and there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal or careful thinking.

“All saints in the wild, see Dao Zun!”

Hongjun took a deep breath, and then directly took the lead. The three prehistoric saints headed by Hongjun, Yangmei, and Luo Lian all bowed to Lin Tian and saluted.

Seeing this scene, the immortal kings of the perfect universe and the corpse immortal emperor at the end of the darkness were instantly heartbroken.

The immortal emperor powerhouse in the hearts of the perfect immortal kings, the detachment powerhouse in the corpse immortal emperor’s heart, and the detachment powerhouse in the hearts of the corpse immortal emperors, are actually doing the following actions at this time, saluting Lin Tian.

When they saw this scene, they were stunned.

This is especially true of the corpse Immortal Emperor. He can’t imagine how terrifying the existence that even the powerhouses that surpassed the Immortal Emperor’s level are treated with incomparable respect.

I am afraid that such a strong person can destroy the gods at the click of a finger?

The source of darkness, but it can be destroyed at the click of a finger?


Liu Shen swallowed her saliva, her beautiful face also appeared sluggish, she did not expect that Shi Jie, the little guy’s master, was so defiant, that those strong men that she couldn’t imagine would actually salute with their identities?

Encyclopedia (Liu Shen is a female! Female! Female! Important things are said three times.)

Liu Shen is actually very enchanting. He is the person who is second only to the protagonist Shi Gao in talent and talent in the perfect universe book. Even the authors of the three books have said that they can continue to move forward in the latter part of the three books, just like the protagonists. Those who reach detachment should be Liu Shen and Yaoyao!

Yaoyao is a talented woman from the world of Shenxu. According to her seniority, she is Ye Hei’s descendant!

It is worth mentioning that Chu Chu Loli, who has achieved detachment, once proposed to Ye Hei and wanted to marry Yao Yao.

As a result, Ye Hei’s face turned black, he raised the cauldron of all things and touched it, and then borrowed the paraffin sword to come to new Chu Feng.

Lin Tian stood above the void, and the business resounded in nine days and ten places.

“Today, under the banner of the All-Heavenly Dao Alliance, the powerhouses in the prehistoric world will preach in this world.”

“All living beings, anyone who has a predestined relationship can come and listen.

Lin Tian said with a smile.

He has always been selfless, because as long as the world is in control, whether it is a decent or a villain, he will become his own! So he doesn’t mind that everyone becomes stronger, because if everyone becomes stronger, then his own power will become stronger, so This sermon, Lin Tian didn’t think about it, just working behind closed doors.

But the whole world listens together, if it is possible to create several Immortal Emperors, it is naturally the best.

It is estimated that it is not difficult. After all, the words of the Immortal Emperor are only equivalent to the Great Luo Jinxian of the Great Desolate Journey to the West. For the sage preaching, it is normal for the Great Luo Jinxian to progress to a realm in the process.

And under Daluo Jinxian, it seems that it is not difficult to achieve Daluo.

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Immortal Domains, and Exotic Domains were all stunned.

After the sluggishness, they just couldn’t believe it.

“Everyone can hear?”

Because it is good in everyone’s imagination. Although there are some external ones, they are all unimportant sermons. How can there be some good people who will preach to the whole world?

But today they saw that these strong men who were suspected of being immortal emperors actually wanted to preach to them.

As for conspiracy, it is completely impossible. People are so powerful. If they really want to do something to them, why do they need to use preaching as an excuse?

So it’s not a conspiracy, it’s true!

“Go! I’m going to listen to the sermons for nine days and ten places!”

“Hey, I am the Immortal King of the Exotic Realm, can I really go? What if the Immortal Realm blocks me?”

“They dare! This is a supreme being to speak. As long as we calm down, don’t make a big noise, don’t hurt the living beings casually, it should be fine,”

Immediately, the immortal kings, quasi-immortal kings, and true immortal powerhouses of the Immortal Realm all descended directly to the outside of the Heaven-Mending Pavilion in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

And the powerhouses of the foreign realm also came in cautiously, and found that the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens, Ten Earths and Immortal Realm were not blocked, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

In a short time, countless powerhouses gathered outside the entire Tianmen Pavilion, and almost all the powerhouses of the perfect cosmos world gathered here at this time.

All the densely packed people above the entire void are people, and at this time, these strong men who are often immortal kings and quasi-immortal kings are as obedient as kittens and dare not move on the spot.

Looking at the saints in the void in awe, their eyes couldn’t help but be excited and happy, after all, this is the preaching of the existences suspected of immortal emperors!

Above the void, Lin Tian and the others sat cross-legged on the cloud, looking at the powerhouses in the entire world below.

All “have come, it seems that no matter what world it is, the heart of Tao is the same.”

“Why does the world compete? Isn’t it because of resource constraints and the desire to go further?”

Lin Tian said so.

Hongjun and the others took it seriously, because the prehistoric situation is like this, why are there sectarian disputes and competition for luck, isn’t it just to go further and pursue a higher realm?

So they can understand that although this kind of competition is also a good thing, it can strengthen the activity of the strong in the world.

But if you can jump out of the world and compete with people from other worlds, it will be completely different.

To avoid internal consumption, the world can continue to evolve, and it can also be exempted from restrictions and pursue a higher realm. This is the dream of countless people!

At the same time, the corpse Immortal Emperor at the end of the darkness couldn’t sit still.

“All beings can listen to the Dao, so should this emperor?”

Immortal Emperor Corpse was about to go, although he was invaded by darkness, but at this time, because of the pressure of the saint, he had been suppressed.

If listening to the sermon can solve his own shortcomings, it is obviously a great good thing. Otherwise, the Immortal Corpse Emperor is worried that one day he will lose control again and bring disaster to the world.

In the original book, when Immortal Emperor Corpse saw the stone steps, he always had good intentions, and even before he was about to lose control, he told Shi Jiao to leave quickly.

The corpse Immortal Emperor cut through the void directly, and then went outside the Heaven Patching Pavilion of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Although he was flying in the air, he was underneath, so naturally he did not dare to fly above the saint.

“This is?”

When the powerhouses in the perfect universe saw the corpses of the Immortal Emperors, they were stunned.

“Immortal Emperor Corpse, see everyone detached.”

The Corpse Immortal Emperor saluted respectfully, but when he saw Hongjun, Yangmei, Luohu, and Lin Tian, ​​he was silent.

Because he believes that Lin Tian and several people are beyond the realm of detachment, so he doesn’t know how to call them.

“I also hope that seniors will forgive their sins. The corpse only knows about the legendary realm of transcendence, but they don’t know what it is called transcendence.”

The Corpse Immortal Emperor said honestly, while the Immortal Kings below were all dumbfounded.

What is the realm of transcendence?

Lin Tian smiled slightly, okay, the perfect universe world, the ultimate enemy of paraffin, and the only two immortal emperors, the corpse immortal emperor, have all come to hear the sermon, is this world enough for the plot to collapse?

Looking at the people in this world, Lin Tian said to them with a smile.

“Your world is called the perfect universe, and above the perfect universe, there is a legendary place named above the gods.”

“But in reality, there are countless worlds above the sky! Call them the heavens!”

“Over there, there are different paths of cultivation, but they all end in the same way! The one in your world is called the Immortal Dao, and the most powerful person is the Immortal Emperor!”

“And there are still two realms above the Immortal Emperor! One is the Dao of Sacrifice. This realm is the realm where the strongest above the gods are located. This realm can make the Immortal Emperor die at the touch of a finger.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, all sentient beings are directly shocked, is there a realm above the Immortal Emperor?

“And above the sacrificial way, there is a state called transcendence! In the current state, among the heavens in your world, only one person has reached it.”

The person in Lin Tian’s mouth is naturally the master of the bronze coffin of the third generation.

In fact, Lin Tian has reason to suspect that all the stories of the Tian trilogy are directed by this guy behind the scenes. The reason may not be entirely malicious. Maybe he wants to cultivate more powerhouses of the same realm, and then try to surpass them. world.

From the stone steps at the beginning, to Ye Hei, and then to Chu Feng at the back, he has been trying to go further, seeking someone to break the shackles of the world together with him.

Just like Hong Jun in the prehistoric world, isn’t it just to break the shackles of heaven and achieve the realm of heaven?

“There are actually two realms above the Immortal Emperor!

“Sacrificial Dao, detachment?”

Liu Shenmei’s eyes widened and she said to herself.

The same is true for the rest of the Immortal Kings. They can’t even touch the door of the Immortal Emperor, and they haven’t even achieved the Immortal Emperor. At this time, they have heard that there is a realm above the Immortal Emperor.

For a moment, the mood was complicated. It turned out that they had not really touched the realm of the strongest.

I thought they were Immortal Kings, except for the legendary Immortal Emperor, they were the strongest.

In the end, they didn’t expect that their world has an Immortal Emperor, and this corpse Immortal Emperor is!

And there is still a realm above the Immortal Emperor, just above the gods!

“Senior, you said just now, your world?

The Corpse Immortal Emperor noticed the information in Lin Tian’s words.Lin Tian smiled slightly, of course he wouldn’t hide it.

“Yes, we are from different worlds, and these disciples of mine are all people with great luck in different worlds.

“The person with great luck in your world is Shi Hao. He is an Immortal Emperor born after you in this world, and he will even kill you in the future, who will fall into chaos.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Immortal Emperor Corpse was shocked, but he was not shocked that he was beheaded. After all, he was in chaos, it was really a big disaster.

Instead, he was shocked that the little guy of the Immortal King in front of him would actually become an Immortal Emperor in the future, which was truly incredible.

As an Immortal Emperor, he clearly knows how precious Immortal Emperor is.

“Other worlds?”

“It’s no wonder that the cultivation methods on the body are different. It turns out that it is the characteristics of different worlds.”

“I really want to go to other worlds to see! We really are frogs in the bottom of the well!”

The powerhouses present all made such sighs.


At this moment, Hong Jun and Luo Hu suddenly opened their eyes and looked into the void.

“Dao Zun, there is a little guy who is a saint who has seen this world.

Hongjun said with a smile.

Lin Tian was stunned, a saint-level little guy? Isn’t it the detachment of the world of Shenxu?

And before the stone steps, Ye Hei and Chu Feng and Chu Loli have achieved detachment, there is only one master of the bronze pavilion for the third generation, right?

Sure enough, as the person behind the scenes, how could he not pay attention to the world where Shi is?

At the same time, outside the perfect universe, that is, above the so-called gods, an extremely ordinary man was standing in place with horrified eyes and trembling all over.

“No, it’s impossible, how can there be an existence beyond detachment in this world? Still three! No! Maybe four! I can’t see through that young man!”

This person is the master of the bronze pavilion for the third time! Paraffin, Ye Hei, and Chu Feng were the strongest throughout the entire Yingtian trilogy. He has remained mysterious, and no one knows his true identity.

Over the sky of the Butian Pavilion, Lin Tian pondered for a while.

“The flaw is coming!”

“The owner of the bronze pavilion of the third generation, this guy who obviously did not officially appear in the perfect universe world, was captured by Hongjun at this time!”

“Does this mean that I can directly try to contact the whole world above God?

Lin Tian’s eyes flashed brightly, as if he was in control of the world of Dou Qi, the world of martial arts, and the world of Daqian.

Hong Jun”, let’s catch him.

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, Hongjun nodded.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, directly breaking the (Nuo Zhaozhao) world barrier, and then from above, he grabbed the master of the bronze coffin of the third generation.

This guy had a look of horror on his face. He was the strongest man in the entire Sky Covering Trilogy.

“Existence above detachment is so terrifying?”

The owner of the third bronze coffin was shocked.

Then he looked at Lin Tian, ​​was silent for a while, finally took a deep breath, and bowed directly.

“Junior, see you seniors!”

It has been so many epochs, he has long forgotten when he has done the junior salute, after all, it seems that he has been the strongest from birth, and has been invincible to the realm of detachment.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said to Hongjun and the others.

“You must have been able to see the heavens in this world? Since it is the heavens preaching, then face the whole heavens!”

“Inform the gods of the ruins, all the powerhouses of the heavens and all races can come and listen to the tao!”

As Lin Tian’s voice fell, Hongjun directly exerted his strength beyond the realm of detachment, and instantly swept through thousands of worlds, the Great Way of the Heavens!

Groups of Immortal Emperor powerhouses, and even Daoist powerhouses, all heard Hongjun’s supreme voice!

“This seat brings all the transcendence, preaching in the perfect universe world, all beings can come to listen to the Tao!”

This voice resounded through the heavens where the entire perfect cosmos world was located, and even crossed the river of time! After all, the time in this world was so long that the quasi-immortal emperor could traverse it.

The era of Shenxu! Or another parallel space, the era of Shenxu without Lin Tian!

Chuchu Loli on Earth also heard this voice.


Chu Feng was stunned, and the few beings hidden in the depths of the universe also heard this voice.

They are the stone steps without Lin Tian infecting fate, Ye Hei and others!

At this time, they are in the realm of sacrificial Dao! And the Great Emperor Wushi only has a wreckage!

How terrifying the half-step heaven realm is, it not only spans the long river of time, but also jumps in time and space, directly connecting the parallel world! The rest can be done even by the master of the bronze coffin of the third generation. He has transcended time and space and can be free to and from every time and space.

This is why, Shi Jiao, no matter what era they are in, they can see the traces of the Lord of the Third World Bronze Coffin, because he can travel in any time and space, at any point in time! Different time points have different development directions. In his eyes there is no detail.

Not to mention Hong Jun, who surpassed the master of the bronze coffin of the third generation, this kind of means of grasping the heavens and the world at the click of a finger is really shocking.


As Hongjun grabbed it, the worlds appeared directly above the Butian Pavilion! An illusory light ball appeared, and the people inside seemed to be able to see everything in the Butian Pavilion and hear the sound here.

“Hey, is it preaching across the world? It is indeed a means of half-step heaven.”

Lin Tian was amazed, it was a long experience, after all, he was only a weak chicken in the Immortal King realm at this time.

But it is he, a little weak chicken in the realm of the Immortal King, who can make Daozu Hongjun, who is half a step into the heavenly way, and many saints in the prehistoric fall on his knees! Serve,

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