The era of high martial arts

Chapter 212: Three and a Half Cups of Wine

The thatched house is not big, covering an area of ​​about fifty or sixty square meters. The old man strictly divided it into three areas, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a house with sundries.

The old man made two wooden benches and motioned for Li Changan and Xiaoran to sit on them.

"I caught two grass carp, I will cook fish for you now." The old man said enthusiastically.

"Sorry to trouble you, old man." Li Changan said with his hands in hand.

The old man turned around and entered the kitchen on the side. After a while, a puff of smoke floated up.

The aroma of those condiments is also coming out, it should smell good.

"Rub, wipe, wipe..." A strange sound came from outside the door.

It felt like something was stepping on the ground, but it was far from the sound of human footsteps.

Li Changan looked through the window and saw a yellow native dog running in from outside.

It stood up skillfully, pushed open the wooden door with its paws, and ran in.

The yellow native dog also had a gray rabbit in its mouth. When it walked into the house and saw Li Changan and Xiaoran, it was obviously stunned for a moment, but it turned around and ran into the kitchen later.

"Dahuang, I got a wild rabbit back today. Now it's good, I can have another meal." The old man's voice came from the kitchen.

Not long after, the yellow native dog ran out of the kitchen again, squatting on the ground and watching Li Changan and Xiaoran quietly.

"Dahuang, come here." Li Changan waved to the native dog.

The yellow native dog didn't seem to be afraid of life. As soon as Li Changan waved, it slowly walked over and lay directly on the ground in front of Li Changan.

After touching Rhubarb's fur, it enjoyed it very much, squinting its eyes and wagging its tail.

"What a good dog." Li Changan praised.

The night is getting darker, and a full moon shines on the earth, and the surrounding area seems to be covered with a layer of thick frost.

The sky is full of stars, Xiaoran is obsessed with it.

A shooting star dragged a long tail and disappeared in the dark night sky.

"Don't you make a wish when you encounter a shooting star?" Li Changan asked with a smile.

"I don't want to make a wish, I'm not that stupid." Xiaoran rolled his eyes at Li Changan.

Li Changan was a little embarrassed by the rebuke, so he had to rub his nose and said, "If you don't allow it, just don't allow it. Why are you so fierce?"

Xiao Ran lowered his head and said to himself, "Fool, my wish has already come true, so why bother making another wish?"

The meal is finally ready. It takes a lot of time to cook alone without anyone helping you.

However, Li Changan and Xiaoran were not very familiar with the kitchen, so going in would be a disservice.

The two of them also knew their own weight and did not go in to show off.

"Come and eat." The old man said enthusiastically.

"Then I'm welcome." Li Changan picked up the chopsticks in his hand and prepared to taste them.

There were four dishes and one soup on the table, a fish, a plate of rabbit, and two plates of unknown wild vegetables. The soup was also fish soup.

It tasted good, and Li Changan and Xiaoran devoured it.

The old man didn't use his chopsticks, but turned around and went to the cabinet and took out a jar of old wine.

"This wine has been stored for many years, but it's a pity that no one drinks it with me. Old man, I don't feel good drinking alone. Let's drink as much as you want today." The old man opened the lid of the jar.

A strong aroma of wine spread out, and the room was filled with the aroma of wine. Coupled with the aroma of the food, Li Changan, who didn't usually drink much, also wanted to have a few drinks.

The old man placed two wine glasses on the table, both of which were about half full.

"Why don't you pour it for me? I want to drink too." Xiaoran was unhappy. Isn't this a different treatment? Although she is usually gentle, she is gentle towards Li Changan.

The eldest lady's temper was deep in her bones, and this sudden differential treatment aroused Xiaoran's dissatisfaction.

Perhaps it was the aroma of the wine that aroused her curiosity.

"Girls, it's better not to drink." Li Changan quickly advised.

"Why can't girls drink? Besides, aren't you still here? What are you afraid of?" Xiaoran said.

"Hahaha, little girl, it's not that I won't let you drink this wine, but the person who can drink this wine must at least be in the ancient martial arts realm. The warriors in the meditation realm can't bear the power of this wine." The old man said with a sad smile. .

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Xiaoran grabbed Li Changan's wine and drank the contents in one gulp.

The spiciness of the wine did not appear in my imagination. The wine was very soft and tasted pretty good when I drank it.

"Who said warriors in the meditative realm can't drink? Give me another..."

Halfway through her words, Xiaoran almost fell to the ground behind her.

Li Changan had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly held her back.

"She's drunk too much and is overpowering. Just rest for a night and put her on the bed." The old man said quickly, fearing that Li Changan would misunderstand.

After checking Xiaoran's breathing, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her. It seemed that she really drank too much.

Li Changan picked up Xiaoran and put him on the bed in the bedroom behind him, then turned back to the table and continued to sit.

"Old man, you seem to be able to see through our cultivation. With all due respect, you are not an ordinary person, are you?" Li Changan asked doubtfully.

"What does it matter whether he is an ordinary person or not?" The old man smiled, "I have lived here in seclusion for I don't know how many years. No matter how many things happen in the outside world, what does it have to do with me?"

"But you are a warrior and a warrior of mankind. You should do your best for China and mankind." Li Changan replied. The person in front of him must be a warrior, and his strength must be quite good.

"Young man, does it mean that to contribute to humanity, you have to go to the front line to fight monsters?" the old man asked back.

"Isn't it?"

"Hahaha, you are really young. When you reach my age, you will understand a lot of things. Yesterday's things, today's results, many things have reasons, and then you will see it clearly." The old man laughed.

When Li Changan was about to refute, the old man picked up the wine cup, "Drink a glass, the wine is out, don't waste it."

Li Changan had to pick up the wine cup and clinked glasses with the old man.

The wine tasted good. Even if Li Changan didn't know much about wine, he could feel the extraordinaryness of this wine.

Not long after, Li Changan felt hot all over, and the spiritual power in his body was unusually active.

"Ancient warriors can drink up to three and a half cups of my wine, and innate warriors can drink up to nine full cups. I wonder how much you can drink?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Try it and you will know."

Li Changan picked up the wine cup and clinked glasses with the old man again.

After drinking half a cup of wine for the second time, Li Changan felt as if his whole body was on fire.

His skin was red and sweat was dripping from his body.

"Come on, the third half cup." Li Changan raised the wine cup again and clinked it with the old man.

The wine was like a raging fire, constantly burning Li Changan's body. At this time, Li Changan's consciousness was not very clear.

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