The era of high martial arts

Chapter 149 Marching into the Mountains

After leaving the office, everyone felt a little heavy.

This also confirmed Li Changan's guess. The magical ancestor who was stationed at the Beiguan base did not come back. Twenty soldiers and crabs were gone, and it probably would not help.

But this is an order, even if it is dangerous, you must rush to the front.

China and even mankind have had no shortage of heroes since ancient times. The statue standing in front of the city lord's palace in Qinshan City - Le Zhengcong, blocked thousands of monsters and beasts from outside the Qin Pass with one person and one sword.

What kind of courage is this? What a big heart?

The reason why mankind is in the current situation is because countless heroes fought for it with their lives. Some of these heroes are famous in history, and some are unknown, but it is them who make everyone remember the word dedication.

After leaving the office, these twenty people did not go back to their residences at all. They went directly to the airport at the Beiguan base and took a fighter plane to the vicinity of the Daxinganling Mountains.

The air in the fighter plane was a bit solemn, and everyone sat there quietly, with heavy hearts.

As long as you are a human being, you will inevitably have some emotions and desires. How many people can be free and easy in the face of death?

"Oh, I still thought that my brother was in charge and I could go through the back door and be safer. I didn't expect that I would be the first to deal with the problem if something happened."

Gou Yu sighed and said unwillingly.

This sentence opened up the situation, and the atmosphere in the originally depressing fighter plane became much better.

"Who told you to talk too much? It's probably because your brother found you annoying, so he asked you to change your behavior." Li Changan said jokingly.

At first, he didn't understand Zhang Feiyu's intention, but after thinking about it carefully, Zhang Feiyu did have deep meaning in doing so.

He is Zhang Feiyu's junior brother, and Gou Yu is Gou Wenkang's biological brother. When problems arise, these two can help prevent these people from complaining, and can also play a role in calming people's hearts.

"I don't talk much, Chang'an. I guess you didn't know where to offend your senior, which made me unlucky with you."

Gou Yu made jokes along the way, and the atmosphere was obviously much better.

In half an hour, the fighter jet arrived at its destination—a small town outside the Daxingan Mountains.

This small town is not big, and the edges of the houses are covered with vines. On the cement floor of the street, those trees have broken through the concrete blockade, and their growth is no worse than that of trees in other places.

It seems that this town was once glorious before the Lingyuan Era.

The fighter plane found a slightly open place and stopped at low altitude. A rope was thrown from the fighter plane, and the members of the exploration team landed safely along the rope.

Three days later, the fighter plane will come again. Regardless of whether they find out the news or not, they must get back before the evening of the third day.

"We will resupply in the town for ten minutes and we will move forward immediately." Lin Feng said in a low voice.

There are already a lot of monsters in Daxingan Mountains. There will be many dangers after entering. Coupled with sudden changes, it will be even more dangerous inside, so you must be fully prepared.

The equipment of the exploration team is considered top-notch in the league. Li Changan originally did not use weapons, but this time he was also assigned a top-grade alloy sword, which was estimated to be worth millions.

As for the value of other equipment on his body, it is estimated that it is not less than this figure.

Food is placed under the backpack, and medical and attack equipment are placed at the top of the backpack for easy access.

Twenty people took advantage of these short ten minutes to eat and replenish their strength before moving on.

The Daxinganling Mountains are 1,400 kilometers long, and the exploration team has no specific location. They can only search aimlessly and rely on luck.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, there are no peaks and dangerous peaks to speak of at this moment, they are all shrouded in a layer of thick fog.

"The area of ​​fog detected by satellite detectors is about 40,000 square kilometers. This area is very large. My personal opinion is to go to the middle. There is a high probability that the source of the fog is in the middle, which is this location - Suoyue Erji Mountain, the main peak of the Greater Khingan Mountains," Lin Feng took out a paper map and pointed at a point.

"Suoyueerji Mountain is about three hundred kilometers away from us. There are monsters ambushing us along the way, and a bloody battle is inevitable. We must make a quick decision and rush to Suoyueerji Mountain within a day and a half to explore Explain the reason and then return quickly," Lin Feng analyzed.

Lin Feng did not only talk about the ideal situation, but also did not explain the bad results.

It is about 300 kilometers from here to Suoyerji Mountain. Such a long distance will be entirely covered by walking. You will encounter many monsters along the way.

In the previous actual combat on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, we only advanced about 200 kilometers in six days.

This time it only lasted a day and a half, and the distance was 100 kilometers longer than the actual battle in Inner Mongolia.

Time is very tight. What if they come back late and miss the fighter plane that takes them back?

There are many monsters and beasts on the way. The twenty ancient warriors alone are probably not as good as a fraction of the ancient warrior monsters there. It makes me shudder to think about it.

Ten minutes later, everyone finally arrived at the foot of the Daxinganling Mountains.

The place was already shrouded in fog. Li Changan tried to call Gou Yu on the communication device, but after calling several times, there was no reply from Gou Yu.

This fog indeed has the function of blocking signals, which means that the exploration team really has no external support and will fight alone in the Daxinganling Mountains, the paradise of monsters.

The fog was very thick and the visibility was less than ten meters, and the further we went inside, the lower the visibility became.

The mist was mixed with a faint fishy smell. This smell was unpleasant, but everyone else got over it. Even the always talkative Gou Yu was quiet, and Li Changan was too embarrassed to complain anymore.

In the thick fog, Li Changan felt depressed, as if he was surrounded by something, and he was not used to breathing.

Visibility is reduced, and it is dangerous to encounter monsters. After all, this is not the home of humans, and the sixth sense of monsters is more developed than that of humans.

Suddenly the team in front stopped. Li Changan's eyes tightened and he vaguely saw Lin Feng directly in front making a pause gesture.

The team stopped, and Lin Feng left the team. Holding the alloy dagger in his hand, he disappeared into the mist in a few jumps.

Without waiting for Li Changan to be confused, Lin Feng walked back from the mist.

When he came back, a cauliflower snake over one meter long appeared on his hand.

This cauliflower snake is colorful all over. It is early spring now and many wild flowers are in bloom. It is difficult to find traces of them among the flowers.

The length of cauliflower snakes is generally tens of centimeters. It is the advent of the Lingyuan era that they have also evolved. Not only did it grow in size, its toxicity also increased several times.

This cauliflower snake is only in the meditative state, but its toxicity is probably not a problem if it knocks out a late-stage ancient martial artist. Moreover, there is no advanced medical equipment here, and even the nearest Beiguan base is three hundred kilometers away.

Even innate masters must be cautious in front of cauliflower snakes.

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