The new move Shifengyuan Yoruichi asked Bailan to study together was indeed the Thunder Beast Battle Form.

This guy seems to have just completed the Thunder God Battle Form and then directly invested in the research of the Thunder Beast Battle Form. Now that he has just started research, there is only a foundation and concept, and there is no structure for anything else.

Bai Lan was also speechless about this.

But since she agreed to Sifengyuan Yeyi to help her study together, Bailan will naturally not keep her word.

For a month, whenever Bai Lan had free time, Sifengyuan Yoruichi would come to her door and ask Bai Lan to study new moves with her.

However, Bai Lan didn't accompany Si Fengyuan Ye Yi to practice Shun Hu's new moves for free.

A month later, Bai Lan also successfully obtained Sifengyuan Ye Yi's blood.

By the way, Shiba Haiyan's blood was also obtained.

After getting the blood of two nobles with"Two Seven Three", Bai Lan directly absorbed the blood of the two nobles without any hesitation, and started tracing the bloodline using the source of blood.

However, Bai Lan really didn't expect that this skill would be so troublesome.

Progress is too slow.

Tracing bloodlines takes a long time.

In two days, the blood traceability of Shifengyuan and the Shiba family has only reached 2%.

One percent a day. According to this situation, it would take a hundred days, or more than three months, to perfectly trace the bloodline sources of the two families.

Moreover, in this case, you don't need to think about it to know that after tracing back to the source of the bloodline, it will also take time to trace back from the source of the bloodline.

In short, it is a very time-consuming ability.

Seeing that it would take such a long time to trace the bloodline, Bai Lan also let go of her expectations.

Just wait and see, one day it will be completed retroactively.

What should I do next or what?

"It's really peaceful"

"A month has passed and nothing has happened."

"However, the taste of this persimmon is just barely good, and incomparable to the silver-dried persimmon."On the edge of the edge, Bailan was rarely called over by Si Fengyuan Yoichi to help practice the Thunder Beast Battle Form. She sat on the edge of the edge, drinking strong tea, eating persimmons, and enjoying them leisurely. The flowers in the courtyard were in full bloom.

After Bai Lan finished speaking, a gentle voice came from a distance.

"Alas, does Captain Bailan really want the Soul Society to be in turmoil?"

Bai Lan turned around and looked over, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Captain Unohana?"

That's right, the person coming is none other than Captain Unohana Retsu, the first Kenpachi of the Seireitei.

"Gui'an, Captain Bai Lan."Mao Zhihua walked over slowly and said hello gently.

"Gui'an, I wonder what Captain Mao Zhihua wants to do with me? Bai Lan also nodded slightly and responded, then asked about the origin of Unohana Retsu.

After becoming the captain of the 10th division, besides Shifengin Yoruichi, Unohana Retsu was the second captain to visit.

"Actually, I came here this time because I wanted to ask Captain Bai Lan for something."Uozhihualie smiled gently, and then said

"Can you please ask me for something?"Bai Lan tilted her head. For a moment, she couldn't think of anything that Uozhihua Lie needed to ask her for.

"Oh, actually..."

"Is it because of my swordsmanship that you are targeting me?"

"What an honor."In Rukongai, Bai Lan followed Unohana Retsu and said with a smile.

Bai Lan really didn't expect that Unohana Retsu came to the door this time because he wanted to learn swordsmanship with her.

For Uozhika Retsu, Bai Lan agreed to Hua Lie's request after thinking about it for a while.

It was just a discussion, it was no big deal.

During this time, he had been fighting with Si Fengyuan Yoruichi.

After that, Bai Lan was beaten Zhihua Retsu was brought out and came to Rukongai.

It seemed that this competition was definitely not a simple matter.

If it was just a simple competition, then it would be enough in the courtyard of the 10th Division, and there was no need to come out to Rukongai at all. Street.

But Unohana Retsu brought him to Rukongai.

Bai Lan, who knew a little about Unohana Retsu, also knew that Unohana Retsu was overjoyed and wanted to have a sex with her. A real kendo battle, not a simple sparring match.

And with the strength of the two of them, a real fight will definitely cause huge damage.........(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is not a good thing for Seireitei.

I heard that the first team had just completed the repairs a few days ago.

If the two of them fight in Seireitei like this, they will not only cause damage to Seireitei, but they will also not be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest.

Because the other captains would never watch the two of them attack unscrupulously.

In this case, Rukongai is the best place.

"Captain Bai Lan is so award-winning"

"Captain Bai Lan, it is my honor for you to agree to my request. Uozhihua Lie, who was walking in front, said with a smile.

"No, no, it is an honor for me to fight against Captain Unohana, who is the first Kenpachi."Bai Lan said politely again.

Hearing this, Uozhihua Lie still smiled, but did not speak again.

However, Bai Lan felt that she seemed to have touched something.

Because a very depressed feeling suddenly appeared on Uozhihua Lie Breath.

Soon, under the leadership of Unohana Retsu, the two came to a spacious rocky plain.

"Right here."Uozhihua Lie turned around, stretched out his hand to untie the whip on his chest, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said lightly.

At this moment, Uozhihua Lie's tone became extremely cold, and the peaceful aura of his body also changed dramatically in an instant. Change.

The breath of bloody killing broke out unscrupulously from Uozhi 5.9 Hua Lie's body, and the surrounding atmosphere became extremely heavy and depressing.

Looking at Uozhi Hana Retsu like this, the corner of Bai Lan's mouth twitched slightly.

Originally, he thought it was just not It was just a simple discussion, but it turned out that things were far beyond my expectations.

Well, let's go straight back to the state of Unohana Yasen-ryu.

Isn't this the explanation of Unohana Retiti Saragi Kenpachi in the Thousand-Year Blood War? Is it the state when the seal was opened?

Are you preparing to fight with yourself?

Taking a deep breath, Bai Lan slowly pulled out the Qian Da from her waist.

And Uozhihua Retsu on the opposite side also pulled out the Kaki. Zanpakutō at the waist.

The next moment, the figures of the two people disappeared at the same time.

Then, an earth-shattering roar resounded through the sky.


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