"Captain, do you want to use our Shiba clan's boundary gate?"Sitting on the cushion, after listening to Bai Lan's story, Zhibo scratched his head, a little surprised.

"Well, is that okay? Bai Lan nodded slightly and asked again.

"I can't make the decision on this."

"Although the Shiba clan’s world-traveling gate is still there, it’s not under my control."

"When I leave Soul Society and enter the present world, I always use the world-traveling gate common to Seireitei."Zhiba Yishin replied

"Neither have you? Bai Lan was slightly surprised when she heard this.

"Well, no"

"The Shiba clan's world-traveling gate is in the hands of my nephew Shiba Haiyan." Zhiba nodded and confirmed.

"That's it. Bai Lan heard this and murmured in a low voice, then fell into deep thought.

"I'd like to ask, Captain, doesn't Seireitei have a boundary gate? Captain, why are you asking about the Shiba clan's world-crossing gate?"Looking at Bailan who was deep in thought, Zhiba Yishin asked.

"Seireitei's boundary-crossing gate will be recorded every time it is used, and it is impossible to use it frequently."

"I want to kill Hueco Mundo, and I need to use World Crossing Gate 187 frequently."Bai Lan didn't mean to hide anything and explained directly.

"In this case, then I'll go find my nephew and give it to the captain to ask for the Shiba clan's permission to travel through the world gate."

"Captain, you are the captain of the 10th division. I think my nephew should be able to sell this convenience."Hearing that Bai Lan wanted to go to Hueco Mundo to eliminate Xu, Zhiha Isshin was immediately in awe, and then took the initiative to ask Ying for help.

"Can?"Bai Lan was a little surprised.

"Keep it on me, captain."Zhiba Yixin patted his chest and promised.

"Then thank you"

"As a thank you, you can come to me when I have time in the future and I will guide you in swordsmanship."

"Your nephew Shiba Haiyan can also come over if you are interested."Bai Lan smiled and nodded and said.

As soon as these words came out, Shiba Isshin's pupils suddenly shrank, and an expression of excitement appeared on his face unconsciously.

Although he, the deputy captain of the 10th division, did not attend the previous captain meeting, But he still knew everything that happened in the First Division at that time.

He heard it from his nephew Shiba Haiyan, and his nephew learned it from the captain of the Thirteenth Division, Ukitake Jushiro, who came to see him.The captain of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro, highly praised Byakuran's swordsmanship and believed that Byakuran's swordsmanship had reached its peak and that few people in Soul Society could rival him. When he first learned about this from his nephew Shiba Haiyan, he was very Excited.

At that time, he thought that if he had the chance, he must ask Bai Lan for advice. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan actually made such a promise to himself now.

With Bai Lan, the captain of the 13th division, Shiro Ukitake, who was the disciple of the captain, With the guidance of a certified swordsman, you can definitely improve your cutting skills quickly.

"Captain, I'm going back now!!!"Thinking of getting guidance from Bai Lan, Shiba Isshin was filled with energy, his nostrils were puffed up, and he was so excited that he stood up and left in a flash without saying a word.

"Um, is this guy so hot-tempered?"Seeing Shiba just leaving, Bai Lan was stunned, then shook his head in amusement and said lightly.

Bai Lan also didn't want to think about how precious the promise he just made was.

The captain of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro, is the century-old captain. He is also a disciple of Captain Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Even he admits that Byakuran is the pinnacle of swordsmanship in Soul Society. How many existences of this level are there in Soul Society? How many people can escape from existences of this level ? Get guidance?

Now this opportunity is placed in front of Shiba Isshin. Can Shiba Isshin not be excited?

Only by getting things done early will he feel at ease.

"fair enough."

Bai Lan will (cefi) make this commitment not only because of the permission to use the world-crossing gate.

It also has its own considerations.

Bai Lan wants to use the source of blood to trace the blood of the Zhibo clan and see if it can You can't get good things.

The ancestors of the five nobles are all figures from the same period as the Spirit King. Although they cannot be compared with the Spirit King, they must not be underestimated.

Bai Lan wants to see what abilities the ancestors of the five nobles have and whether they are useful to her. Useful.

As for coaching competitions, there is naturally a possibility of injury, and Bailan may obtain the blood of the Shiha clan by coaching Shiha Isshin and Shiba Haiyan.

Previously, when she fought with Shifengin Yoruichi, Shifengin Yoruichi wanted to give up. Bailan didn't want to stop. In addition to wanting to increase her spiritual pressure in the battle, she also wanted to get a drop of the blood of the Sifengyuan family from Yoichi's body to use the source of blood to trace the source of the bloodline.

Unfortunately, Sifengyuan family Yuan Yeyi is not a vegetarian. After a fight, Bai Lan failed to hurt this guy or make him bleed.

If he wants to get the blood of the Sifengyuan clan, he can only wait for the opportunity.

But now there is a new one The choice is the Shiba clan.

Although the Shiba clan has declined, no matter how it declines, it is still the Shiba clan, and its ancestors were figures from the same period as the Soul King.

"Well, I guess it will take a while"

"Now, practice sword Zen and give birth to my Zanpakutō as soon as possible."After thinking for a long time, Bai Lan came back to his senses and glanced at the shallow hit beside him. This was what Bai Lan got after joining the Gotei 13. He reached out and picked it up and put it on his lap. Close your eyes and start practicing sword Zen.

Zanpakutō, this is something that only souls in the Shinigami world have the ability to obtain.

Because the souls of this world have special souls in their bodies, and it is also the existence of this kind of soul, the soul body of this world. Only then can he give birth to a Zanpakutō through shallow attack.

After Byakuran came to this world, he had an identity in this world due to the operation of the dimensional shuttle skill, so he also has this kind of spirit child, and can use shallow attack to obtain his own Zanpakutō. Soul Sword.

At the same time, on the other side, Shiba Isshin rushed to the Shiba clan's clan without stopping after leaving the 10th division, and found Shiba Haiyan.

Although Shiba Haiyan graduated from the Zhenou Spiritual Arts Academy at this time, he was still a guardian. Ukitake Jushiro, the captain of the Gotei 13 team, also came to invite him several times, but Shiba Haiyan has not yet joined the Gotei 13 team.

After Shiba found Shiba Haiyan, he directly told the matter to Shiba Haiyan.

After hearing it, you can get After Bai Lan's kendo instruction, Zhiba Haiyan was extremely excited.

"Needless to say!!"

"With just the permission to use the world-traveling gate, he was able to get the guidance of a strong swordsman even respected by Mr. Ukitake. The Shiba clan made a lot of money."

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