Kyōraku Shunsui, who was enjoying the theater, suddenly heard Shifengin Yoruichi's words and didn't react for a while.

After waiting for the reaction to come to his senses, Kyōraku Shunsui pointed at himself with a confirming finger.

"Stop whining and come quickly to help."Looking at Kyōraku Shunsui's incredible look, even if he had known that this guy was usually very out of tune, Shifengyuan Yoruichi was still a little speechless and spoke again.

"Ah, it's so troublesome"

"However, seeing his colleagues fighting, it seemed unreasonable not to get involved."After confirming that Yoruichi Shihoin was indeed calling him for help, Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't ignore it. He murmured and pulled out the two Zanpakutos from his waist, and joined the battlefield in a flash.

"Brother, come and have a fight with me."As soon as he joined the battlefield, Kyōraku Shunsui approached Kenpachi Zaraki and said with a smile.

When Kyōraku Shunsui interrupted his battle, Zaraki Kenpachi frowned slightly, but he felt powerful from Kyōraku Shunsui. After receiving his spiritual pressure, Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care anymore and started fighting Kyoraku Shunsui.

Anyway, 22 his purpose is to fight. As long as the enemy is strong enough, he can fight no matter who he is.

On the other side, there is no Saragi. Mu Jianba acted as a stumbling block, and Si Fengyuan Ye Yi also faced Bai Lan head-on.

"Hey, kid, my name is Shifengyuan Yoruichi, what's your name?"Before, the three-party melee was so fierce that she had no time to communicate. Just calling Kyoryu Shunsui for help was already the limit. Now she finally has the energy to communicate.

"Bai Lan, speaking of which, why do you keep staring at me?" Bailan asked while wielding the Nichirin Sword and slashed at Sifengyuan Yoichi.

Byakuran's slash, Sifengyin Yoichi directly blocked it with his arm.

The arm wrapped with thunder was not afraid of Bailan's slash at all. , not afraid of being cut.

That’s right, at this time, Shifengyuan Yoruichi has entered the thunder god battle form, with a large amount of thunder and lightning wrapped around his body, and his fists and kicks are full of terrifying thunder and lightning attacks

"Didn’t I say that from the beginning?"

"I want you to join my squad."After blocking Bailan's slash, Sifengyuan Yoruichi's left foot was wrapped with a high concentration of lightning, and he chopped off Bailan's head from above.

Communication is communication, and Sifengyuan Yoruichi had no intention of holding back.

One is because Bai Lan is very powerful and has no hold back. If she doesn't take action with all her strength, it will easily capsize.

The other is that she is venting her resentment towards Bai Lan who has been avoiding her for the past year.

She is nothing but I just want to invite him to join the second team. Even if he refuses, there is no need to react so bigly, right?

It makes you look like a savage beast.

"I had something to do before and didn't want to join the Seireitei, but now I can join the Seireitei."Bai Lan punched Ye Yi's thigh, and replied calmly.


"What a powerful vibration!!!"The vibrating power from the air swept directly onto Si Fengyuan Ye Yi's feet, blasting the entangled thunder and lightning into pieces, and then fell on Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi's feet, directly giving Si Feng Yuan Ye Yi's feet. Yuan Yeyi's feet caused a lot of damage.

However, Si Fengyuan Yeyi didn't care about this damage. Instead, he was extremely excited.

Because Bai Lan said that he didn't want to join before, but now he is willing to join.

This It means that Bailan will no longer hide from herself.

"In this case, there is no need to fight between us."Knowing that Bailan was willing to join the Seireitei, Shifengyuan Yoruichi wanted to stop the battle.

However, Bailan didn't want the battle to end so soon.

Because Bailan discovered that during the battle, his spiritual pressure became stronger. Almost.

From just now to now, in just ten minutes, the high-intensity battle has increased his spiritual pressure by about two levels. You must know that his current spiritual pressure is twice the captain level.

Twice the captain level The level of spiritual pressure has been increased by two levels. This improvement can be imagined.

But this improvement was achieved in more than ten minutes of high-intensity fighting.

How could Bai Lan give up such a good thing?

"Hey, hey, that's not necessary."Seeing that Bailan not only had no intention of stopping, but that the spiritual pressure on her body was rising again, Sifengyuan Yoruichi was surprised by the strength of Bailan's spiritual pressure and was also speechless by Bailan's behavior. You agreed to join. Seireitei, then we will be partners next, is it necessary to continue fighting?

"Cut the nonsense and carry on!!" Bai Lan didn't care about this and shouted loudly.

Seeing Bai Lan's high fighting spirit and no intention to stop, Si Fengyuan Yoruichi had no choice but to continue accompanying him.

The battle lasted until late at night before stopping.

During this period, Xing No one from Lingting came over, and they seemed not to notice the changes happening here at all.

"Who is this guy, so belligerent?"On the edge of the cliff, Si Fengyuan Yoruichi stood up and looked at the battle in the distance, saying in surprise. The battle between her and Bai Lan had stopped two hours ago.

As a result, Jing Le Chunshui and the Zhuang Han's fighting still had no intention of stopping, but it became more and more intense.

Shifengyuan Yoruichi was grateful in her heart that Kyoraku Shunsui had taken this guy away when Kyoraku Shunsui intervened in the battlefield, otherwise it would definitely be a troublesome thing.

Although she I'm not afraid of fighting, but I don't want to fight like this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Bai Lan was also very motivated to fight just now, she couldn't compete with the strong man who was fighting desperately on the battlefield now. But there is an essential difference.

Bai Lan fights normally, while the strong man is desperate and crazy, the kind who lives and dies for fighting.

If this kind of person is a companion, he will definitely be A good thing, but if it is an opponent or an enemy, then it will be in big trouble.

"The Kyōband leader doesn't like meaningless battles. He was able to fight with this guy for so long because he definitely had the intention of inviting this guy to the Seireitei."Sifengyuan Yeyi guessed

"probably."Bai Lan on the side heard Si Fengyuan Ye Yi's guess and nodded in agreement.

Bai Lan's words seemed very perfunctory, because at this time he was feeling the changes in his spiritual pressure.

"As expected of the incarnation of the Spiritual King!!!".

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