"I don’t know if Elf is monitoring what’s happening here."Looking at the battle below, Shifengin Yoruichi muttered in his heart.

The monitoring methods in the Seireitei are all aimed at Hollows. Only when the special spiritual pressure possessed by Hollows appears, the Seireitei's monitoring methods will be triggered..As for the spiritual pressure that appears in the Death God battle, monitoring methods have not been put in place.

However, if the spiritual pressure in the Death God battle is very strong, it may still be sensed by the captains in the Seireitei.

Although the Seireitei has a cover The soul membrane can cover up, but it can't completely cover up the spiritual pressure.

"I hope no one will come over, I don't want anyone to snatch it from me."Thinking of this, Shifengyuan Yeyi murmured in a low voice.

Nowadays, with the replacement of old and new members of the Seireitei, many captains have been replaced, and apart from the captain, there is no captain-level Shinigami in each division.

Everyone hopes to have a captain-level companion in their squad, so that they can be more relaxed when encountering Daxu when going on missions.

Although his second squad already has Kisuke Kamahara, this guy is also a captain, And he is also considered a good player at the captain level.

But who doesn’t want a captain-level Shinigami? Naturally, the more the better.

If the battles taking place here are noticed by the captains in the Seireitei, they will definitely come and snatch people from me.

I will I have been looking for Bai Lan for more than a year, but I don’t want to be picked off by others.

"However, what is going on with these two people and why their spiritual pressure is rising, surpassing my strongest spiritual pressure."Watching this battle, Sifengyuan Yoruichi's eyes twitched.

Because Sifengyuan Yoruichi discovered that Bailan and the strong man's spiritual pressure had been rising during the battle, and now it has climbed to a level higher than hers. She is getting stronger.

If she continues to climb, even if she activates the Shunkuo and the Thunder God battle form, she will not be able to compare with the two of them in terms of spiritual pressure.

As for who is stronger and who is weaker, we will have to fight to find out.

After all, the winner will be decided There are many factors that are negative.

No, no, no, we are not talking about this now.

If the spiritual pressure of these two guys continues to rise, even if the Seireitei has a soul shield, they will definitely be discovered.

"Hey, you two, stop it, you two."Sifengyuan Yoruichi felt very unhappy at the thought of other captains coming to compete with him, and then shouted loudly to Bailan who was fighting.

When the two fighting men heard Sifengyuan Yoruichi's shouting, they unanimously agreed He stopped and looked over with an unhappy expression.

"Well, it really stopped"

"But what do you want to do?"Sifengyuan Yoruichi didn't expect that she just shouted and the two of them actually stopped.

However, the next moment, Sifengyuan Yoruichi was shocked.

Because she found that both of them had no fighting spirit. They gathered on his side, obviously preparing to attack him. Sure enough

, the next moment, Bailan and Zaraki Kenpachi jumped up and rushed towards Shifengyuan Yoruichi.

Bailan was because Shifouin Yoruichi had Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku in his hands, so he wanted to beat Shifouin Yoruichi.

Zaraki Kenpachi was simply unhappy, unhappy that Shifouin Yoruichi interrupted their fight. He actually let him They don't want to fight, stop?

Who do you think you are?

So the two of them stopped fighting tacitly, and went straight to Sifengin Yoruichi together.

"You guys are serious."Seeing this scene, Shifouin Yoruichi quickly let go of Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku, and then stepped back in a flash.

Although she wanted to use Matsumoto Rangiku and Ichimaru Gin to let Bailan talk to her. Talk, talk, don’t run away every time, but you won’t hurt the two of them.

So when she saw Bai Lan and Zaraki Kenpachi attacking her together, she immediately let go of them..

Because it is impossible to fight with two people.

Moreover, the spiritual pressure of Byakuran and Zaraki Kenpachi is so strong. Fortunately, Ichimaru Gin can withstand this spiritual pressure at close range, but Matsumoto Rakiko cannot bear it. In case something happens What should I do?

Bai Lan will definitely hate her.

She is here to invite Bai Lan, not to make Bai Lan hate her.

Looking at the two people getting closer and closer, Shifengyuan Yoruichi put his hand on Zanpaku behind his back. On the sword.

However, after hesitating for a moment, Sifengyuan Yeyi gave up.

She is the commander of the Xing Army. Every time she comes out, a large number of Xing Army will follow her, hiding nearby. As soon as she draws her sword, then This means that the entire Xing Army is dispatched.

He does not want the members of the Xing Army to die.

Moreover, it seems that the two of them do not really want to kill him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As long as Just accompany the two of them to fight.

Thinking of this, Shifengyuan Yiyi shook off the haori on his body.

The next moment, a high concentration of concentrated orbital spiritual pressure erupted on his shoulders and back, directly The clothes on his shoulders and back were completely shattered, and the powerful spiritual pressure created a powerful wind pressure that swept across wantonly.


"bring it on!!!"Sifengyuan Yeyi, who entered the instant coaxing state, also became belligerent, waved to the two of them, and said provocatively

"cut!!"Kenpachi Zaraki curled his lips in displeasure when he saw Yoruichi Shihoin's provocation. Then he jumped up and was the first to rush towards Yoruichi Shihoin. The Zanpakuto in his hand was powerful and heavy. He slashed over.

Bailan did not delay, and rushed over in a flash.

The next moment, the three of them started fighting in a melee.

The scale of the battle was even greater than when Bailan and Zaraki Kenpachi fought.

It was powerful. The spiritual pressure of the three people continued to vent from the battlefield, sweeping towards the outside, destroying everything around them

"What a powerful spiritual pressure."After being put down by Shifouin Yoruichi, Ichimaru Gin took Matsumoto Rangiku and ran out to the outside. At this time, he was standing on a cliff far away from the battlefield and watching the three-party melee. The spiritual pressure that erupted on the battlefield was deep. Ichimaru Gin was deeply shocked

"Bai Lan is so awesome."Matsumoto Rangiku, who was next to Ichimaru Gin, had eyes full of stars and was extremely excited.

At this moment, a vicissitudes of uncle's voice came from behind the two of them.

"Hey, what a powerful spiritual pressure."[]

"One of them is the captain of Sifengyuan, and I haven’t seen the other two."

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