Not long after Bai Lan and the other three left, a figure wearing a death costume appeared here.

"Two levels of spiritual pressure at the level of a chief officer suddenly disappeared."

"Interesting."The visitor pushed his eyes and said lightly with a gentle smile.

On the other side, the figures of Bai Lan and the others appeared in another area after being so close to each other several times.

"Ha, why did that guy suddenly appear there?"

"Could it be that he was going to get the spiritual son from the soul that was qualified to become the God of Death?"

"I remember these were the materials he used to make the broken jade."

"Although Zaraki District is chaotic, those who can survive in Zaraki District are definitely souls who are qualified to become the God of Death."After being teleported to a safe area, Bai Lan fell into deep thought. As he thought about it, his eyes unconsciously looked at Matsumoto Rangiku, who was pregnant with"One Three Three".

Just now in Zaraki District, when Bai Lan was about to leave, her space perception As soon as he used it, Bai Lan saw a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

To be honest, after seeing this figure, Bai Lan only broke out in a cold sweat.

Because the person he saw was none other than Aizen Soyousuke. This guy,

Aizen Sosuke, actually appeared in the chaotic area of ​​Zaraki District.

And it happened to be the time when the three of them came to Zaraki District by accident.

Fortunately, they did not encounter Aizen. Otherwise, even if Bai Lan has the ability to escape from danger, he will still be targeted by Aizen.

This guy has a lot of tricks. Even if he is so far away, Bai Lan can't guarantee absolute safety.

In fact, what Bai Lan doesn't know is that the three of them Not long after arriving in Zaraki District, Aizen noticed the three of them.

However, Aizen was extracting the souls of several Shinigami at the time, so he did not find them in time.

Not long after Bailan discovered it, Aizen arrived The location where the three of them were before they disappeared.

However, after seeing Aizen, Byakuran unconsciously thought of Matsumoto Rangiku in his arms.

In the original work, Matsumoto Rangiku was the one who had the special spirit child in his body taken away by Aizen, the Spirit King. The fragment of the Soul King's fingertip.

And Aizen happened to be seen by Ichimaru Gin again when he took the Soul King's fingertip from Rangiku's body.

This changed Ichimaru Gin's life.

Otherwise, with the character Ichimaru Gin showed during this period , Ichimaru Gin will never go to Seireitei

"Brother Bailan, do I have anything on me?"Bakulan kept staring, Matsumoto Rangiku was slightly confused and asked in confusion.

"Ah, nothing." Bai Lan came to her senses and quickly put down Rang Ju.

"What happened?"Ichimaru Gin is naturally not as ignorant as Rangiku. He clearly felt something was wrong with Byakuran.

"Well, there is indeed something"

"Now, Gin, don't come into contact with a god of death named Aizen Sosuke in the future. That god of death is very dangerous."

"Rangiku, you too."Hearing Ichimaru Gin's question, Bai Lan was silent for a moment, and finally decided to remind the two of them.

"Oh, I know, Brother Bai Lan." Rangiku nodded and agreed.

However, Ichimaru Gin did not agree directly, but asked Bailan curiously:"Brother Bailan, do you know the god of death named Aizen Sosuke?"

"I haven't seen him yet, but that guy is very dangerous. Just avoid him in the future. Bai Lan shook her head and said with a frown.

"Well, Brother Bai Lan, don't worry. I don't want to be the God of Death. I will stay away from the God of Death if I encounter him."When Ichimaru Gin heard this, he directly agreed to Bai Lan without asking any questions.

"Well, let's go and find some firewood to make a fire. We can only sleep in the wild today. Bai Lan nodded, then glanced at the moonlit night sky, and said lightly.

After coming to this world, he knew that he could not just use his body to fight. He needed to strengthen his spiritual pressure and strengthen his soul to be able to exert his power. After gaining strength, Bailan has been avoiding contact with the God of Death, hoping to wait until her spiritual pressure has increased to captain level before contacting the God of Death.

But she is afraid of what she comes up with.

Two months ago, she met Shifengin Yoruichi, and she almost met him tonight They also ran into Aizen Soyousuke, the big BOOS in the early stage of Death.

Fortunately, he turned on spatial perception. If it had been a little later, they would have run into Aizen Soyousuke. After all, Aizen Soso at that time Yousuke is slowly approaching in the direction where they are.

If they really meet him, it will definitely be a troublesome matter.

"What a hassle."Leaning against a big rock and looking at the bonfire in front of her, Bai Lan sighed silently.

Immediately, Bai Lan glanced at Gin Ichimaru and Rangiku Matsumoto, who were both sleeping on both sides of her, and reached out to help them. He picked up the linen cloak and covered the two of them.

Then, Bai Lan slowly closed his eyes.

Time passed by, and a year had passed since the last time he almost ran into Aizen in Zaraki District. Time.

During this year, Bai Lan took Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku to wander around the entire Rukongai.

There was no way, Xing Jun's people were like dog-skin plaster, and they kept tracking the traces of the three of them. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In this case, it is naturally impossible for Bai Lan and the three of them to stay in the same place all the time. When taking Ichimaru Gin and Matsumoto Rangiku around, Bai Lan did not forget to guide them Practicing swordsmanship.

In addition, Bai Lan also figured out a better method of refining spiritual pressure based on his ability to independently refine his spiritual pressure through the incarnation of the spirit child over the past year. Bai Lan handed over this method to the two of them.

The method of refining spiritual pressure that Bai Lan figured out was derived from Bai Lan's spiritual son incarnation. The refining effect is much stronger than that of Ichimaru Gin, and the speed of refining spiritual pressure is at least ten times that of Ichimaru Gin's method. In this year, Bai Lan has also raised his spiritual pressure to the level of deputy captain.

Speaking of this, Bai Lan is very envious of the protagonist of the Death World.

This guy is a pure cheat, from becoming the Death to becoming the captain of 5.9 It only took a few months to level up.

After that, it only took three years to reach the pinnacle of the Shinigami world.

And I, with the ability to incarnate the spirit child, could only increase my spiritual pressure in one year. He has only become stronger than the vice-captain level.

It’s so irritating to compare people with others, so you have to throw away the goods.

However, complaints are complaints, but Bai Lan is not jealous.

After all, the reason why Yijigu has such a perverted growth rate is completely Because of Yijigu's special identity and the calculations he carries. With two big BOOS feeding this guy in the early and late stages, it's no wonder that his growth rate is not fast. Bailan doesn't want to be like Yijigu and be beaten by two big


BOOS is staring, Bai Lan can't even hide from them...

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