Chapter 92: The plow was broken, I took the initiative to arrive at the Olympic Apartment parking lot.

Liu Tianxian said to Su Ye:

"You go back, I can go up by myself."

Su Ye looked at Liu Tianxian's difficulty in walking, and said with some worry:

"I'll take you up there."

Liu Tianxian shook her head and said:

"No need, there will be a bloody storm later."

"I'm worried that if my mother sees you, she will fight you to death."

Su Ye doubted:

"Is it that serious?"

Liu Tianxian:

"If you knew how obsessed my mother was with the wealthy family,"

"You'll know if I'm exaggerating."

"If she knew that it was you who ruined my passport to marry into a wealthy family,"

"See if she will fight you to death."

Su Ye said fearfully:

"All right then. You should talk to your mother-in-law nicely, and don't fight."

Liu Tianxian rolled her eyes at Su Ye.

Calling her mother-in-law already.

This ability to climb up the ladder is unparalleled.

However, although Liu Tianxian complained about Su Ye's climbing up the ladder in her heart, she did not speak to correct Su Ye.

She found that she didn't mind Su Ye calling her mother-in-law.

Alas, why didn't she dislike this Sea King?

On the contrary, she enjoyed being with him.

He was handsome, and he looked pleasing to the eye no matter how you looked at him.

Liu Tianxian suppressed her emotions, waved to Su Ye, and then returned to the apartment, holding on to the wall.


Su Ye watched Liu Tianxian's disappearing back.

He was unsure whether"The more you live, the more AIDS you have" had any effect.

After Liu Tianxian woke up, he had been secretly observing Liu Tianxian's reaction.

Unfortunately, he did not observe any useful information.

Liu Tianxian's reaction was the same as usual.

She did not reject his intimate gestures.

But she did not say she loved him either.

This is 1 billion,

I hope you don't buy a product without any quality assurance!

Seeing Liu Tianxian disappear in the elevator,

Su Ye drove away.


Liu Tianxian just used her fingerprint to open the door.

She saw her mother sitting at the entrance with a gloomy face.

The lights in the room were not on. Liu Tianxian was startled when she suddenly saw Liu Xiaoli. But soon, she regained her composure. She held the wall and walked into the room without saying hello to Liu Xiaoli.


Liu Xiaoli saw her daughter finally came back.

The anger in her heart suddenly rushed to the top of her head.

She was about to lose her temper.

When she saw her daughter walking like a crab, boom!

Liu Xiaoli felt as if a thunderclap had exploded in her mind. Her temples were throbbing non-stop.

It's over, it's over, look at the dead girl.

She was plowed by someone.

Judging from the situation, she was plowed to pieces.

However, is there a possibility that she was actually hit by a car?

Thinking of this,

Liu Xiaoli resisted the urge to lose her temper.

She took two deep breaths, and then asked Liu Tianxian expressionlessly:

"Where have you been all day and night?"

"Why is the phone always turned off?"

"Do you know how many times I called you?"

The more she talked, the more she couldn't suppress her anger.

Liu Tianxian calmly took off her high heels and said calmly:

"My phone ran out of battery at my friend's place."

Liu Xiaoli sneered:


"Didn’t you leave in Su Ye’s car yesterday?"

"Could it be that your friend is Su Ye?"

"You just met yesterday, and you became friends so quickly?"

Liu Tianxian came to the sofa and lay down immediately.

Finally, she felt comfortable.

She said lightly:

"With some people, you only need to look at them once to know whether you can become friends."

Liu Xiaoli:


I won't waste my words with you. Tell me honestly whether he bullied you or not.

"He didn't bully me,"

Liu Xiaoli was overjoyed.

"But I bullied him,"

Liu Xiaoli's heart sank.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Tianxian looked at Liu Xiaoli's Sichuan Opera-like face-changing expression and felt very happy.

She said lightly:

"That's what you understand."

Liu Xiaoli's voice trembled a little:

"You, you really had a deep exchange with him?"

Liu Tianxian nodded affirmatively:

"Really, I'm not a cook anymore...,"

"So, you can give up the idea of letting me marry into a wealthy family."

Liu Xiaoli could no longer suppress her anger, and she asked her daughter harshly:

"How can you be so unself-loving?"

"Are you doing this to repay your mother for all the years of her hard work?"

"Are you trying to piss me off to death?"

Facing her mother's anger,

Liu Tianxian was exceptionally calm.

She said calmly:

"Regardless of whether it is right or not, it has already happened and cannot be changed."

"Now, the only thing you can do is to accept the reality."

Liu Xiaoli was so anxious that she walked back and forth in the room.

Although she had a premonition about this matter before, when it really happened, she still found it hard to accept. She felt like a volcano was about to erupt in her heart.

By the way,

Liu Xiaoli thought of something. She stopped walking around and asked Liu Tianxian:

"Where is Su Ye now?"

"You call him right away."

"I want to see him immediately,"

Liu Tianxian said calmly:

"What did you see him do?"

"What are you doing?"

Liu Xiaoli said angrily:

"He did this to you."

"Of course I have to make him responsible for you."

Although Su Ye is not from a noble family, he is young, handsome, and can make money.

Since Liu Tianxian can no longer marry into a wealthy family, she has to settle for the next best thing and marry Su Ye.

After all, Liu Tianxian's red pill was taken away by Su Ye.

He must be responsible.


Liu Tianxian asked back:

"I took the initiative in this matter, so why should he be held responsible?"

Liu Xiaoli heard Liu Tianxian say that it was her initiative.

She was so angry that her heart couldn't help but pause for a moment.

She covered her chest, took a deep breath, and then spoke:

"Even if you took the initiative, but he didn't refuse, he must be responsible."

She looked at her daughter's indifferent attitude and said angrily:

"Also, what is your attitude?"

"I've been thinking about you."

"Why don't you care about your own affairs at all?"

Liu Tianxian said helplessly:

"I'm not uninterested. It's just that Su Ye already has a girlfriend."

"How do you want him to be responsible?"


Liu Xiaoli covered her chest again.

"He actually has a girlfriend?"

"Since he has a girlfriend,"

"How can he still do this to you?"

Liu Tianxian:

"Didn't I tell you? I took the initiative.……"

Liu Xiaoli interrupted unhappily:

"You don't need to remind me anymore, I know you took the initiative."

"This is not something glorious."

"You don't need to emphasize it repeatedly."

Liu Tianxian:"……"

Liu Xiaoli continued:

"Since he has a girlfriend,"

"Even if someone takes the initiative to seduce you,"

"He should have refused."

"He didn't refuse, that's his fault."

"He has to be responsible for you." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Liu Tianxian was speechless about her mother's unreasonable behavior:

"He already has a girlfriend, how can you ask him to take responsibility?"

Liu Xiaoli said as a matter of course:

"Of course, let him break up with his girlfriend and marry you."


Liu Tianxian sneered:


Liu Xiaoli:


Why ? Because it's your first time.

"What if it’s someone else’s girlfriend’s first time too?"

Liu Xiaoli:"……"

She said:

"Anyway, Su Ye has to take responsibility for this matter, and he can't deny it."

"Otherwise I'll expose this matter."

"Let's see how he can survive in the entertainment industry in the future."

Liu Tianxian said calmly:

"Just go ahead and shake it."

"There is no evidence for this matter, why are you shaking?"

"Moreover, Su Ye is the director,"

"For him, the scandal did not cause much consequence."

"So, your threat has no effect on him at all."

"Also, if you really dare to tremble,"

"I dared to hold a press conference and tell the reporters that I seduced him."

"See how you deal with it then."

"You, you,"

Liu Xiaoli pointed at her daughter with a trembling finger, almost vomiting blood in anger:

"You damn girl, which side are you on?"

"I do this all for you, right?"

"Why are you helping outsiders?"

"Did you learn to turn your arms outward just in one night?"

Liu Tianxian:

"It's not my side."

"I just want to tell you that I want to make my own decisions in the future"

"Make the decision yourself?"

Liu Xiaoli said with a bitter smile:

"You think you have grown wings."

"Do you think your mother who has given everything for you is a burden?"

"I want to abandon my mother."


Liu Tianxian saw her mother starting to blackmail her again, and she felt helpless.

She wanted to ignore it, rush out of the house, and never contact her mother again, but her mother had indeed paid too much for her. She simply couldn't ignore it. Liu Tianxian sighed in her heart. Her tone softened a little, and she said:

"I don't want to abandon you and go on my own."

"I just don't want you to control my love life"

"As long as you don't interfere with my love life in the future,"

"As long as you don't control me in everything in the future,"

"Don't follow me 24 hours a day,"

"Give me some private space."

"I still think of you as my mother,"

"I will continue to be filial to you in the future."

Liu Xiaoli didn't want to make things too awkward with her daughter, so she softened her tone.

"Since you don't want to marry into a wealthy family, I won't force you."

"But Su Ye, you can't just let it go."

"Since you choose to give him your first time,"

"You must have a crush on him."

"And Su Ye is also good enough,"

"So, you should take this opportunity to let him marry you."

"As long as you marry Su Ye,"

"In the future, you won’t have to work so hard in the entertainment industry." Liu Tianxian was very happy to see her mother finally give up her obsession with a wealthy family. She opened her heart to her mother and said:

"I do have a crush on Su Ye."

"But Su Ye already has a girlfriend, he won't marry me."

She didn't tell Su's mother that Su Ye had four girlfriends.

She was afraid that her mother would use this to threaten Su Ye after knowing it.

In the end, everyone was unhappy.

Liu Xiaoli saw that her daughter really had a good impression of Su Ye, and she immediately paid attention:

"`.Don't worry, even if you have a wife, you can get a divorce, let alone just a girlfriend."

"I will find a way to make him responsible."

Liu Tianxian was not at all relieved.

She reminded her mother:

"Don't mess around."

"I took the initiative to do this."

"You insist on making others responsible, isn't that extortion?"

Liu Xiaoli said disapprovingly:

"How can you blackmail someone when it comes to marriage?"

"But don't worry, I won't mess around."

"By the way, who is Su Ye’s girlfriend?"

"Maybe we can think of a way to make her girlfriend give up."

Liu Tianxian rolled her eyes and said:

"Jing Tian."


Liu Xiaoli's legs softened and she immediately knelt on the ground.

She got up from the ground with a look of horror on her face and said in disbelief:

"No way? His girlfriend is Jing Tian?"

"He actually managed to catch up with Jing Tian?"

"How is this possible?"

Seeing her mother's shocked expression, Liu Tianxian couldn't help but asked with a smile:

"Now, do you still want her to give up?"

Liu Xiaoli was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak.

If Jing Tian was really Su Ye's girlfriend, then Liu Tianxian should give up.

��Yes, are we going to let Su Yebai take advantage?

That would be too much of a loss!


I can't take this loss!


Back at the courtyard,

Su Ye cut off the bed sheet with Liu Tianxian's blood on it and carefully kept it.

Together with the bed sheet with Liu Tianxian 's blood on it,

Su Ye now has five plum blossom bed sheets in his collection.

"do not know either,"

"Can I fill this photo album?"

"It seems that this photo album has a total of one hundred pages!"

"However, I still pay more attention to quality than quantity."

…… the next day

《The second day box office of"Captain of China" in North America came out.

It earned 1.3 million US dollars.

When Wang Gebi said this number, his tone could not hide his excitement.

"……I heard that"Captain China" received good response in North America,"

"Not only Asians like it, but even some European and American movie fans like it"

"So the distributor plans to increase the number of theaters showing"Captain China" in North America."

"We are also planning to increase the number of films"

"I feel that Captain China will probably eventually make more than 10 million in North America."

Su Ye seemed very calm.

He said calmly:

"Even if we can get more than 10 million at the box office, we won’t get much in the end."

Wang Gebi:

"Although the money I got was not much, it was of great significance."

"If I really feel it,"

"Then"Captain China" is the first pure Chinese film in the past decade to achieve such a high box office in North America."

"By then, the media will definitely praise you highly."

"Director Su will become even more famous.

"To celebrate this grand event, could Mr. Wang increase the number of screenings of"Crazy Stone"?"


Wang Gebi said helplessly:

"17.5% of the film schedule is already very high."

"You know, this is the National Day."

"When all kinds of blockbusters are released"

"I really can’t add more."

Su Ye:

"But I heard that the number of screenings of"Robotech" has reached 37%"

Wang Gebi:

"If"Crazy Stone" was directed by you, Director Su, I would also rank it 37th for you.%"

"But isn't Ning Hao a newcomer?"

Seeing that Wang Gebi couldn't be convinced,

Su Ye had no choice but to give up.

After hanging up the phone,

Su Ye immediately logged into his Weibo account and posted a message about"Crazy Stone".

In more than half a month,"Stone" will be released.

Therefore, various publicity work must be started.


Su Ye first uploaded a poster of"Stone".

Then, he typed a paragraph of text

"The absurd comedy movie"Crazy Stone", produced by me and starring Bai Lu, me and Reba, will be released on October 1st."

"Dear netizens, please support us"

"ps: I guarantee that this movie will definitely make you laugh and subvert your inherent understanding of movies." As soon as Su Ye's Weibo came out, fans left messages.

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