Su Ye glanced at Liu Tianxian.

She was indeed wearing a seat belt.

This meant she was not completely drunk.

However, Liu Tianxian was wearing a set of evening gown today. It was already showing off her figure.

Now that the seat belt squeezed her,

Su Ye finally understood what it meant to squeeze her. If she squeezed, she would always get something.

If she did, she would always get something.

"Snow flutters, north wind blows…-…"

Hey, is Yuan Hua coming out?

Just when Su Ye thought that Yuan Hua was about to come out,

Liu Tianxian turned off her phone.

""Why don't you answer the phone?" Su Ye asked in confusion.

Liu Tianxian did not explain.

She stretched out her snow-white palm and asked Su Ye:

"Where's your cell phone? Give it to me too,"

Su Ye said:

"What are you doing?"

Although he asked this,

Su Ye still handed the phone to Liu Tianxian.

Liu Tianxian turned off Su Ye's phone.

"This way the old witch won't be able to find us."

Liu Tianxian looked at the two black screen phones and said with a smug look on her face.

It was like a child who had done a prank and the mentality after success.

Three black lines suddenly appeared on Su Ye's forehead.

It turned out that Liu Tianxian was still in a drunken hallucination.

"Where do you live? I'll take you back."Su Ye asked Liu Tianxian.

Liu Tianxian shook her head and said:

"I don't want to go home. I never want to go back to that home again."

Su Ye:

"If you don't go home, where are you going to live?"

Liu Tianxian looked at Su Ye with burning eyes, lifted her long hair beside her face, and asked Su Ye:

"Where do you live? I'll go to your place tonight!"

Su Ye drove the car, glanced at Liu Tianxian, and said lightly:

"Do you know that what you said is very dangerous?"

Liu Tianxian pretended to be stupid and said:

"What's the danger?"

Su Ye saw Liu Tianxian's silly look and couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Unfortunately, he was not the kind of person who took advantage of the drunkenness.

Otherwise, he would let Liu Tianxian know what it meant to envy the mandarin ducks instead of the immortals! Su Ye coaxed Liu Tianxian in a coaxing tone :

"Be good, little boy, tell your uncle where you live, or else a big bad wolf will eat you." Three black lines appeared on Liu Tianxian's forehead. He treated her like a three-year-old child!

"I'm not drunk! I'm really not drunk." She emphasized.

Su Ye followed Liu Tianxian's words and said:

"I know you are not drunk, just tell me where you live and I will take you to find your mother."

Liu Tianxian asked online:

I smell of alcohol but I am conscious.

How can I prove that I am not drunk?

"How can I prove that I am not drunk?"Liu Tianxian asked Su Ye helplessly.

Su Ye:

"Eight hundred standard bearers ran to the north slope, and the artillery ran side by side to the north"

"The artillery is afraid of hitting the standard bearer, and the standard bearer is afraid of hitting the artillery gun"

"If you can repeat it, it proves that you are not drunk."……"

Who am I?

Where am I?

Can anyone tell me what Su Ye just"cannonballed"?

Is this the feeling of knowledge flowing through the brain but leaving nothing behind?

Liu Tianxian gave up:

"Well, you win, I am indeed drunk."

Seeing Liu Tianxian finally admitting that he was drunk, Su Ye couldn't help but say proudly:

"Now can you tell me where you live?"

"your home!"

Liu Tianxian said unhappily.

Anyway, she was determined not to go back to her home today.

Didn't my mother want me to join a wealthy family?

Today I will tell her about myself.

I have lost my virginity, let's see how my mother can still pursue her dream of marrying into a wealthy family!

My mother's dream of marrying into a wealthy family is shattered, and

I will be completely free in the future.

Thinking of this,

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but look at Su Ye.

With his sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, and his imposing manner, he was her ideal type. She also admired

Su Ye's talent from the bottom of her heart.

Otherwise, when she greeted Su Ye today, she would not call Su Ye"Master Su".

This is the name Su Ye's fans call Su Ye.

Moreover, she would not set her cell phone ringtone to"The North Wind Xiaoxiao".

And my mother said that Su Ye likes me.

That's why she spent five million to take pictures of my rubbish paintings. It's not a loss to give it to him for the first time, but I made a profit.

Thinking of this,

Liu Tianxian's heart suddenly moved.

Didn't you say that I was drunk?

Then I shouldn't be laughed at if I say something drunk, right?

So, she took the courage to ask Su Ye:

"Tell me, do you believe in love?"

Su Ye glanced at Liu Tianxian, whose face was red with drunkenness, and warned:

"20,000 yuan for vomiting on the car."

Liu Tianxian:"……"

I, what kind of straight man did I meet?

Liu Tianxian didn't give up and continued to ask:

"Do you like me? That's why you spent 5 million to buy my rubbish paintings?"

Su Ye said with a smile:

"You also know that your paintings are rubbish?"

Liu Tianxian resisted the urge to vomit blood and said:

"When you answer the question, can you pay attention to the main point? I am asking if you like me or not!"

Su Ye concentrated on driving the car and nodded in a tone of coaxing a drunkard:

"Yes, I like you. Please don’t vomit."

Liu Tianxian:"……"

She was completely speechless to Su Ye.

Forget it.

When we get there,

I'll just force myself on him!

To deal with this straight man,

I can only force him.

Thinking of this,

Liu Tianxian lay down on the chair, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep.

Even if you are steel,

I will eat you today!


Su Ye saw that Liu Tianxian suddenly fell asleep.

He said helplessly:

""Oh, don't sleep, you haven't told me where you live yet?"

Unfortunately, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Su Ye had no choice but to drive the car to his courtyard.

This time he came to Kyoto.

He bought himself a medium-sized courtyard next to the Second Ring Road. He spent 290 million.

In this way, he will have a place to stay when he comes to Kyoto in the future. After driving for about 40 minutes,

Su Ye arrived at Nanluoguxiang, his home.

This courtyard has been renovated.

The car can be driven directly into the garage in the courtyard from the side door.

Su Ye parked the car and said to Liu Tianxian:

"Alas, we are here."

However, Liu Tianxian did not respond.

"Did he really fall asleep?"

Su Ye got out of the car, came to the passenger seat, opened the door, and whispered to Liu Tianxian:

"Tianxian, don't sleep, the old witch is here."

Liu Tianxian still didn't move.

Su Ye had no choice but to push Tianxian.

But Tianxian seemed to be sleeping too deeply.

Still no response.

Seeing that Tianxian was sleeping soundly, Su Ye didn't have the heart to wake her up.

So, he had to unbuckle Tianxian's seat belt, pick up Tianxian, and prepare to take Tianxian to the bedroom to rest.

Siheyuan was purchased.

Except for the master bedroom, there are no bedding in other rooms.


Looking at the beauty in his arms who looked like a fairy,

Su Ye was having an intense ideological struggle in his heart.

Should he be a beast?

Or worse than a beast?

Such a beautiful fairy was offered to him on her own initiative.

If he didn't eat her, wouldn't all the men in the world look down on him? How could I

, a dignified time traveler, be looked down upon?


Su Ye made up his mind.

Well, it's better to be worse than a beast!

After all, he is a celebrity now.

If Liu Tianxian sued him for driving without a license the next day, it would be embarrassing. He would also ruin his future!

It's really not worth it.

Well, let people look down on him.

We have to admit defeat when we have to.

……(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Ye carried Liu Tianxian to the master bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Liu Tianxian's two arms suddenly wrapped around his neck.

"You wake up……"

He wanted to say something, but his mouth was blocked by Liu Tianxian.


I didn't expect that the little girl would plot against me!

Su Ye finally understood a famous saying.

Hunters often appear in disguise as prey.


Unfortunately, even if he was a hunter, when he met Su Ye, he could only kneel down and sing"Conquer"!

He kneeled down in front and in the back as well!


Liu Xiaoli finally got Su Ye's phone number from Han Hong.

However, when she called Su Ye, her phone was turned off.

Liu Xiaoli was so anxious that her throat was about to smoke.

She prayed in her heart that nothing would happen to her daughter!


Just at this moment,

Liu Xiaoli's cell phone rang.

Chen Jinfei!

Seeing the name of the contact,

Liu Xiaoli's face suddenly showed a complicated expression.

This person was Liu Tianxian's godfather.

Her former crazy pursuer.

She also divorced her diplomat ex-husband for him.

Originally, Liu Xiaoli thought that after her divorce, she could smoothly join a wealthy family and become a wealthy wife.

However, reality slapped her hard.

She followed Chen Jinfei for six or seven years, but she was never able to become a regular wife.

Although Chen Jinfei said sweet words to her, he treated Liu Tianxian as a treasure.

He spent countless resources to support Liu Tianxian.

But he just didn't want to marry Liu Xiaoli. He didn't let Liu Xiaoli... Be the real Mrs. Chen.

But even so,

Liu Xiaoli still didn't give up.

She felt that as long as she persisted, she would be able to impress Chen Jinfei and give her a formal status.

After all, she felt that her current relationship with Chen Jinfei only lacked a formal status.

However, until half a year ago.

Liu Xiaoli finally understood that

Chen Jinfei would never marry her.

Because Chen Jinfei actually revealed his intentions towards Liu Tianxian.

Chen Jinfei told Liu Xiaoli.

Because when she was with him, she was no longer a cook.

So, he had a psychological barrier.

This is why he has never married her.

As long as Liu Xiaoli can convince Liu Tianxian to be with him.

The barrier in his heart will be gone.

He can marry Liu Xiaoli.


0Request flowers0

Of course Liu Xiaoli would not agree to Chen Jinfei's absurd request.

However, what Liu Xiaoli never expected was that in order to force her to agree, Chen Jinfei directly stopped all of Liu Tianxian's resources and cut off her and Liu Tianxian's credit cards.

This is also the reason why Liu Tianxian has not released any new works, has not received any endorsements, and rarely attended large-scale public events in the past six months.

Until this time,

Liu Xiaoli and Liu Tianxian both understood that the reason why Chen Jinfei loved Liu Tianxian so much in the past was because he had a special purpose.


Liu Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, but finally answered the call

"What can I do for you?" Liu Xiaoli asked coldly.

Chen Jinfei:

"Have you not considered the matter yet?"

Liu Xiaoli sneered:

"Do you think I would consider this kind of thing?"

Chen Jinfei said affectionately:

"You know I love you. I have waited for ten years to get you."

"But the fact that you are not a chef still makes me feel uneasy."

"If I, Chen Jinfei, just like the cook, I can have as much as I want."

"I am here because Sissi looks like you when you were young,"

"That's why I want to make up for the regret that you were no longer by my side when I was young."

"I do this because I love you so much!"

Liu Xiaoli:

"If you really love me so much, you should accept my past"

"Instead of paying attention to your own daughter."

Chen Jinfei roared:

"She is not my daughter at all!"

"She is your bastard with someone else!"

"If it wasn't for you, do you think I would spend so much resources to support her?"

Liu Xiaoli:

"But she has called you daddy for so many years.

"But I never thought of her as my daughter."

"I just thought of her as your replacement."

"Do you know your replacement?"

Liu Xiaoli said painfully:

"But this is impossible."

Chen Jinfei calmed down his excitement and said:

"Think about it carefully."

"Let Sissi also think about it."

"Without my resources, she will soon be out of fashion."

"You will be looked down upon everywhere."

��You will also forever lose the opportunity to enter a wealthy family and become a wealthy wife."

"In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the top society."

"If you meet my request,"

"I will love you two even more in the future."

"I will make sure you get whatever you want."


After hanging up the phone,

Liu Xiaoli didn't look angry.

Instead, she fell into thought.

She thought about the past six months.

Without Chen Jinfei's resources,

Liu Tianxian couldn't get any good scripts.

Not to mention any good advertising endorsements.

Even the luxury brands she endorsed before, all told her that they would not renew their contracts.

Liu Tianxian went to participate in some celebrity events. She also went from being the center of attention to a supporting role.

Liu Xiaoli and Liu Tianxian both experienced what it meant to be forgotten when someone left.

If not, she wouldn't have let Liu Tianxian star in Su Ye's movie.

Although, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Tianxian have earned more than 200 million yuan in these years, they used

Chen Jinfei's credit card before.

Therefore, they had no concept of money and spent it lavishly.

In just half a year, the savings of more than 200 million yuan were reduced to more than 100 million yuan.

It was barely enough to buy a luxury house in Kyoto. If it continued like this

, Liu Xiaoli couldn't imagine how embarrassed she and her daughter would be.

Otherwise, just agree to Chen Jinfei's request?

If you agree to him, you won't have to live such a hard life.

As soon as this thought came to her mind,

Liu Xiaoli was so scared that she quickly threw the idea out.

She didn't expect that she would agree to Chen Jinfei's ridiculous request in her heart.

How could I be so shameless!

If I agree, how can I face my daughter in the future.

Facing other people's eyes?

I'd better build my daughter's personality and marry her to a wealthy family!


Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter's mobile phone, which was always turned off.

She couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Daughter, this is related to your whole life, you must not make mistakes!


The sun rises in the east.

The warm sunlight shines on the bedside.

Su Ye sits on the bedside, looking at the sleeping Liu Tianxian from the perspective of a boyfriend.

At this moment,

Su Ye has time to carefully recall Liu Tianxian's abnormal behavior last night.

Could it be that Liu Tianxian wants to be a"Su girl", so she tried to go home with me and was so proactive?

However, he looked at the red plums on the bed sheet.

For the role of a"Su girl", she gave me everything she had kept for so many years.

Isn't this price too high?

Moreover, since Liu Tianxian has been able to maintain her virginity for so many years, she is not the kind of person who can exchange her body for a role!

But if it wasn't for the role, why would Liu Tianxian do it?.

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