Chapter 83: Hot Box Office, Crazy Woman Yang Mi

The next day.

In the morning.

Jing Tian was awakened by a phone call.

She opened her eyes and saw Su Ye talking on the phone.

The morning sun sprinkled thinly on Su Ye's body, making Su Ye look as beautiful as a painting. Thinking of the scene of being madly injected with super serum last night , Jing Tian couldn't help blushing. Unfortunately, she didn't transform into a super soldier

"……What is the Good News?"

"《The attendance rate of"Captain of China" reached 95%?"

"Yes, yes, this is good news indeed."

"Since the attendance rate of"Captain of China" is so high, shouldn't Mr. Wang increase the screening rate of"Captain of China"?"

"I know that the screening rate of"Captain China" has now reached 50%. However, since its attendance rate is so high, it means that the audience likes it. There is nothing wrong with making more films for"Captain China"!"

"After all, it would be more profitable."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."


After Su Ye hung up the phone,

Jing Tian asked Su Ye with a look of surprise:

"《The attendance rate of"Captain of China" has reached 95%. Is it that amazing?"

Su Ye nodded and said:

"Wang Gebi from Guangying Media called me personally and told me that, so it shouldn’t be wrong."

Jing Tian laughed and said:

"So,"Captain of China" is popular?"

Su Ye said uncertainly:

"That should be it!"

Jing Tian couldn't wait to pick up the phone and opened the Weibo app

"I'll see if there's any news about"Captain of China" on Weibo"


Soon, Su Ye heard Jing Tian scream.

"What's wrong?"

Jing Tian pointed at her phone and said with a look of surprise:

"There are actually five hot searches on Weibo, all about"Captain of China". Captain of China is so popular!"

Su Ye was surprised when he heard this.

Five hot searches at the same time, isn't this too exaggerated?

He immediately squeezed over and said:

"I'll take a look too,"

Sure enough.

He saw five pieces of news about"Captain of China" on Weibo's hot search.

The first one:"Captain of China" premiere.

The second one: The gorgeous transformation of the bad movie queen Jing Tian!

The third one:"Captain of China" Easter egg analysis.

The fourth one: What cruel and evil deeds did Unit 731 do? The fifth one: Red Skull Zhang Xinyu, a poisonous femme fatale!

Jing Tian directly clicked on the second hot search.

This hot search praised Jing Tian's acting skills.

It praised Jing Tian's acting skills for a qualitative leap compared to before.

And praised Jing Tian 567 for interpreting the role of Captain of China so well.

The Captain of China played by Jing Tian is so charismatic.


Jing Tian looked at the comments praising her.

She felt more relaxed than ever before.

It was even more pleasant than eating ginseng fruit.

In the past, whenever her new movie was released, the thing she feared most was reading the comments from netizens.

Because she knew that the comments from netizens must be all sarcastic.

If she read these comments, she would be depressed for several months.

Facing these sarcasms,

Jing Tian had been holding back a fire in her heart.

She wanted to prove to the world that she was not a box office poison, and she was not the queen of bad movies.

She could definitely break the curse of"the movie is popular, but the person is not"!

Now, she finally did it!

Not only did she get rid of the fire in her heart, but also the fire in her body.

At this moment, there was only one word in Jing Tian's heart: awesome!


Su Ye saw Jing Tian was constantly reading the comments from netizens about her, and the smile on her face was about to turn into a crooked-mouthed dragon king.

He couldn't help but tease her:

"I've read several pages of comments, but you still haven't seen enough?"

Jing Tian's face was filled with a proud smile:

"You can never get enough of it. Look at this message," she leaned on Su Ye, pointed at a comment and read to Su Ye:

"He said that after seeing me play the role of the Chinese captain, he truly understood what it meant to be heroic and dashing. He also praised me for being such a good filmmaker!"

"There is also this one, he said that the captain of the Chinese team wasted too much toilet paper, and he was obviously moved to tears!"

Su Ye saw these two comments and couldn't help but pout.

He didn't even want to criticize these netizens.

They were all old snakes!


Su Ye saw Jing Tian immersed in the praise of netizens and couldn't help himself.

He had no choice but to take out his phone and enter Weibo.

He clicked on the hot search for"Unit 731"

"After watching"Captain Huaguo", I searched for Unit 731 and my good mood for the whole day was gone. What the 731 beasts did was worse than that of beasts!"

"I didn’t expect that in our real world, Xiao Zi actually had such a perverted army!"

"After watching the cruel experiments that Unit 731 conducted on us Chinese, I wish I could nuclear our lives to the ground! These beasts don't deserve to live in this world."

"The most distressing thing is that most of these demons actually had a good end in the end!"

"God is unfair!"

"Thanks to Su Ye (abdi). If it weren’t for Su Ye’s filming of"Captain of China", I wouldn’t have known that there are such evil beasts in this world!"

"The Eagle Sauce is not a good thing either. For some information, they actually let these beasts go! Fuck him!"


Su Ye looked at these angry netizens.

He could not help but feel relieved.

He could let more people know the crimes of Unit 731.

His goal was achieved.


At this time,

Jing Tian finally came back to her senses from the praise from netizens.

She couldn't help but hug Su Ye and take a bite, saying:

"Husband, thank you, thank you for letting me finally be proud of myself in front of my netizens."

Su Ye said with a wicked smile:

"Actually, you can thank me in another way."

Jing Tian was frightened when she heard this, and quickly shook her head and said:

"It's no good. It still hurts now. It's going to break down."

Su Ye reminded:

"No, you can talk too much, it's the same if you say it out loud."

Jing Tian didn't refuse this time.

It wasn't the first time she said it anyway.

Besides, she really loved Su Ye!


On the second day,

Su Ye was putting a new bed sheet into the photo album.

《The first day box office of"Captain of China" came out.

Then it directly caused a sensation in the entire film industry.

372 million.

Ranked tenth in the domestic first-day box office rankings.

After this data was exposed on the Internet, it immediately attracted countless news media to reprint.

After seeing it, countless film and television up masters and netizens were all shocked.

"Holy shit, the box office of"Captain China" is so explosive!"

"372 million, this is incredible!"

"Before the release, everyone said that Su Ye’s movies would flop, but no one expected that each Su Ye movie would be more popular than the last!"

"The first-day box office was so good, I wonder if"Captain China" can break the box office record of Su Ye's"The Richest Man in Xihong City"?"

"Jing Tian has finally broken the curse of being a box office poison!"

"Now, the pressure is on Zhang Yimou's"Robotech"!"

"Let's be honest, is"Captain of China" good? If it's good, I'll book a ticket!"

"If it doesn't look good, you can hit me hard!"


Lao Mouzi, Li Xiaocong, and Ye Xincheng knew the first-day box office of"Captain of China" at the first time.

The three were so shocked that they were speechless.

Didn't they say that this is a movie with a female lead, so the box office won't be too high?

Didn't they say that the first half of this movie has few special effects and is a bit bland?

Didn't they say that this is a movie that only touches on sex?

Why is the box office of"Captain of China" so high?

It's not playing by the rules! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You have achieved such a high first-day box office, how can we play?


Especially Li Xiaocong and Ye Xincheng.

They were very upset with Su Ye.

They saw that Su Ye's movie box office was so high.

They felt that it was more painful than killing them.


Lao Mouzi couldn't accept the fact that a fledgling director could achieve such a high first-day box office.

This made him feel like a waste.

Because, despite his fame, he had never had a movie that achieved such a high first-day box office.

Therefore, he found a reason for himself.

"It must be because"Captain of China" was promoted too aggressively some time ago."

"Plus, Su Ye has too many crazy fans."

"That’s why the first day box office was so high"

"After the first day's popularity has passed, the subsequent box office of"Captain China" will definitely fall off a cliff."

"This situation has happened before." Ye Xincheng and Li Xiaocong's eyes lit up when they heard Lao Mouzi's analysis. They felt that Lao Mouzi's analysis made sense. After all,"Captain of China" was indeed promoted too aggressively some time ago. It was even on the"News Broadcast". Therefore, it is understandable that the box office was high on the first day. Li Xiaocong said with a gloomy look:

"When the second-day box office figures come out, we will know whether the box office of"Captain China" is going to explode or is just inflated by hype!"

Ye Xincheng and Lao Mouzi prayed in their hearts at the same time.

"But please don't explode!"


《After the first day box office of"Captain of China" came out,

Su Ye's phone calls never stopped.

All of them were calling to congratulate him.

Yang Mi naturally called Su Ye to congratulate him as well.

"Congratulations, you have succeeded in this movie again."

Su Ye smiled, but said modestly:

"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, it’s only been out for one day, it’s too early to say it’s a success."

Yang Mi:

"Don't be so modest with me. I guarantee that your nose must be sticking up to the sky right now."

Su Ye said eloquently:

"The corners of his mouth weren't sticking up to the sky, but Brother Kun was."

Yang Mi glanced at the people in the crew around her with a guilty conscience.

Seeing that everyone was a little far away, she finally felt relieved.

Yang Mi lowered her voice and said vaguely:

"I don't believe it unless you take a photo to prove it."

Su Ye:"……"

He didn't expect that Yang Mi, a nymphomaniac, would be so bold.

However, he didn't dare to take such photos.

In the entertainment industry, there are too many people who die in photos.

Brother Edison is a living example.

"I miss you. How long will it take you to come back?"

Yang Mi saw Su Ye change the subject, and a trace of regret flashed in her heart

"Probably these few days."

"《"Robotech" is about to be completed"

"I heard that the special effects of Space Fortress are being produced overtime."

"Wanda Films prepares to release"Battlestar" on National Day"

"I don’t know how this movie will perform at the box office, but I hope it won’t flop!"

Su Ye joked:

"I have a strong feeling that Robotech is going to be a flop."

""Pooh, pooh."

Unexpectedly, Su Ye's words caused Yang Mi to spit twice:

"You are such a bad mouth, can you say something good?"

Su Ye asked in surprise:

"As a leading actor, do you really need to care so much?"

Yang Mi:

"Of course it's worth paying attention to. I invested 50 million in Robotech."

"No way?"

Su Ye was a little surprised:

"Why did you want to invest so much money in"Robotron"?"

Yang Mi said as a matter of course:

"This is a movie co-produced by Lao Mouzi and Wanda Pictures. No matter how bad the quality is, it is still worth it."

"In addition, Wanda Pictures actually only invested 100 million yuan at the beginning"

"Therefore, several of us, the main creative staff, used our salary to invest in this film."

"I personally am very optimistic about this movie, and I asked the studio to add some more funds."

"That adds up to more than 50 million."

"So, you must not fail!"

"I'm going to cry and faint in the toilet!"

Su Ye said speechlessly:

"So, the actual budget for the filming of"Robotech" was less than 100 million yuan?"

Yang Mi:

""That's about right. It's not too little."

Su Ye heard this and became less optimistic about the quality of"Robotech".

After all, the filming fund was only 100 million yuan, and after deducting the cost of the location, costumes, and extras, how much could be used for special effects?

However, thinking that Yang Mi also invested in this movie,

Su Ye couldn't say anything to criticize it.


With the first day box office explosion of"Captain China"

《"Captain of China" has also attracted more and more attention from netizens.

Some people who originally did not want to watch this movie, after seeing that"Captain of China" is so popular, could not help but follow the trend and pay attention to this movie.

On the Internet, under every post about"Captain of China", there must be a lot of comments about"Captain of China".

They keep praising"Captain of China" for how good it is.

They urge netizens to watch"Captain of China".

They guarantee that netizens will not regret watching it.

《The reputation of"Captain of China" on the Internet has also become better and better due to the hard work of these tap water.


So, on the second day

《The box office of"Captain of China" once again shocked everyone.

423 million

《The box office of"Captain of China" not only did not fall.

On the contrary, it increased compared to the first day's box office.

After the box office came out.

Lao Mouzi, Li Xiaocong, and Ye Xincheng were so shocked that they were completely speechless.

Especially Lao Mouzi, he felt his face burning with pain.

He vowed yesterday that the box office of"Captain of China" would experience a cliff-like decline.

Unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face in the blink of an eye.

Finally, after holding it in for a long time, Lao Mouzi finally uttered a sentence:

"In the future, the box office of our"Robotech" will definitely not be worse than his."


Day 3

《"Captain of China" once again broke the limit and achieved a box office of 433 million

《"Captain of China" broke the 1 billion box office mark in just three days.

As soon as this news came out, netizens were shocked again.

Everyone knows that according to the box office trend of"Captain of China", it is only a matter of time before

"The Richest Tomato" breaks the 3.2 billion box office record. Everyone is guessing how much box office Su Ye's"Captain of China" will eventually earn? How much money can Su Ye make through"Captain of China"? The continuous increase in the box office has also made Su Ye's name as a"genius director" more and more famous! Those who want to see Su Ye encounter a"Waterloo" are destined to be greatly disappointed.


As the box office of"Captain China" continues to be hot, the reputation of Captain China has become better and better.

On the Internet, there are more and more topics about Captain China.

Even some of the words Captain China said in the movie have been regarded as classic quotes by fans and made into various videos.

For example: I can fight you forever!

For example: I missed a date!

For example: Because I am Captain China!


I love you: I love you

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