When Gu Daoyi finished speaking, the Void Emperor, the Third Ancestor Gu Changge, and Huang Weiyang were all stunned.

After practicing the transformation, the life span doubled, and the combat power skyrocketed. Is this really just a way to immortality?

The Eighth Transformation challenges the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor!

The Ninth Transformation is invincible in heaven and earth!

The Tenth Transformation is proud of the past, present and future!

This, this, this...

The three of them were shocked by Gu Daoyi's words. If it was true, then the Immortal Silkworm Ten Transformations could really be called an immortal scripture.

Any emperor scripture would be inferior to it.

"Daoyi, can this Immortal Silkworm Ten Transformations be practiced across realms?" Gu Changge suddenly asked

"Almost impossible."Gu Daoyi shook his head.

Gu Changge showed a trace of regret on his face, but he understood it.

If the Immortal Silkworm Ten Transformations could easily cross the realms for cultivation, it would not have such a terrifying effect, otherwise it would be too heaven-defying.

Gu Changge was already satisfied. He was in the late stage of the Quasi-Emperor, and his life span was only about ten thousand years. If he could practice the Immortal Silkworm Eighth Transformation, his life span would double, and he would live one more life, comparable to the Great Emperor. With a life span of sixty thousand years, he also had a good hope of becoming an emperor.

Moreover, if he practiced the Immortal Silkworm Eighth Transformation, his combat power would skyrocket, and he could challenge the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor, which was enough.

"Daoyi, you created the Ten Transformations of the Immortal Silkworm, and have made great contributions to our Gu family."

The Void Emperor silently comprehended the Ten Transformations of the Immortal Silkworm, and found that the effect might be as amazing as Gu Daoyi said, so he took a deep breath and said.

Gu Daoyi has already created such supreme divine arts as the Quicksand Between Fingers and the Eternal Law of the Universe, and handed over the four supreme techniques inherited from Fuxi. A discussion on the Dao also greatly increased the foundation of the Gu family.

Now he has created the Ten Transformations of the Immortal Silkworm. When the strong men of the Gu family at the Marquis level and above learn it, the combat power of the high-level members of the Gu family will skyrocket, and it will be much easier for these middle and high-level members to break through to a higher level.

However, the Void Emperor does not intend to spread it. It must be done step by step. If you want to learn this supreme magic, you must have great achievements, and you must split the Ten Transformations of the Immortal Silkworm into ten parts.

Otherwise, if it is leaked, it will cause huge troubles for the Gu family and will also aid the enemy.

"This is what I should do."Gu Daoyi smiled.

The ancient Gu family provided him with the best training environment, treatment and shelter, and served him. It was only right for him to contribute some skills and magic to the Gu family. The

Void Emperor nodded slightly, and after a few more words with Gu Daoyi, he left the Imperial Palace.

The third ancestor Gu Changge also left soon, and continued to guard outside the Imperial Palace and comprehend the skills and magic.

He felt more and more that his choice to be Gu Daoyi's protector was the most correct decision.

It has only been a short time, and he has gained huge benefits. These supreme magic skills and unparalleled imperial methods are supreme fortunes for Gu Changge, a peerless powerhouse in the late quasi-emperor period. After learning them, they can greatly improve their combat effectiveness. The

Ten Transformations of the Immortal Silkworm only allowed him to challenge the emperor, but if the Taizhou Eternal Method and supreme magic skills such as the Quicksand Between Fingers were added, his combat power would be one or two steps further.

"Weiyang, just continue to practice. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

Looking at the pink and cute Huang Weiyang standing there, Gu Daoyi couldn't help but reach out and touch her head.

Huang Weiyang rolled her eyes, but didn't open his hand. She nodded, smiled and returned to the jade pillow to continue her cultivation.

Gu Daoyi also returned to the previous place, sat cross-legged, and prepared to start practicing.

Now, he has an invincible physique, an invincible technique, and an invincible Tao. It's time to embark on the road of cultivation.

The Tiandi Zhendao Sutra was running, and endless and violent high-level spiritual energy was absorbed from the void. When it entered his body, it was refined by his Tiandi Yudao Body, becoming docile and well-behaved, and becoming more pure. As time passed, Gu Daoyi's aura became stronger and stronger, soaring into the sky, his cultivation base climbed step by step, and he was breaking through all the time. There was no bottleneck at all.

The first level of the physical realm!

The fourth level of the physical realm!

The seventh level of the physical realm!

The peak of the physical realm!

In just a short while, Gu Daoyi went from an ordinary person with no cultivation to a A cultivator at the peak of the physical realm. A sea of blood and qi appeared above his head, covering the sky and the sun, boundless, and there were 999 blood and qi dragons swimming around. Each blood and qi dragon required 10 million jin of physical strength to condense.

In other words, Gu Daoyi's physical strength has now reached a terrifying 9.9 billion jin, and it is still growing rapidly, as if there is no limit.

Huang Weiyang was awakened.

He stared at this scene blankly, a little overwhelmed, and his scalp tingled.

Daoyi's physical strength is too terrifying!

Gu Qingyao only had 9.98 million jin of strength during the test today, and couldn't even condense a blood and qi dragon. Huang

Weiyang had tens of millions of jin of strength when he was in the physical realm, and the Void Emperor only had more than 80 million jin. The person with the strongest physical strength on the Fuxi ancient stele was only more than 90 million jin, just a little bit away from 100 million jin of strength.

But Gu Daoyi had just practiced, and it took only ten breaths before and after to break through to the peak of the physical realm, and he condensed 999 blood and qi dragons....One thousand three hundred blood dragons raised the record of the physical realm by a thousand times.

It was extremely heaven-defying!

"Is Daoyi really a mortal body?"Huang Weiyang swallowed her saliva, and her heart was in turmoil.

Throughout the ages, the geniuses and monsters who could break into the Fuxi Ancient Monument List in the physical realm all had strong physiques. If they were ranked at the top, they had the strongest physiques, and most of them later became emperors.

But compared with Gu Daoyi's mortal body, they were directly crushed, and there was no suspense.

"One thousand seven hundred and forty-two blood dragons, is there no limit to Daoyi's power in the physical realm?"Huang Weiyang was stunned.

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