Even the mother and daughter, Jiu Tian Xian Huang and Huang Wei Yang, who were communicating privately nearby, stopped communicating at some point.

They turned their heads to look at the banished immortal-like figure, their flawless faces showing horror at the same time, and their beautiful eyes also showed a strange light.

As expected of a mother and daughter, they were simply cast from the same mold. Not only did they look almost exactly the same, but their expressions at the moment were also exactly the same.

Wherever the two beauties, one big and one small, stood, it was a beautiful scenery.

The Void Emperor blocked the outside world from prying eyes on them, and even their voices could not be transmitted, but the sound of the discussion could be transmitted in, and Jiu Tian Xian Huang and Huang Wei Yang could also see the discussion under the tree.

"What an invincible monster, it's a pity that he was not born in the ancient times, otherwise...Fortunately, he was born in the Gu family, so I feel relieved that my daughter follows him."

Looking at the peerless exiled immortal under the ancient tea tree of Wudao, Jiu Tian Xian Huang murmured in his heart, glancing at his daughter Huang Weiyang from time to time, and a smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"Daoyi is so amazing!"

Huang Weiyang stared at the figure infatuatedly, her eyes full of brilliance, which was infinitely magnified in her heart and became extremely majestic.

She had no doubt that Gu Daoyi could achieve the supreme achievement of proving the Tao within a hundred years, which was unparalleled in the ages, because he was Gu Daoyi, whose comprehension was against the sky.

Huang Weiyang's eyes were all on Gu Daoyi, and even Jiutian Xianhuang didn't notice that she was looking at her.

Jiutian Xianhuang sighed, this child really twisted his elbow outward, the two of them haven't formed a Taoist couple yet, Huang Weiyang's eyes are full of Gu Daoyi, and even her own mother who she has never seen in the ages is forgotten.

However, Jiutian Xianhuang thinks this is a good thing. Huang Weiyang follows Gu Daoyi, and her feelings are tied to Gu Daoyi. With Huang Weiyang's status, she can barely match him.

If that doesn't work, then just be Gu Daoyi's Taoist couple. One.

A hint of shyness suddenly flashed in the eyes of Jiu Tian Xian Huang. She had just had an extremely bold idea, which she extinguished in time.

She thought that it was useless. Her real body had been dead for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, and the probability of it still being alive was less than one in ten thousand.

Under the ancient tea tree of enlightenment, countless shocked eyes gathered, but Gu Daoyi seemed unaware. He sat cross-legged in tranquility, with a transcendent temperament like an immortal.

After the Emperor Void, the Thunder Abyss God Emperor, the Taiyi Ancient Emperor, the Hengyu Daozun and other emperors came to their senses, Gu Daoyi was ready to continue discussing the Tao.

It was called a discussion of the Tao, but in fact only the first half was carried out.

The first half was the seven emperors preaching, and Gu Daoyi also preached after listening. Then came the second half, when Gu Daoyi and the seven emperors formally discussed the Tao and exchanged their insights into the Tao.

"Daoyi, go on." Taiyi Ancient Emperor spoke.

There was a fairy sword on his head, that was the Taiyi Sword, which was made of three kinds of fairy gold and carried the Dao of Taiyi Ancient Emperor. The

Taiyi Sword rose and fell, emitting infinite brilliance, and the dazzling sword light seemed to cut through eternity and cut off eternity.

Anyone who saw this fairy sword would bow his head involuntarily, because it was too sharp. Just one look would leave an indelible mark in the mind.

If it was an enemy, Taiyi Ancient Emperor could activate the mark across time and space and kill the enemy unpredictably.

Emperor Xuan, Yuhua Ancient Emperor, Chiyan Daozun and other emperor-level strongmen nodded. Next, Gu Daoyi should talk about their Dao, and they were looking forward to it. , whether their understanding of the Great Dao is biased.

To be able to prove the Dao and become an emperor, they have no doubts about their own Dao, otherwise their Dao heart will be shaken and collapsed, and they will fall into a lower realm.

But now they are just a brand, so they don’t have to worry about these. Moreover, they have witnessed Gu Daoyi’s heaven-defying understanding, surpassing the Thunder Abyss God Emperor in the Thunder Dao.

Therefore, several ancient emperors wanted to see if they could use Gu Daoyi’s hand to glimpse a higher level of the Great Dao.

The Thunder Abyss God Emperor’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t ask any questions. He could comprehend the two difficult points by himself first. If he still couldn’t do it, there would be many opportunities to ask in the future. There was no need to delay the time for discussing the Dao.


Gu Daoyi nodded slightly, his expression was calm and he looked even more detached.

The eight people sat under the tree, as if he was the one with unfathomable cultivation and great supernatural powers, and the others were the younger generation who came to listen to his teachings, but the fact was just the opposite.

Next, Gu Daoyi talked about the Taiyi Dao of the Taiyi Ancient Emperor, and various wonders of the Dao emerged one after another. For a while, the sky was full of flowers, the ground was full of golden lotus, the fairy music was bursting, and the rosy clouds and auspicious colors illuminated the heavens for eternity.

The Taiyi Ancient Emperor was like the Leiyuan Divine Emperor. He was relaxed and comfortable at first, but gradually his expression became solemn, and then he became serious, even a little sad.

In his heart, he was full of surprises. Gu Daoyi was indeed amazing, and his understanding of the Great Dao of Taiyi far surpassed him.

After talking about the Great Dao of Taiyi, Gu Daoyi glanced at the Ancient Emperor Taiyi who was immersed in it, and then continued to talk about the Great Dao of Yuhua, and the Ancient Emperor Yuhua also fell into deep listening.

Then came the Dao Master Hengyu, the Dao Master Chiyan, and the Emperor Xuan. These three emperors also fell into enlightenment one after another.

Finally, Gu Daoyi looked at the Emperor Xukong, who nodded slightly to him, and was very much looking forward to it. Gu Daoyi had comprehended the Small Void Sutra when he was born, and he listened to the sermons of the Emperor Xukong. So how far has he comprehended the Great Dao of Void?

PS: I had tendonitis yesterday. When I woke up today, my wrists and ten fingers were all sore. I will update five chapters a day from now on. I will update more chapters after I have rested. I will continue to ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards! Your support is my motivation to update more chapters!

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