In the forbidden area,

Emperor Xukong's eyes lit up when he heard Gu Daoyi's answer.

"What a great Taizhou Eternal Law!"

Tai means time and space, the four directions are called Yu, the past and present are called Zhou, immortality is called Yong, immortality is called Heng, these five words Taizhou Eternal Law encompass the essence of this world-class imperial law, and also show Gu Daoyi's ambition.

This world-class imperial law is not inferior to the two invincible laws he created, and is even slightly stronger. If it is completely perfected, then his invincible law will be far inferior to them.

"What an enviable insight."

There was a trace of envy in the eyes of the Void Emperor. If his comprehension was half that of Gu Daoyi, his combat power would be greatly improved, and he might even have become an immortal.

How could he still be in such a lifespan crisis?

Even with the help of the Ancient Tea Tree of Enlightenment, he was unable to create the immortal method, which was a pity.

Fortunately, Gu Daoyi was born. This"grandson" with an extraordinary comprehension always brought him surprises. On the day he was born, he threatened to create an immortal method for him so that he could live out his third life. The Void Emperor still had doubts in his heart at that time.

But after three years of observation, especially what he saw and heard today, the Void Emperor completely dispelled all his doubts.

Instead, he was looking forward to when Gu Daoyi would create the immortal method and what immortal method he would create?

In the ancient land of enlightenment, in front of the ancient tea tree of enlightenment.

Gu Daoyi stood up, his white clothes were spotless, his temperament was detached from the world, and he returned to his original nature. He was really like a banished immortal.

He was in a good mood at the moment.

The ancient tea tree of enlightenment was indeed effective for him. Although the effect was not as great as imagined, it was enough.

Fuxi performed the Taoist Scripture and added After going up to the ancient tea tree for enlightenment, combined with his extraordinary comprehension, he easily created a peerless imperial technique.

Although it is incomplete, it is sufficient for the time being, and is not inferior to the supreme magic created by those emperors.

Once the Taizhou Eternal Technique is performed, Gu Daoyi can summon his future self to fight together.

His future self is also his real body, and he can use all methods except the Taizhou Eternal Technique, which will be countless times stronger than his current self.

How strong the future body is depends on how strong Gu Daoyi's magic power is, and how many years he can extend downstream in the long river of time to summon the future body of the corresponding timeline.

As long as the magic power can hold up, he can summon three future bodies, five future bodies, or even ten future bodies.

The reason why this peerless imperial technique is incomplete is because it still has many flaws.

For example, there is a limit on the number of future bodies that can be summoned, and the strength of the future body depends on how strong Gu Daoyi's magic power is at the time. The future body cannot cast the Taizhou Eternal Technique, and after casting the Taizhou Eternal Technique, it cannot be cast a second time within a short period of time....

The most critical flaw is that after using the Taizhou Eternal Law, Gu Daoyi in a certain period of time in the future will disappear from the world, and no one can find him.

The principle of the Taizhou Eternal Law is to use great magic power to intercept oneself in a certain period of time in the future and summon him to the present.

If one day is used as the scale, Gu Daoyi summons 365 future bodies in five hundred years, then these 365 future bodies can fight for one day now.

But Gu Daoyi in the fifth hundred and first year will disappear for the whole year, as if this person does not exist in the world.

This may have a great impact.

Because at that time, he was summoned to the past by his past body to fight, and he has been separated from the current time and space. During the time he disappeared, the Gu family may be destroyed, his parents may die, or nothing may happen. Anyway, everything may happen.

In Gu Daoyi's imagination, the complete Taizhou Eternal Law should be like this: once the Taizhou Eternal Law is used, there is no time interval, and there is no need to pry with great magic power. He can summon the most powerful self in the future in any realm, without a limit on the number, and the future body can also use the Taizhou Eternal Law again, and the future him will not be affected by it and will not disappear in a certain period of time.

This kind of method is the truly invincible method in Gu Daoyi's mind!

Unfortunately, it is impossible for him to create a perfect Taizhou Eternal Method now.

Even if he can always go against the sky and comprehend, it will not work. He needs more time. If he can comprehend for ten or a hundred years or even longer, Gu Daoyi feels that he can gradually perfect the Taizhou Eternal Method.


Gu Daoyi sighed as he collected his thoughts.

Despite the countless gazes on him, Gu Daoyi seemed to be free of any pressure, and his heart was extremely calm.


Gu Daoyi looked at the two stunning beauties, one big and one small, under the tree.

The Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix and Huang Weiyang, as well as all the emperor-level imprinted bodies and everyone around looked over. It was a cause for celebration that the Son of God Gu Daoyi had created the Unparalleled Emperor Law, but was the direction of this creation off track?

Shouldn't he have created an auxiliary law to help Huang Weiyang communicate with the Nine Heavens Fairy Phoenix across eternity?

Or, this auxiliary law was too difficult, even more difficult than creating an invincible law, and the Son of God felt that he couldn't do it, so he had to settle for the next best thing.......

At this time, Huang Weiyang spoke, her voice was soft, cold, and full of magnetism.

"Daoyi, it's okay, I can wait."

Although she was a little disappointed that she couldn't communicate with her mother today, it was nothing. She was very happy to see her mother again.

Gu Daoyi's comprehension was amazing. Give him some time. Sooner or later, he would be able to create a corresponding method. She didn't mind waiting a little longer, and then she would be able to communicate with her mother.

PS: There are still ten chapters today, and it's the ninth chapter now. I will continue to update!

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