"As our child, you are born with a heavy responsibility. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a strong body. With us and the Gu family’s training, you can still rise up and conquer everything."

"Throughout the ages, there are many people who have become emperors with mortal bodies. You must not be discouraged. You are the son of the Gu family. You are the invincible one in the future."

Looking at the baby in her arms, Ji Mingyue's tone was solemn. She wanted to cultivate the belief of invincibility in Gu Daoyi, and she must not let him fall into despair.

Ji Mingyue knew all about Gu Daoyi's situation and the reactions of the elders of the Gu family. She did not blame anyone. As a mother, she would never give up cultivating Gu Daoyi.

Her husband was the famous White-robed God King, with unparalleled combat power. Even if Gu Daoyi was just a mortal body, with their careful training, he would definitely achieve great success in the future.

At this time, Ji Mingyue suddenly noticed that the baby in her arms opened his mouth slightly, as if to say"OK". Ji Mingyue understood instantly, smiled, and was extremely beautiful.

Seeing that Gu Daoyi was so smart, Ji Mingyue felt relieved.

Gu Daoyi's little face also showed a smile. His face was not wrinkled, but white and round, full of luster, with distinct facial features. He was a peerless handsome guy.

"My Daoyi will surely charm thousands of goddesses and celestial maidens when he grows up." Ji Mingyue said with a smile, and she was completely relaxed.

Gu Daoyi didn't want his mother to worry, so he responded to her, and she was relieved to see this.

He was very satisfied with the name Gu Daoyi. He was called this name in his previous life, and of course he hoped to be called this name in this life.

At first, he was still worried that his parents would give him some common names, such as Changsheng, Changge, Xiaoyao, Zhantian, etc.

Later, his father Gu Taichu decided to call him"Gu Daoyi", and Ji Mingyue and many elders of the Gu family were also very satisfied, so they decided to do so.

Thinking of Gu Taichu, Gu Daoyi had a headache. This was his father. Although he had never met him, Gu Daoyi still had a deep affection for him.

In the past few years, in order to make him have a stronger origin in the mother's womb, Gu Taichu has paid a lot for him. Three years ago, he went out for him to break into the forbidden area and wanted to take away a"Yun Dao Fruit", but unfortunately he was trapped inside.

Because the emperor of the Gu family is still alive, Gu Taichu will not die even if he breaks into the forbidden area. At most, he will be trapped. , Gu Daoyi decided to find a chance to rescue his father in the future.

A figure appeared silently in Chengdao Palace, dressed in purple, with a supreme and powerful aura all over his body, as if he could even crush the heavens and the worlds. Although hidden, it was breathtaking, and anyone who saw it would worship it. The person who came was an incarnation of the Great Emperor of the Gu Family.

He had been paying attention to Gu Daoyi before and after his birth, worried about the enemy's surprise attack, and finally it was a false alarm, but he would rather there was a real enemy attack.

Many elders of the Gu family left in disappointment because Gu Daoyi did not have a special physique. Although the Great Emperor of the Gu Family was a little disappointed, he did not give up.

So what if it's a mortal body, you can still prove the Tao and become an emperor!

There have been nine mortal bodies who have proved the Tao in the Xuanhuang world. One of them was the most tortuous. With a mortal body, he became an emperor after thousands of defeats, shocking the ancient and modern times, and his reputation has been passed down through the ages.

As long as he can hold on until Gu Taichu proves the Tao and blocks the obstacles for him, then Gu Taichu can protect the Tao for his son Gu Daoyi, so that the Gu family can prosper forever, still prosperous and glorious.


Ji Mingyue found the incarnation of the Gu family emperor and bowed respectfully.

"Mingyue, there is no need to do this."

The Emperor of the Gu Family spoke, and his words were followed by the law. Ji Mingyue was lifted up by an invisible great force.

He fought in battles all his life, killed countless people, and made the reputation of the ancient Gu Family reach a new level. However, time is like a knife that cuts off the genius, and even the Emperor cannot defeat time. He has entered his old age.

Fortunately, Gu Taichu appeared at this time, standing out from the younger generation of the Gu Family with an invincible posture. He was unparalleled in white clothes, swept across the three thousand Daozhou without any opponents, and was famous throughout the world.

He had no children, and Gu Taichu was the younger generation of the Gu Family that he valued the most. He tried his best to protect him, just wanting to train another emperor for the Gu Family.

Gu Taichu's parents died early, and he and Gu Taichu also A teacher is like a father, and all he has learned throughout his life is passed on to the next generation, continuing the prosperity and glory of the Gu family.

Ji Mingyue and Gu Daoyi have a very close relationship with the Emperor of the Gu Family.

Upon hearing this, Ji Mingyue nodded, and without further formality, there was a hint of hope in her eyes when she looked at the Emperor of the Gu Family.

The Emperor's achievements are comparable to those of nature, and his power is unparalleled. Perhaps he can create a very strong physique for Daoyi.

The Emperor of the Gu Family understood what she meant and shook his head slightly. He could create a physique for Gu Daoyi, but it could not be the strongest. In this case, it would be better for Gu Daoyi to practice with a mortal body, and he might achieve greater success in the future.

Ji Mingyue was a little disappointed, but she didn't care too much.

"Mingyue, let me take a good look at Daoyi."The Emperor of the Gu Family spoke.

Ji Mingyue handed the baby in the swaddling clothes to him, and the Emperor of the Gu Family took it and held it in his arms, with a kind smile on his majestic face.

He looked at Gu Daoyi carefully, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was. Gu Daoyi was different from ordinary people when he was born. He had a physical condition that made him slightly flawed, but after some polishing, his future achievements would be limitless.

"Daoyi, Daoyi gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, three gave birth to all things, all things are Daoyi, when you understand the source of Daoyi, that is the day you will soar into the sky and turn into a dragon."

The Emperor of the Gu Family looked at Gu Daoyi's pure eyes and said softly, then looked at Ji Mingyue and said:"Daoyi's identity as the Son of God remains unchanged."

"Thank you, great emperor!"

Ji Mingyue was grateful after taking Gu Daoyi, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

The great emperor of the Gu family nodded slightly, and his incarnation dissipated in Chengdao Palace.

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