When these words were spoken, the whole audience was shocked!

"This little girl is quite insightful and courageous."

Huang Weiyang's mouth curled up slightly, and her eyes fell on Gu Daoyi in front of her, wondering if he would accept Gu Qingyao.

Gu Qingyao has great potential and a strong physique. If she is trained, she will at least become an ancient saint in the future. With Gu Daoyi's help, it will not be difficult for her to become a quasi-emperor, and she may even have some hope of becoming an emperor.

He should accept her, right?

After all, this little girl is very pretty.

"Oops, Gu Qingyao actually said it in public."Gu Lingshuang exclaimed in her heart.

She looked at Gu Qingyao with surprise. Wasn't she afraid that the Son of God would refuse?

Gu Lingshuang was also very anxious, complaining why her sister hadn't come yet. If the Son of God agreed, then Gu Qingyao would be the first follower of the Son of God.

She had already reserved this position for her sister.

Gu Lingshuang couldn't help but look at the figure who looked like a young exiled immortal. She had mixed feelings. She wanted the Son of God to agree, but she didn't want him to agree.

Gu Qingyao showed more potential than her sister. If Gu Qingyao didn't succeed, could her sister succeed?

"Gu Qingyao actually wants to become a follower of the Son of God!"

"Hiss, Gu Qingyao is very proud. She rejected three leaders' invitations in a row and actually took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of the Son of God."

"Woohoo~ My goddess! If Gu Qingyao becomes a follower of the Son of God, how can I pursue her?"

"Haha! You don't even know if you are worthy. Even if Gu Qingyao didn't throw herself into the arms of the Son of God, she wouldn't be attracted to you."

"You are right. Although I also have feelings for Gu Qingyao, I still have self-knowledge. We are not worthy of Gu Qingyao, so we can only think about it in our hearts."

Countless children of the Gu family discussed it. No one thought that the Son of God was not worthy of Gu Qingyao to follow. Instead, they wondered if Gu Qingyao was qualified to follow him.

With the potential shown by the Son of God, it would be extremely difficult to become his follower.

Gu Daoyi finally stopped, turned sideways to look at Gu Qingyao, and said lightly:"Gu Qingyao, you are very good."

A hint of joy appeared on Gu Qingyao's face.

"But you are still a little short of it now."

Gu Qingyao's expression turned gloomy.

Sure enough, the Son of God still rejected her.

Pursing her red lips, Gu Qingyao said with a firm expression,"Son of God, please give me a chance!"

Gu Daoyi's eyes flashed, and he decided to help Gu Qingyao. Gu Qingyao still had potential, and her appearance was also good, so she could be a backup for him.

"When your physical strength breaks through 10 million jin, you can come to the Imperial Palace of Tianxian Island to find me."

Gu Daoyi said, and left with Huang Weiyang.

A touch of surprise flashed in Gu Qingyao's beautiful eyes. The Son of God really gave her a chance.

But it was too difficult for her to break through 10 million jin in physical strength. It was almost impossible to do it.

""Gu Qingyao, your body has reached its limit. You can't break through the shackles even if you practice more physical exercises. However, the physical exercises you are currently practicing are not perfect. If you can truly practice to perfection, you will have a chance to break through the shackles." Gu Daoyi's words floated from a distance.

Gu Qingyao was surprised and happy. She looked up and found that Gu Daoyi and Huang Weiyang had disappeared.

""Thank you, Son of God, for your guidance!" Gu Qingyao's tone was extremely respectful, her face full of excitement.

Her physical strength could not improve any further, and was stuck at 9.98 million pounds. She tried to practice new physical training techniques, but found that it had no effect at all.

Physical strength of 10 million pounds is a big threshold, and whether one can break through it will have a great impact on future achievements. Gu Qingyao certainly wanted to break the shackles, but she had not found a way, so she had no choice but to come for the test.

She planned to spend another half a year on physical training after the test. If she still could not break the shackles, she would have to break through to the realm of supernatural powers.

But now, the Son of God has pointed out the direction for her, and as long as she continues to pursue it, she will succeed one day.

""Son of God, please wait for me in the Imperial Palace." Gu Qingyao said to herself.

On the side, Gu Lingshuang looked at Gu Qingyao with a complicated expression, wanting to say something but stopping herself, and finally said nothing.

Gu Qingyao's appearance and potential are better than Gu Linglong's, but Gu Qingyao was rejected by the Son of God. Does her sister Gu Linglong have a chance?

"We are twin sisters with a great reputation, and we have a great advantage over Gu Qingyao."Gu Lingshuang whispered in her heart.

The Son of God has left, and her sister has not come yet. Gu Lingshuang guessed that Gu Linglong should be in seclusion and did not receive the message in time.

With a sigh, Gu Lingshuang left silently, ready to go back to Gu Linglong to discuss.

At this moment, countless descendants of the Gu family saw the Son of God Gu Daoyi disappear, and then they straightened up and looked at each other, and found that their expressions were very complicated.

Today's news is really too exciting!

Gu Qingyao, a famous goddess of the ancient Gu family, has a physical strength of 9.98 million kilograms, and her name is left on the Fuxi ancient stele, shaking the land of Shenzhou.

Then the Son of God arrived, and he comprehended the Tao in front of the Fuxi ancient stele, showing his heaven-defying understanding, and obtained the inheritance of Emperor Fuxi.

The goddess Gu Qingyao wanted to become a follower of the son of God Gu Daoyi, but was rejected by the son of God, who said that she was not qualified for the time being.

Gu Qingyao was the goddess and goddess in their hearts. She was extremely proud and cold. She took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of the son of God and wanted to become his follower, but was rejected by the son of God.

Why is the gap between people so big?!

Countless descendants of the Gu family looked at the exquisite and beautiful silver-haired girl and felt heartbroken and cried in their hearts.

They showed a lot of courtesy to Gu Qingyao, but Gu Qingyao didn't look at them highly or even ignored them; the son of God only met her once, but Gu Qingyao took the initiative to follow, threw herself into his arms, and was willing to give everything for the son of God.

PS: Today's tenth update is finished, begging for all support!

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