After 12 noon, other survivors in the shelter gradually gathered towards the supermarket.

This was the first time for everyone to leave the building. They looked at the sunny sky, if it weren't for the blood-stained roads, chaotic abandoned cars, etc...

They thought it was still before the end of the world, because there were really no zombies outside.

Soon everyone who came out saw a wall several meters high not far away.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

They couldn't be more familiar with this area. There was absolutely no such majestic wall here a few days ago.

Why did it suddenly stand up after a few days?

Let alone the end of the world, even before the end of the world, no matter how powerful the infrastructure is, there is no way to build it in such a short period of time.

Could it be an invasion by an alien civilization? Are zombie viruses also brought by aliens?

Although no one gave them answers, they finally believed Zhang Wen's words at this time, and it was still safe to live in his shelter.

But some people are happy and some are sad, because Zhang Wen made it clear when he found them.

All women can voluntarily choose whether or not to stay in the shelter.

Those who choose to stay in the shelter will be assessed, and those who excel will become official residents of the shelter, while those who fail will become refugees...

As for men, there is no choice.

Zhang Wen's request to them is.

Zhang Wen will temporarily provide them with some food to let them regain some strength, and then they need to provide labor for Zhang Wen.

After a day or two, when they are almost recovered, they need to leave the shelter.

At that time, some of them were there for food, and some of them heard Zhang Wen say that the territory of the shelter was not large, and Zhang Wen had weapons, so naturally no one objected openly.

but now……

Except for Yuan Jing and Tang Xin, the 16 survivors soon arrived in front of the supermarket.

Some of them were so weak from hunger that they had difficulty walking.

Some people are still the same as before the apocalypse, with rosy faces, and even live more comfortably these days than before the apocalypse.

There were 16 people, some of them came together with people they knew, they gathered together in twos and threes, and some of them were waiting quietly alone.

Two of them are the most eye-catching because they have handcuffs on their hands...

"Fuck, there is such a high wall here. No wonder he asked us to leave so that he could occupy this place and these women."

One of the young men in his twenties who was wearing handcuffs whispered to another man in his thirties.

"B*tch, he definitely didn't build this wall. He just said it was his when he saw it first. He didn't even let us stay here and put handcuffs on us. He made everyone look like monkeys. Look at us."

"And since I knew I couldn't stay here, now even my "wife" won't leave with me. That bitch was very mean when she asked me to give her food. I haven't left yet, so he is the only one who has left. What a change of heart..."

The man in his thirties also cursed fiercely.

The young man in his twenties smiled mischievously and said: "Okay, brother, no one else knows about your wife. I don't know what's going on. Isn't it just you who threatened others and then forced her on you? Do you still want her to go with her?" You are in ruins."

The man in his thirties also laughed and scolded: "Nima, what about me, didn't you little brat do it too, or are you so old that you can do it?"

The young man in his twenties smiled disapprovingly and said:

"You don't know this. Sows look good when men hold them in for a long time, especially men of my age. It's so hard to find a girlfriend these days, and the ones sold are either too expensive or unsafe. I haven't had one for a long time. It’s meat, so it’s good to have some.”

The young man in his twenties is named Li Dongping, and the man in his thirties is named Wang Tong. They were both poor losers before the end of the world.

After the end of the world, the two of them used different methods to get a woman each, and they also found a lot of food.

So when Zhang Wen found them, these two people were also the two most hostile to Zhang Wen.

It's a pity that Zhang Wen has a gun in his hand, and they are just ordinary people who don't have the courage to resist in person.

"Damn, there are quite a few good ones here. Don't you have any ideas?"

Wang Tong looked at the dozen or so women around him. Although they were not as beautiful as Yuan Jing, they were not as beautiful as Li Xue or as attractive as Tang Xin.

But compared to the woman he had dealt with before, there were several more good-looking ones.

So Wang Tong didn't care too much about the woman from before drawing a clear line with him now.

But for these more beautiful women, my heart feels very itchy.

At the same time, I felt even more angry. Why should I leave this treasured place and let the dog enjoy it here?

Although Wang Tong didn't do well before the end of the world, he was very thoughtful and did a lot of sneaky and immoral things. He now has a way to deal with Zhang Wen.

"How can I not have any ideas?"

Li Dongping took a sneak peek from time to time, and saw a girl in school uniform not far away who looked like a middle school student and whispered bitterly:

"Young horse rider, you think I want an old woman. Who wouldn't like a young woman? She hasn't tasted it yet. It's a pity that that person has a gun. What can we do?"

Wang Tong lowered his voice and said, "Although that bullshit director has a gun, he made a big mistake, so we still have a chance."

Li Dongping immediately asked: "What's the big taboo?"

"Eat alone."

"Eating alone?" Li Dongping was a little confused, "Does this have anything to do with us?"

Wang Tong smiled confidently: "If that guy named Zhang Wen has someone under his command and is powerful, he can live alone. We have to bow our heads when people are under the roof."

"But apart from us, there seems to be only one man in this shelter, Zhang Wen, and he wants to eat alone and drive us men out."

"Not to mention the two of us, the guy next to me who has a wife, and three other men, are we really willing to be driven away?"

"You have to know that there are no walls outside. You might die if you go out. But here, there are all kinds of food and beautiful women, and there is almost no danger. What do you think they will choose?"

"As long as we join forces and secretly get some weapons, preferably long-range attack weapons, even if Zhang Wen has a gun, the six of us won't necessarily be afraid of him."

"If we can take advantage of him being unprepared and attack him unexpectedly, the success rate will be even greater."

Li Dongping became more and more excited as he listened. When Wang Tong finished speaking, he immediately said:

"Brother, what you said makes so much sense. There are dangers anyway, so why not fight here once?"

Wang Tong smiled and said:

"Okay, since you agree, let's quickly and quietly contact the other men. And even if they are unwilling to take risks, they won't betray us. They can't stay in the shelter anyway."

"Okay, brother, I listen to you." Li Dongping nodded quickly, and then walked towards the man next to him...

Wang Tong also walked towards the other man...

Soon the two men communicated with the remaining four men, but unfortunately, only one was clearly willing to follow them to "rebellion".

The other three, although they thought what they said was very exciting, they hesitated when they thought that Zhang Wen had a gun.

Wang Tong told Li Dongping not to be impatient, to continue to "persuade" them whenever he could, and to act according to the opportunity.

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