After confirming that no one was there, Zhang Wen pulled down the supermarket door.

Then the sweep began.

Entering the door is the fruit and vegetable area.

Grapes, lychees, apples, mangoes, cantaloupe... no matter what is on the shelf, but the boxes under the shelf, they are all collected.

While collecting them, Zhang Wen couldn't help but eat one when he saw the fruit he liked.

In Zhang Wen's previous life, he was reluctant to eat a lot of fruits because of the price. Now this kind of free shopping is really fun.

The fruit harvest is finished.

Next to it is the vegetable area. Before the end of the world, the price of vegetables was not much different from that of food.

But after the end of the world, vegetables can be said to be luxury goods.

Looking at the supermarket full of vegetables, Zhang Wen felt like a person in his previous life who saw countless gold.

Spinach, green vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant, cucumber, etc., all the vegetables disappeared wherever Zhang Wen passed by.

Then there is the food and beverage area.

This includes various canned meats, canned fruits, biscuits, ham sausages, instant noodles, candies, chocolates, beef jerky...

The end of the world is so cool, you don’t have to look at the label or the price.

There are also various pure milk, yogurt, mineral water, various drinks...

Sometimes when receiving a box of mineral water, Zhang Wen would think of himself fighting for a bottle of mineral water in the last days...

When I collect a box of instant noodles, I will think that in the future, a box of instant noodles can give hundreds of millions of small gifts to beautiful girls in the slums. This box of instant noodles will give me many gifts to the girls...

No, I wonder if there will be any genetic medicine in the system in the future?

If not, you have to exercise every day.

Otherwise, I have no choice but to give gifts to the poor and hungry young ladies from time to time.

Of course, in this life, Zhang Wen will definitely not help those young ladies anymore, because there must be many young ladies in his shelter who need his gifts...

After collecting the food and beverage area, Zhang Wen became excited again.

Because when you get to the aquatic and poultry area, these are the same as gold in the back.

Grass carp, crucian carp, shrimp, beef, mutton, chicken, duck, pork...we collect as much as we can, and Zhang Wen doesn't waste anything.

Next is the grain seasoning area.

Put away all staple food items such as rice, flour, etc., which are the guarantee of survival.

Salt is a good thing in the post-apocalyptic world and must be collected.

There are also cooking oil, soy sauce, pickles, chili sauce, fermented bean curd, sugar...

After a round, as long as it was edible, Zhang Wen basically put it all into the warehouse.

After collecting so many things, Zhang Wen is not afraid that there will be no place to put them in the warehouse for the time being.

Although Zhang Wen is now a first-class warehouse, with a size of only 300 cubic meters, it can actually store a lot of things.

A simple calculation shows that the density of water is 1, 1 cubic meter can hold 2,000 kilograms of water, and 300 cubic meters can hold 600,000 kilograms of water.

Let’s calculate pork again. Pork has different fat and lean densities. As an average, one cubic meter can hold 1,800 kilograms of pork, and 300 cubic meters can hold 540,000 kilograms of pork.

In this way, you will have a rough idea of ​​the size of the warehouse and how much it can hold.

So the little thing I am installing now is nothing at all.

After loading the food from the supermarket, Zhang Wen began to collect the daily necessities that would be used in the future.

Such as shampoo, toilet paper, laundry detergent, shower gel...

These things may not be necessary for many poor people in the last days, but if they want to improve their quality of life and live like a human being in the last days, these things are necessary.

Zhang Wen’s goal in this life is not just to live, but to live wonderfully...

There are also some supplies, such as quilts, slippers, pots and pans, etc., although they will be needed in the future.

But in order for the system warehouse to store the most needed materials, these items will not be received into the warehouse at the moment.

Anyway, everything in the shelter belongs to you.

This supermarket is also my own real-life warehouse.

By the way, there are two other things. Although they are not necessary in the end of the world, they are still very expensive to exchange for supplies.

That is tobacco and alcohol.

So Zhang Wen walked to the tobacco and alcohol counter again.

What about Baisha, Double Happiness, Zhongnanhai, Jiaozi, Furong King, Zhonghua... Whether it costs ten yuan or tens or hundreds of cigarettes...

There are also wines, including Maotai, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao... and various red wines...

After collecting the goods from the supermarket, Zhang Wen began to collect the goods from the supermarket warehouse.

In fact, apart from vegetables and meat, many things are mostly sold in supermarket warehouses.

Because supplies in supermarket warehouses are stored in whole pieces or boxes, unlike in supermarkets where they are sold in bulk.

For example, table salt, various dried fruit snacks, various beverages, candies, biscuits, ham sausages,...

There are full boxes of them in the warehouse, so don’t feel too comfortable putting them away like this.

After all the items in the supermarket warehouse were collected, Zhang Wen felt refreshed and calmed down.

This is the joy of the end of the world!

Shopping without looking at labels, without looking at prices, without spending money.

And the young lady at the end of the world is very enthusiastic...

As long as you have food, of course.

After looking at the time, Zhang Wen thought for a moment and decided to go upstairs to see Yuan Jing and the others.

Then in the afternoon, he would go and collect food and useful things from all the shops on the streets within his shelter into the warehouse.

As for the several residential buildings in the shelter, Zhang Wen is not in a hurry. Residential buildings generally do not have a lot of supplies and are time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Let them search after all the survivors in the shelter are taken care of tomorrow.

Why should I support them if I have to do everything I am capable of?

It’s not that the secretary has something to do, but nothing to do...


Should I find a secretary?

How about Yuan Jing.

Well, in fact, the logistics director and secretary are similar. They are all serving themselves anyway, so don't worry about the details of their names.

Zhang Wen thought generously.

From the side door of the supermarket, you can go to the residential building of the supermarket. This is why Yuan Jing and the others can go. They can't live without this building for the past two days.

The system of this building showed that there were no other survivors, so I felt free to let them go.

As soon as Zhang Wen went upstairs, before he saw them, he heard a crisp voice.

"Sister Xiaoying, my mother said that there is food among the things she found. She can't eat it first. She has to wait until the director's uncle sees it before eating, otherwise he will be angry and curse." This was the little voice.

Zhang Wen couldn't help but slow down and listen to what was going on with them.

PS: Please support the new book. Let’s talk about this book first. The author himself has been a bookworm for more than ten years. He always likes to read apocalyptic books. He has read a lot about apocalyptic powers, stockpiling, and crystal upgrades. I just wanted to write a simpler post-apocalyptic story, without powers or crystals, like Resident Evil or something like that.

In addition to developing a shelter, the male protagonist of this book also has the ability not to be bitten by zombies, and goes out to look for various supplies and beautiful women...

This book leans towards darkness, harem, self-interest, etc. I originally wanted to write something darker, but after all, it’s the end of the world. But reality won’t let me go, and I understand everything, so I restrained myself a little bit.

If you are concerned about the male protagonist's dark style, harem, etc., I hope you will be merciful and don't leave negative reviews when the time comes. I have already reminded you.

In addition, writing a book is really not easy. I type and think about the plot every day. Sometimes when I have a good idea while eating, I will stop and record it.

To be honest, besides writing a book is a hobby, I also hope it can be rewarding, so I hope everyone will support me! !

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In short, I sincerely ask you to support me according to your own situation. If you have money, you can support me financially, and if you have others, please support me personally.

Thank you! !

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