Zhang Wen smiled and looked at the two people next to Li Wenbin, "Brother is right. That's how you convinced them two."

Generally speaking, at the beginning of the end of the world, the vast majority of people still have humanity, or are still afraid of the law.

But of course there are exceptions.

For example, some people are inherently evil, or people who have been oppressed for a long time, or people who live in extreme poverty without any hope or care.

These people turn dark very quickly.

Li Wenbin stared at Zhang Wen and said: "It's not convinced, after all, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. I believe that you should know how to choose!

And you don’t have to worry about being liquidated if the apocalypse really ends. If the apocalypse is really over, we will kill all the women. Then we will say that they were bitten to death by zombies or killed by other villains.

The end of the world is so chaotic and so many people have died. Who cares how a few people died? dont you agree? "

"That makes sense." Not to mention, if Zhang Wen hadn't experienced the apocalypse and had the shelter system, he might have joined them.

After all, if you don't join the three people, you will definitely not let yourself go. It's okay if you join...

"Brother Bin, really let this guy join. There are not enough women." Huang Mao muttered with some dissatisfaction next to him at this time.

"Shut up, there is strength in numbers. When there are not enough women, you can still look for them! Give one of my women to my little brother first." Li Wenbin glared at Huang Mao fiercely, and then let Huang Mao and come out first. The young men each winked.

The two people immediately understood what Li Wenbin meant, and they first controlled Zhang Wen steadily. Whether they would kill him or not, and whether he would give it to the woman or not would all depend on Zhang Wen's performance.

This is one of the previous plans.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful.

Just when Li Wenbin scolded Huang Mao and winked at the two of them.

Zhang Wen, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately took out the pistol from his back, then took aim and fired.




Zhang Wen first targeted Li Wenbin. He was obviously the main one among the three and the greatest threat.

Then came the young man and Huang Mao.

A total of six rounds were fired, an average of two rounds per person.

Because the 92 pistol magazine can hold 15 bullets and is semi-automatic, plus Zhang Wen knows how to use a gun in the last two years.

That's why he was able to give two bullets to each of the three people on the opposite side in a very short period of time.


Continuous screams sounded.

The three people on the opposite side immediately fell into a pool of blood.

Zhang Wen took a look, because he shot at their lower bodies intentionally.

So Li Wenbin was shot once in the calf and once in the thigh.

Huang Mao only hit one of his two shots, and it was in the thigh.

As for the other young man, he only got one shot, but the shot was slightly off target and hit his heart. He is now dead.

It seems that the marksmanship is still not good. He only hit four out of six shots, and that was at such a close range.

And the accuracy is not good either.

Zhang Wen deliberately hit their lower bodies, not because he wanted to let them go, but because he didn't want to waste it.

Of course, don’t get me wrong, Zhang Wen has any bad habits.

I just want to keep them to see if they can increase my vitality, and I will need them later.

After their mission is completed, it will not be too late to end their sinful life.

Taking out two pairs of handcuffs from the system warehouse, Zhang Wen walked over and cuffed both Li Wenbin and Huang Mao's hands.

Although they are now shot and injured, it does not mean that there is no danger.

Zhang Wen, who has experienced the apocalypse, knows that he needs to be careful at all times.

As for the other young man, he has already expired, so there is no need to bother.

"Ah, it hurts me to death. Didn't that piece of shit Lao Zhang say he doesn't have a gun?"

Huang Mao was obviously a timid and afraid of pain. He kept screaming and complaining.

On the other hand, Li Wenbin on the side endured the pain, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Shut up, if you call me again, I'll treat you to another peanut." Zhang Wen was a little upset by Huang Mao's shouting, and threatened him with a gun.

The effect was immediate, and Huang was so frightened that he immediately stopped making a sound.

"Little brother, I was the one who got into trouble this time. You are not a staff member of the street office at all, are you?

As long as you don't kill me, how about I give you all the supplies and women and treat you as the boss? In this end of the world, even though you have a gun, you can't do it without people. "Li Wenbin looked at Zhang Wen, endured the pain, and said calmly.

The less barking a dog is, the more likely it is to bite people. Zhang Wen doesn’t understand this truth.

"Shut up and talk when I tell you to."

Now Zhang Wen is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, they have no great use value.

If you want to join Zhang Wen's shelter, you must meet three conditions.

It should be pleasing to the eye.

It should be pleasing to the eye.

It should be pleasing to the eye.

Of course, the right of interpretation lies with Zhang Wen. If I don't like you today, I might not like you tomorrow.

But what is certain is that in Zhang Wen's shelter, Zhang Wen dislikes all men.

Because in the last days, men’s ambitions are much greater than women’s, and they will never be satisfied.

Today you satisfy him with food.

Tomorrow when he feels that he is capable, he will ask you to satisfy his woman.

the day after tomorrow……

Even if it is a woman, not everyone will want it.

Although becoming an official resident of the shelter can generate more vitality points, Zhang Wen will not do things that make him uncomfortable just for the sake of vitality points.

Not everyone is admitted to the shelter, let alone an official resident.

Zhang Wen, who has regained his new life, will never wrong himself again. There is no need.

No longer paying attention to the two people, Zhang Wen came to the supermarket.

Five people.

There were two young ladies in their twenties, a young woman in her twenties and thirties, a middle-aged woman in her forties, and a little girl of five or six years old.

The two young ladies have average looks and average figures, which means they don't wear much clothing to attract attention.

The same goes for middle-aged women, very ordinary housewives.

Although the young woman in her thirties only looks like an eighty-something, she has a really good figure, at least a ninety-something, with as much bulge as she should have, and as much curl as she should.

Of course, it's still a bit worse than the Tang Xin and Li Xue I've met before.

Tang Xin's appearance can be 90 points, and her figure is at least 99 points.

Li Xue's appearance value is 98 points. As for her figure, she should be in her 80s or 90s. The specific details need to be measured.

After all, Zhang Wen's gaze at that time was all focused on studying Tang Xin's figure. It was so eye-catching that it was understandable that he ignored Li Xue's figure.

On the other hand, the five or six-year-old little girl next to me is very cute, with a round and white face, and two cute braids...

And those big, clear, elven eyes are particularly endearing.

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