After Chen Yu found Labudo, he handed the dispersing ring and necklace to the latter.

After Labu Duo took it, he said ecstatically:"Master, is this for me?"

Chen Yu rolled his eyes at La Bu Duo and said angrily:"You are overthinking, I asked you to compare them. Make a copy of it."

Labudo chuckled, touching his bald head and said,"I'm sorry, Master, why would you give me such an important thing?"

Then, Labudo took out an eye mask from his pocket. style magnifying glass, and then focused on the ring and necklace.

After a long time, Labu Duo took off his glasses.

Chen Yu couldn't wait to ask:"How is it? Can it be copied?"

Labuduo looked embarrassed, shook his head slightly and said:"Master, this ring is too sophisticated. It doesn't look like a blue star." product. With our current level of technology, we simply cannot replicate its powerful capabilities.……"

"If you have something to say, say it quickly and don't keep it secret."Chen Yu scolded.

Labu Duo smiled awkwardly, and then said with some pride:"That necklace is relatively not that sophisticated, but it can be copied, but it is not as powerful as it is.

And coincidentally, the necklace is made of the same material as meteorite iron, which is an extraterrestrial object, and the two materials are very similar.

It just so happens that there are some very small scraps left from the last meteorite iron, which is just right for making necklaces."

Chen Yu thought for a moment and murmured to himself: It seems that Jin Yuner's mother is not an ordinary person.

He has a premonition that one day Jin Yuner's mother will appear again."

Chen Yu took the ring from Labuduo's hand. Then he pointed at the necklace and said,"I'll put the necklace with you first. You should hurry up and find someone to copy some necklaces similar to it.""

"Yes, master."Labudo put the necklace in his pocket, and then walked towards an experimental building.

After Chen Yu left the necklace, he then slowed down the area where Labudo was located 600 times.

In this way, it would not be delayed for too long.

But there is a problem with this, that is, the next time he sees Labu Duo, he may be a few years older. After all, La Bu Duo is in another place.

600 days have passed in the area.

Fortunately, 140 years old is not considered an old age for Labudo.

In addition, Labudo's physical fitness has improved greatly after being bound by Chen Yu, so there is no need to be too old. Too worried.

Next, Chen Yu returned to the villa in the other world.

At this time, the girls had already prepared some sumptuous food.

When they saw Chen Yu coming, they hurriedly put him in the first place.

He glanced at the girls and joked:"It seems that you have become a lot stronger without knowing it."

Jiang Xue'er showed off her muscles that were not obvious, and said with some pride:"Brother Yu, I am your first woman, so naturally I am stronger than them. Of course, I am much worse than Xiaojuan and Xinrou."

"Speaking of Xinrou, I suddenly remembered……"Chen Yu turned his gaze towards Su Xinrou and said softly,"The crystal in your stomach should be healed soon."

"It's ready."Su Xinrou wiped her hands, and then handed the crystal in her pocket to Chen Yu,"Brother Yu, I just took this out of my stomach today."

Chen Yu took the crystal, looked at it carefully and said:"The energy of this crystal is so abundant, it seems to be much stronger than the energy contained in the body of the ordinary corpse emperor.

Jiang Xueer placed a bowl of carefully brewed tonic soup in front of Chen Yu and said with a smile:"Brother Yu, let's eat first, and then we can slowly study this crystal later.""

"There’s no need to study it, I’ll just swallow it and give it a try."

While speaking, Chen Yu slowly swallowed up the crystals.

Suddenly, an extremely pure energy swept through his body.

This was a feeling he had never felt since he reached level nine.

After all, ordinary crystals, to him, It doesn't matter at all

"The power of this crystal is really too strong."Chen Yu couldn't help but admired, and at the same time he felt that his appetite was much better.

After eating a sumptuous meal, Chen Yu began to wait quietly for Labudo to make the necklace...

One day later.

Labudo took his son Lakasi came to the villa carrying a big bag

"Labuduo, I didn't expect you to actually make it." Chen Yu glanced at the backpack, and saw that it was full of necklaces.

Labuduo respectfully handed the backpack to Chen Yu:"Thanks to you, Labuduo has fulfilled the mission. However, these necklaces can only dispel the fog with a radius of 5 meters, which is weaker than the necklace you gave me."

As he spoke, Labuduo opened the backpack, revealing hundreds of necklaces that could dispel the fog.

"5 meters is fine, after all, it is not easy to copy it."While speaking, Chen Yu pointed to the table next to him and said calmly,"There are two bottles of 1982 Maozi there, you can take them and have a taste."

Although Chen Yu had no need to reward Labuduo.

But he always distinguished between rewards and punishments, and gave Labuduo a certain reward for his outstanding contribution.

Labuduo finally saw the Maozi he had been thinking about again, and kept rubbing his hands and said,"Thank you for the reward, master. I have been thinking about the Maozi I drank last time every day for the past two years. It is simply a rare nectar in the world."

Seeing this, Lakasi, who was following Labuduo, hurriedly ran towards the Maozi, grabbed the two bottles of wine in his hands and shouted excitedly:"Haha, it's actually 1982 Maozi. Let's get drunk tonight!"

"Put down my drink!"Labuduo grabbed the wine from Lakashi's hand and said angrily,"If you don't learn well at a young age, why should you drink? It's better to leave this old bone to dad."

Lakasi froze on the spot with his hands empty, and turned to Labudo with a speechless expression.

Unexpectedly, he was already over a hundred years old, and he was often said to be young by his father.

This somewhat made his old face look a bit... He couldn't hang on.

But he had no choice but to watch Labu Duo walking swiftly outside the villa with a bottle of Maozi in hand.

Chen Yu didn't pay too much attention to the words and deeds of this living treasure father and son, but carefully watched. After observing the necklaces, they were all dark in color and seemed to contain very strong energy.

Fortunately, the necklaces were very thin so that they wouldn't feel sore when worn.

After putting the necklaces away, Chen Yu muttered. He murmured to himself:"This necklace has a similar effect to the dispersion ring, so why not just call it a dispersion necklace."

And just after Chen Yu put away the necklace, Dr. Li suddenly ran over in a panic.

"Brother Yu, something bad has happened. A large number of livestock have suddenly died on our ranch. I have checked for a long time but have not found the cause."

"Take me to see it!"

Chen Yu picked up Doctor Li and flew to the ranch at high speed.

After arriving at the ranch, Chen Yu used the [Eye of God] to look at the cattle and sheep that had completely died on the ground, and couldn't help but frowned.

These livestock were not sick, nor did they lack food and water, so how could they suddenly die?

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