Through the huge gap torn open by the long sword, several strange figures with distorted and terrifying faces gradually emerged in front of everyone's eyes.

Some of the mysteries that were struck by lightning disappeared on the spot, as if they were smoke blown away without a trace by a gust of wind.

Chen Yu then faced several other directions and released several fierce thunder and lightnings again.

Almost every lightning bolt can kill several Mysteries.

This scene is like casting a fishing net in an ocean rich in fish and shrimp. Every time you close the net, you almost always get something.

It’s enough to see how many secrets there are!

Jiang Xueer and others were stunned when they saw the mysterious true appearance for the first time.

They have heard about the mystery, and they also understand the power of the mystery.

Such a large number of secrets will undoubtedly bring a fatal blow to the Blue Star creatures.

At the same time, they all realized that they had encountered a real dilemma.

Chen Yu couldn't help but frowned when he saw the mystery outside, as if he was thinking about something.

Pangolin, who had seen everything just now, said with a solemn expression:"Master, such a black fog also came to Blue Star five thousand years ago. We called such black fog a fog at that time.

That fog , far less powerful than the mist this time.

The swords you just swung at will almost all killed the Secrets of the Secret General level, and even a few Secrets.

It can be seen that these Secrets are very powerful."

Chen Yu nodded:"I also discovered that the fog this time is more than a star and a half stronger than the black fog emitted by the mysterious center of the earth.

It is estimated that only the sleeping evil master can have such a powerful method.

The area of the fog this time is so large that it is almost Covering the entire Blue Star.

To be honest, even I don’t dare to guarantee that these fogs will be dispelled."

After hearing this, everyone showed a very serious expression.

If Chen Yu couldn't deal with these secrets, wouldn't they have no choice but to die?

However, the girls were not worried because of this, but walked up one after another.

"Brother Yu, I am your first woman and the woman who has followed you for the longest time. No matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side. Even if we die, we must die together."

The other girls also echoed:"I will also accompany Brother Yu."

"Huh, what's there to be afraid of about those secrets? Aren't they beaten to pieces by Brother Yu's sword and running away in embarrassment?"

"That’s right, Brother Yu is the strongest, little secrets are nothing to be afraid of"

"Come on, Brother Yu, beat them up! Let them know how powerful we are!"

After hearing this, Chen Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and he said with a smile:"Don't worry, I'm not desperate yet. Although these secrets are indeed difficult to deal with, there is no way to deal with them."

"Brother Yu, you are not going to fight against the mysteries of the entire Blue Star by yourself, right?"Dr. Li asked in surprise. Chen Yu shook his head gently:"Of course it's impossible. With so many mysteries, even if I have more clones, I'm afraid it will take a long time to fight. The method I mentioned is actually hidden in the blind box."

"blind box......What kind of blind box?"Liu Shishi suddenly became interested and couldn't wait to ask.

"You'll understand later."Chen Yu showed a mysterious smile on his face, deliberately trying to sell things off.

Because of the system introduction, the blind box contains random products, and the products will change according to the host's level and the host's current environment.

And this blind box It seems that they will also sell products according to their own needs.

Chen Yu spent 10,000 store points without hesitation and successfully redeemed a blind box.

Looking at this expensive expense, he couldn't help feeling sad and secretly complaining. No. 10,000 points, how many days and nights he had to work. After the exchange, Chen Yu couldn't wait to open the blind box and saw a ring inside.

"Why is it a ring?"Chen Yu almost cursed,"If I can deal with mysterious things, why the hell did you give me a ring?"

But after Chen Yu calmed down, he felt that the system would not lie to him.

It was impossible to amuse himself with a useless ring.

So he opened the [God's Eye] and observed the ring carefully.

The details of the ring Information floated before his eyes

【Ring Name: Dispel Ring】

【Function: expel non-blue star matter to a safe distance】

【Dispersal range: Centered on the ring, the radius can reach one thousand meters】......

After Chen Yu carefully read this piece of information, he couldn't help but think to himself, can this ring expel matter that does not belong to Blue Star?

According to this, the black mist and the secrets hidden in it should be no exception.

However, Chen Yu, who acted cautiously, did not act rashly. Out of concern for his own safety, he decided to send his clone to find out first.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Chen Yu used his [Clone] power without hesitation.

In an instant, a figure exactly like him suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The clone held the dispersing ring tightly and left the other world resolutely.

Immediately afterwards, a breathtaking spectacle appeared.

The fog that was originally as thick as ink and diffused seemed to feel the threat of some extreme fear at this moment. It quickly retreated back like a tide, desperately trying to avoid the place where Chen Yu's clone was.

In the end, those secrets were forced to retreat steadily, and they did not stop until they were 1 kilometer away from the clone.

Even the secrets high in the sky are now hidden far away in the sky more than a kilometer above the ground.

""Fuck, this ring is so cool?"

Chen Yu looked at his clone outside and couldn't help cursing.

The other girls looked at Chen Yu's clone freely shuttling through the fog and were also surprised.

Of course, they knew that all this was because of the ring.

Chen Yu let the clone fly in the sky for a long time, and after confirming the function of the ring, he took the ring back to the other world.

"It seems that this ring can dispel the fog and mystery from outside the Blue Star, which is really good."Chen Yu put away the ring and looked at Jin Yuner with fiery eyes.

When he and Jin Yuner were chatting at high altitude, Chen Yu returned the necklace to her.

But now, he has to try this necklace.

So his Stretching his hand towards the necklace

, Jin Yuner's body trembled involuntarily and she said with a hint of pleading.:

"Master Chen Yu. Yoona has just regained consciousness... Why don't you let me rest for a day first? Chen

Yu chuckled:"You are overthinking. I just want to see if your necklace can dispel the fog.""

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