"Brother Yu, it's not good! A black mist suddenly appeared in Goryeo and is spreading to the surrounding area.……"

Wang Haijing's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Yu was stunned after hearing it, and then asked:"What are the characteristics of the black fog?"

"The black mist was so dense that it was impossible to see the scene in the black mist. Moreover, wherever the black mist passes, animals become extremely violent, even more terrifying than zombies."

Chen Yu couldn't help but frowned.

When he heard the word"black mist", his first reaction was those secrets.

But those secrets have been eliminated by the people he sent.

Could it be that some of the secrets in the center of the earth have escaped? ?

Chen Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked:"How fast does the black mist spread?

Wang Haijing replied while checking the satellite monitoring data:"The diffusion speed of black fog is about 10 kilometers per hour, which is not very fast." However, the black mist is spreading faster and faster."

"Okay, I'll go find you later."

Then, Chen Yu quickly flew towards Wang Haijing.

After seeing Wang Haijing, Chen Yu asked straight to the point:"Give me a brief introduction to the specific situation."

"Brother Yu, look at this!"Wang Haijing brought a tablet to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu glanced at the satellite image and couldn't help but frowned.

He saw that the black mist was the same as the black mist emitted by the mystery, and it was thicker than the black mist on the mystery. many

"There might be some mystery in this black mist."Chen Yu said with a solemn face,"And it seems that the secrets here are much stronger than those I encountered before."

"That would be troublesome... If this black mist continues to spread, it will sooner or later surround Happy Manor."Wang Haijing said seriously.

"Come on, follow me and have a look."

Chen Yu grabbed Wang Haijing and flew towards Korea at six times the speed of sound.

Ten minutes later, the two finally arrived at Korea.

Looking at the spreading black fog, a trace of worry flashed in Wang Haijing's beautiful eyes. color

"Brother Yu, these really look like secrets."

Chen Yu opened the [God's Eye] and looked at the black mist, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

He saw that it was densely packed with secrets. Even the [God's Eye] was somewhat limited and could only see

The level of the secrets outside the black mist is not low, and even the secrets in the secret world are not in the minority. The animals were thrown into the black mist.

There were bursts of miserable sounds, and the animals were all struggling in pain, and even appeared to be in a state of near madness.

Seeing this, Wang Haijing said with a serious expression:"Sure enough, as Gao Liguo said, animals become violent when they encounter black fog."

"This black fog is indeed not simple. I will try another method."

While speaking, Chen Yu shook his hand and took the long sword made of meteorite iron in his hand.

Then he slashed at the black fog fiercely.

Two thunder and lightning dragons swam out from the sword, entwined with each other and flew towards the black fog.

The black fog touched by the thunder and lightning dragons instantly dissipated, just like the water surface hit by a boulder.

Many of the mysteries in the black fog were killed by the thunder and lightning dragons.

But the next second, the black fog quickly returned to its original state.

It looked so calm, as if nothing had happened.

Wang Haijing looked at everything in front of him in surprise, and said in surprise:"This black fog is so powerful? Even your long sword is not afraid of it?"

Chen Yu put away the long sword and said solemnly:"It's not these mysteries on the periphery that are strong, but those black fogs. This black fog does not seem to be emitted from the mysteries, but more like a hotbed that can breed mysteries."

"I didn't expect these black mist to be so powerful. Wang Haijing looked up at the black mist and asked in a deep voice,

"Can we just watch them spread? At this rate, it will invade our territory sooner or later."

Chen Yu did not speak, but swung several more swords in succession.

Just like before, the thunder and lightning dragon quickly disappeared completely like a mud cow entering the sea.

Chen Yu looked at all this with a cold eye, and then said calmly:"Are you there? Wait for me, I'll go take a look in the dark mist"

"Brother Yu is back!"Wang Haijing shouted hurriedly.

But it was too late, Chen Yu had already entered the black fog.

After a long time,

Wang Haijing saw that the black fog had been in a calm state, and couldn't help but sweat for Chen Yu. That exquisite face Tears instantly covered Oudan's face.

At the same time, he said to himself worriedly:"Brother Yu, please don't let anything happen to you!"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me." Chen Yu said calmly behind Wang Haijing.

Wang Haijing turned around suddenly and cried with joy:"Brother Yu, you are fine after entering the black fog?"

"What just entered was just a clone of me. But that clone was already stained with black mist. I was worried that the clone would damage me if it returned to the original body, so it was destroyed by me."

Wang Haijing's eyes widened and she said in disbelief:"I didn't expect those black mist to be so powerful, they could even pollute your clone."

"That clone is only one ten thousandth of the strength of my main body. However, this is enough to show that these black mist are not simple."

Chen Yu took another look at the spreading black fog, and after a moment of hesitation he said:"Let's go back to Daxia."

"Alas, as of now, that's all it can do."Wang Haijing sighed helplessly.

Just when Chen Yu was about to return to Daxia, a long-haired girl in a wheelchair turned the wheelchair with difficulty and ran forward.

Behind her, there were several people running for their lives like her. The long-haired girl was crying and shouting for help.

However, no one around her was willing to help her.

Instead, a fat woman pushed the wheelchair aside because she was in the way. After pushing, it directly hit the curb next to it.

Due to the inertia, the wheelchair fell to the ground, and the long-haired girl on it also fell to the ground.

"You paralytic, don't block the road in front, you useless piece of shit should have died long ago!"

The fat girl turned around and cursed angrily.

The long-haired woman wanted to lift the wheelchair, but found that she couldn't do it.

She lay on the ground in despair and stopped struggling.

Chen Yu didn't want to bring this oil bottle with him at first, but he saw When he saw a strange necklace on her chest, he suddenly became interested, so he took Wang Haijing and flew to the long-haired woman.

When she saw the two people who suddenly appeared, she asked cautiously:" who are you? Can you help me?"

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