After hearing this, Yi Leier quietly raised her head and glanced at Chen Yu, who was like a giant to her, and thought to herself:

This man is so tall, why do she feel so scared?

Eliza didn't notice the change in her sister's expression.

Seeing Chen Yu accept his sister, he said with some excitement:

"Master, how about I take you to the place where our tribe lives and relax? Chen

Yu glanced at the large number of earth-centered dwarves and said calmly:"That's good, I just want Labuduo to help me build some weapons.""

Just when Chen Yu finished his words, everyone present disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Only Yi Leier was left alone. Her eyes widened and she looked at what was happening in front of her in shock..

Suddenly losing the figure of her sister and her tribe, Yi Leier seemed to be frozen, completely unable to move.

However, when she recalled what she had heard about Chen Yu's other world when she communicated with Eliza. When describing a wonderful place that can accommodate almost everything in the world,���The fear gradually dissipated

"I see……"Yi Leier murmured to herself, seeming to understand something.

It seems that his relatives and friends did not encounter any accidents, but were brought into that magical other world by Chen Yu.

Thinking of this, Yi Leier finally relaxed a little.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yu gently stretched out his arms and hugged Yi Leier into his arms. Then, the two slowly rose into the air.

Chen Yu looked down at Yi Leier in his arms and said calmly:"Yi Lei Er, you will lead us to the destination."

Yi Lei Er took a deep breath and nodded, indicating that she was willing to obey. Chen Yu’s arrangement. Under her guidance, the two flew toward the distance together and began a new adventure.

""Okay, no problem."

Irel was secretly delighted. Finally, she had the opportunity to be alone with Chen Yu.

In order to remember the topography of the center of the earth, Chen Yu did not fly fast, nor did he open the"Space Field".

A gust of wind blew, and Irel felt refreshed and relaxed.

At the same time, her sister's exhortation appeared in Irel's mind again.

Get close to Chen Yu at all costs.

Only in this way can you get better protection in the future.

Moreover, it is a very happy thing.

Irel said without any shyness:"Hehe, since you like Elisa, you will definitely like me too. After all, we look exactly the same. The only difference is that I am more beautiful than her."



Chen Yu lit a geocentric cigarette that was processed by Yi Leier himself.

The cigarette was not exactly the same as the one obtained from Eliza.

The aroma of this smoke is stronger.

After finishing his cigarette, Chen Yu quickly arrived above a very strange-looking city under the guidance of Yi Leier.

Yi Leier reluctantly opened her eyes and said softly:"Master, this is the city where our Moko people live - Modu."

Chen Yu was not surprised that Yi Leier could call"Master".

After all, that's what Eliza was called.

A family must not mess up the seniority.

Chen Yu lowered his head and glanced at Modu.

This city is not big, and is about the same size as a county in Daxia.

However, the buildings in Modu are all kinds of strange and come in all kinds of shapes.

Seeing that Chen Yu seemed to be very interested in these buildings, Yi Leier pointed to one of the most luxurious round buildings and said:"Master, that is where our Moko tribe holds family meetings. Let's go there."

"Well, that building looks nice."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yu landed in front of the circular building with a"swish" sound.

After landing on the ground, Yi Leier realized that she couldn't see her clan members in her current state, so she asked cautiously:" Master, all my clothes were accidentally blown away by the wind."

"Was it intentional or accidental?"Chen Yu asked deliberately

"Hehe, it turns out that I can't hide anything from the master. I did it on purpose." Yi Leier said with a playful smile.

Chen Yu took out a smaller set of clothes from another world and handed them to Yi Lei Er.

The moment Yi Lei Er touched the clothes, she couldn't help but exclaimed:"Wow! This dress is so beautiful and so soft!"

There are not many animals and plants living in the center of the earth, and there are even fewer that can make clothes.

This leads to the fact that the clothes worn by the people here are very rough, a bit like the coarse cloth clothes worn by ancient people.

So when Yi Leier When I got a nice-looking and soft piece of clothing, I couldn't hide my excitement and put it on on the spot.

"Does it look good, Master?" Yi Leier asked, blinking her eyes.

"It looks good, but your height combined with this dress can easily make people misunderstand your age. If it were before the end of the world, the hat guy would definitely arrest me."

"Hehe, he is one year older than his master." Yi Leier covered her mouth and laughed.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look first."

Chen Yu released everyone from the other world.

Labu Dou looked at the circular building in front of him and burst into tears with excitement.

"We are finally home!"

The other dwarves in the center of the earth also looked around excitedly.

They originally thought they would never come back.

Unexpectedly, they were rescued by a human from the surface.

Everyone surrounded Chen Yu and walked towards the inside of the circular building.

After a while, they arrived at a very large banquet hall.

Labuduo moved his fingers, and a huge iron box appeared in front of everyone.

After the box was opened, what came into view were some bottles and cans. Jars.

Labduo said proudly:"These are the good wines I usually collect, and everyone is free to drink them today. You must accompany your master to the fullest"

"Of course. Another person echoed,"Master is our savior. Without him, our Moko tribe will be exterminated.""

"I didn’t say anything anymore, it was all in the wine.

A tall, stocky man took out a bottle of wine from the box and handed it to Chen Yu. He said with a smile on his face:"Master, this is a rare good wine. Please have a taste.""

Chen Yu took the wine and just took a sip before spitting it out.

"Damn, why does this stuff taste so bad? It smells like horse urine!"

The man smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to end it.

Unexpectedly, the good wine that his tribe was reluctant to drink turned into horse urine in Chen Yu's eyes.

Chen Yu sighed and said calmly:"Your food from the center of the earth. What good wine can be brewed from scarcity? Anyway, today I am happy to let you taste what is a truly good wine."

While talking, Chen Yu took out several boxes of low-end Mao Zi from another world.

"Labrador, give everyone a share of these wines. After drinking, you find some people to make knives and swords for me"

"It's the master."

Labuduo took the Maozi and opened a bottle.

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