At this time, Elisa was sitting on the stone in a daze.

The dull pain in her body made her frown.

However, the expression on her face was not at all painful, but full of happiness and satisfaction.

When she heard Chen Yu calling her, Elisa stood up quickly and walked over with her petite body swaying:"Master, are you looking for me?"

Judging from the sound of her voice, not only was her voice a little hoarse, her throat was also a little swollen and sore.

But this can’t be blamed on Chen Yu, it was her initiative.

Of course Chen Yu would not show mercy to her

"Eliza, where is your sister?"

Elesa shook her head slightly and said with some hesitation:"Master, I only know that my sister and her tribe were taken to the Dark Valley. My sister took advantage of the mystery and secretly sent me a message. Since then, she has completely lost contact"

"So you don't know your sister's current location either."

"Yes, Master, those mysteries often change places, and I don’t know their specific locations. but……"

Having said this, Eliza took out a card as thin as paper from her pocket.

"Master, this thin thing is called a [handheld game console], which can realize many functions such as long-distance calls and positioning. I didn't dare to turn it on before, fearing that Guimi had mastered the use of the handheld game console and could find us through positioning. But now, I can use the handheld game console to locate my sister."

Chen Yu used the [Eye of God] to look at this thing called a handheld game console and found that it was very similar to a mobile phone, but it was more powerful than a mobile phone.

And its thickness is only thinner than the screen of a mobile phone.

It seems that the technological level of the dwarves in the center of the earth is higher than that on the surface.

The magnetic ring on Labdo's hand and this thing called a handheld game console can reflect the technological level of the dwarves in the center of the earth to a certain extent.

Chen Yu took the handheld game console and clicked a certain place on the screen.

The handheld game console turned on immediately.

Eliza said in surprise:"Master, when did you learn to use the handheld game console?"

"Just learned it."Chen Yu said calmly

"Tsk tsk……"Eliza sighed sincerely,"I didn't expect the master to be so powerful. He can see things he has never seen before."

Chen Yu quickly figured out how to use the handheld device, and then handed it back to Eliza

"Try contacting your sister"

"Yes, master."

Elesa opened the address book and found a name named Yi Leier.

Then she clicked on the video call.

Not long after, the other party actually connected.

At the same time, a face exactly like Elisa's appeared. in screen

""Sister, are you okay?" Eliza deliberately called the wrong name and asked anxiously.

"younger sister? Yi Leier was stunned for a moment, then shouted excitedly,"Great, just be fine." Are there any other tribesmen around you?"

"There are quite a few more. Are there any of our clansmen around you?

An imperceptible smile flashed across the corner of Yi Leier's mouth:"There are also many surviving tribesmen around me, and they have not been invaded by the mystery."

Elesa looked at Chen Yu's mouth movements, and then asked:"Sister, where are you now?"

"I'm in a cave in the heart of Dark Valley, it's safe here. I'll send you a location, you should quickly bring your people to find me."

Then, Irel clicked on the location sharing.

Seeing this, Iresha directly closed the video call.

Then she looked up at Chen Yu with some concern:"Master, my sister has been secretly controlled. If we share the location, our location will be exposed."

"Aren't their locations also exposed?"Chen Yu said calmly,"Don't worry, I will come to you soon and won't give them time to react."

"" Okay, Master, I'm relieved."

Although Elisa didn't know Chen Yu very well, she still chose to trust him unconditionally.

After all, the feeling Chen Yu gave her was too strong and too great.

After talking to Yileier again, Elisa made up an excuse:"I don't know what happened just now, the signal was suddenly disconnected. Please share your location with me quickly, I will find you now."


Then, the two shared their locations through the handheld devices, and the route to each other's location was clearly displayed on the screen.

Although there were no other place names on the map except for the words"Dark Valley".

But Chen Yu He could still roughly determine where Yi Leier was based on the location on the map. After remembering the route, Chen Yu took everyone into the different world, then quickly flew towards Yi Lei Er's location.

Chen Yu stopped over a cave

"This should be it."

Chen Yu, suspended in mid-air, scanned the cave with [God's Eye].

At this time, there was a group of geocentric dwarves in the cave surrounding a long stone.

Everyone closed their eyes tightly, but their faces The expression is very enjoyable

"Um? What are these mysteries doing?"

Chen Yu couldn't help but look at the long stone carefully.

At the same time, detailed information about the stone appeared in front of his eyes.

"This is actually a piece of meteorite iron from outside the blue star? It seems to contain extremely abundant energy."

Chen Yu became interested in this piece of meteorite iron, and came to the entrance of the cave with a"swish" sound.

Inside the cave, Yi Leier suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice:"No, it smells of human beings!"

A man next to him also opened his eyes and asked doubtfully:"Could it be Eliza and the others?"

"Probably not. Yi Leier smoothed her hair with her long nails,"It takes at least half an hour to get from her to here. They can't be so fast." Unless, she comes on a rocket"

"Who could it be?"

"No matter who it is, go out and take a look first."

While speaking, Yileil stood up and walked out of the cave.

The others followed closely and walked out quickly.

At this time, Chen Yu had already released everyone from the other world.

Yileil was stunned when he saw Iresa, and then said excitedly:

"Haha, I didn’t expect you to be fooled so easily. Gee, the dwarves from the center of the earth are really short and stupid.……"

"Yeah?"Elesa crossed her chest and tilted her head to look at Yi Leier,"How do you know we have been fooled?"

Yileer's smile froze, and then a trace of cruelty flashed across her face:"Huh, you know you've been fooled, and you're here to die?! But that’s okay, it saves me the trouble of looking for you! Come on, get them for me!"

""Yes, the King of Ghosts!"

Following Irel's order, several ghost generals and a group of ordinary ghosts surrounded them.

Seeing this, Hongyi volunteered:"Master, let me meet them!"

The little loli was not to be outdone:"Sister Hongyi, how can I be left out of such a fun thing?"

"And I."Dong Wushuang, who was wearing combat uniform, also took a step forward, puffed out his chest and said.

Little Loli smiled evilly and said:"Sister Wushuang, are you sure you can still kill the enemy after being tortured by your master for several hours?"

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