Chen Yu looked down at Eliza, who was covering her shoulders, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Although this dwarf was only 1.3 meters tall, she was well-proportioned and plump, unlike the shorter women among humans.

She looked more petite and cute, even more charming than a little loli.

The most attractive thing was her extremely delicate face, just like a doll.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu held his chin and pretended to be scared and said:"I think Guimi's suggestion is not bad. Use you as a bargaining chip in exchange for peaceful coexistence with Guimi. Anyway, you dwarves are of no use to me."

After hearing this, the dwarves shuddered.

They knew that if they left Chen Yu's protection, they would die.

But the tall man in front of them seemed to have never said that he would protect them?

Elisa almost didn't hesitate, and hurried forward to ask:"My lord, please don't believe the lies of the secret! Their purpose is to disperse the power of our human beings."

Chen Yu walked up to Elisa and said jokingly:"Your power is insignificant to me. I think it's a good deal to sacrifice a group of irrelevant people in exchange for a chance to live in peace."

Elisa looked up at Chen Yu, who was looking playful, her lips trembling slightly, her eyes full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Could it be that all her people will be destroyed by the secret today? Is the ancient Moko tribe with a splendid civilization really going to be completely exterminated today?

Her eyes gradually became cold.

She hated those secrets and her own incompetence. She even hated the tall and handsome man in front of her.

He was so strong, but he cooperated with those damn secrets.

Two lines of tears mixed with despair and resentment rolled down the cheek that was only half the size of Chen Yu's palm to the ground.

Pah pah pah!

Behind Chen Yu, the little girl looked up at the red-clothed girl next to her in surprise, and said with complicated eyes:"I always thought that the master was invincible, how come the master is afraid one day?"

The red-clothed girl rubbed the little girl's head and whispered:"How can you tell that the master is afraid of the mysterious?"

"But the master just said that he wanted to cooperate with Wei Mi. Hongyi understood Chen Yu very well, and smiled and said:"That is what the master said on purpose, because the master will not save those people from the center of the earth in vain. The purpose of saying that is to make those people from the center of the earth pay a price." As for the price, you know"


After hearing this, the little Loli pondered for a moment, couldn't help but speak her native language, and then swaggered up to Elisa.

She looked down at Eliza, feeling inexplicably excited.

And suddenly she felt a lot more confident. She puffed up her chest and asked,"Do you want to save your people?"

Eliza wiped away her tears and nodded ecstatically:"Yes, I do! Please help me." My people."

She had seen the tall beauty in front of her kill zombies, so she knew how powerful she was.

Unexpectedly, the little Loli chuckled and said with a sly expression:"I can't save your people."

Eliza's newly ignited hope was shattered again, and she looked at the Little Loli speechlessly.

He and his tribe have become meat on the chopping board, and these powerful surface people are still playing tricks on him.

Are all strong people just happy people?

But what the little Loli said next made Eliza rekindle her hope.

"The tall and handsome man just now is my master. Although he won't help you in vain, if you behave well, he may consider saving your tribe."

Elesa stepped forward and grabbed the little Loli's hand, and said in a trembling voice:"Please tell me, how do you behave well? No matter what happens to me, I can accept it.

The little Loli crossed her chest, looked up Eliza and said,"If you obediently become the master's woman, the master may get rid of those secrets once he is happy.""

Elesa was stunned after hearing this.

After thinking again and again, she finally expressed her worries.

"Can you guarantee that my people will be saved as long as I agree to be his woman?"

"Does not. You have no choice now but to do as I say"

"But will he like me?"Elesa glanced at Hong Yi and Dong Wushuang behind Chen Yu, and said a little discouraged,

"The women around him are all so tall and slender. There is no way I can compare with them. You see, my chin only reaches his waist."

The little Loli looked at Eliza carefully, then at Chen Yu, and said with a bad smile:"Short is a bit short, but your chin just reaches the master's waist, which is quite exciting just thinking about it."

Elesa was stunned after hearing this, and then she understood the meaning behind the little loli's words, and her face turned red to her neck.

She thought to herself, is this woman speaking too openly?

Can she say such things?

After careful consideration, Yi Lisa Lesa finally walked up to Chen Yu with the attitude of giving it a try.

"Sir, if you are willing to save my people, I can follow you and be a slave by your side. I can accept whatever you want to do to me."

Chen Yu chuckled.

The woman from the Moko tribe in front of her was quite pretty.

I had already observed it carefully with the [God's Eye].

This woman's figure was relatively large, almost catching up with Hong Kong's.

It's hard not to be tempted. Chen

Yu looked back and said seriously:"It seems that you are quite sensible. Since you said so, I will reluctantly agree to it."

After hearing this, Elisa breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, she also had a little more expectation in her heart.

Even she herself didn't know what she was expecting.

The mullet head on the side saw that Chen Yu hadn't removed them from the power grid yet. I was a little impatient when I released it.

"Why don't you let us out yet?"

"Let you out? When did I say I would let you go? Chen Yu said with a joking expression.

After hearing this, Wu Yutou said angrily:"Boy, how dare you tease me?" Aren't you afraid of being punished by the Master of Conspiracy?"

"Humph, you don’t really think I’m afraid of that guy, do you?"

"you wanna die!"The mullet head jumped like thunder and kept struggling.

Chen Yu smiled and snapped his fingers.

The thunder and lightning instantly thickened and crackled in the air.

"Ah, no!"

The screams of the ghosts came one after another, which was particularly creepy.

After a while, they disappeared completely.

And the zombies also died completely with the disappearance of the ghosts.

Chen Yu ordered people to collect the crystals in the zombies.

After all, these zombies are not low in level, and there are even many zombie kings.

After doing all this, Chen Yu looked at everyone and said seriously:

"Come on, come with me to learn about those mysteries for a while."

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