After hearing this, Chen Yu was a little confused and frowned and asked:"What do you mean by dispelling the fog?"

The mountain beast was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a suspicious look on his face:"Master, don't you know about the fog?"

Chen Yu swept his eyes. He glanced at Labudo and then said:"I only know that there is a creature in the fog called Mystery, which can invade people in the center of the earth. It seems that you know the fog better, tell me everything you know."

The mountain beast nodded repeatedly, After taking a deep breath, he spoke

"Master, let me start from the beginning.

About 5,000 years ago, I was just a child, living a carefree life on the surface of Blue Star.

As a result, one day, an unknown ray descended on Blue Star, turning many creatures into monsters, which humans called zombies.

Some people and creatures also mutated.

Then, the whole earth was shrouded in a strange mist.

There was an evil creature in the mist - what you called Weird.

They can easily invade the zombies on Blue Star.

The creatures invaded by the mist will gradually become Weird puppets."

Chen Yu held his chin and thought carefully about what the mountain beast said, and asked with some doubts:"If you say, the whole Blue Star has been ruled by Weird, why have I never seen Weird before?"

The mountain beast continued to explain:"According to common sense, the creatures on Blue Star are indeed doomed.

But later, many mutant creatures suddenly appeared on Blue Star, and even I awakened my superpowers.

Among humans, there was a man who awakened the lightning superpower, which could well restrain Weird.

As a result, he became the leader of all creatures on Blue Star, and eventually led us to repel Weirdness."

Speaking of this, the Sandshrew sighed softly and said with some sorrow:"It's a pity that most of the mutants died in this war, and the rest died one after another because they were contaminated by Weirdness.

A person with the ability of prophecy predicted on his deathbed that the fog would come again thousands of years later.

At that time, a chosen son with lightning powers would appear again to repel the fog."

Chen Yu didn't expect that Blue Star had been invaded by the fog thousands of years ago.

At the same time, many aliens and mutants appeared.

If it weren't for the Sandshrew revealing this past, it is estimated that this matter would be completely submerged in the long river of history.

Of course, those surviving aliens and mutants actually have traces in history.

It's just that everyone prefers to believe that they are just some legends or stories.

After a little thought, Chen Yu continued to ask:"

As far as I know, I am not the only one who awakened the lightning power on Blue Star. Even some zombies have lightning powers. How can you be sure that I am the chosen son? The mole scratched its head with its pointed tail and said awkwardly:

"That's because later I was also invaded by secrets. It was the leader who kept hitting me with thunder and lightning, which made those secrets dissipate.

The difference between this kind of lightning and other lightning is that while it causes damage to the target, it can also bring a certain improvement to the target.

I was just struck by your thunder and lightning, and I immediately felt refreshed. A lot of the rotten energy that had been in my body for the past thousand years was defeated.

Therefore, you are the chosen one who can lead Blue Star to eliminate the mystery."

After listening to the description of the pangolin beast, Chen Yu remembered that when Hongyi was upgraded from level three to level four, she was still a little short of fire.

He hit her with [Thunderstorm] a few times, and then she successfully upgraded to level four.

Moreover, when I was chatting with Hongyi and Little Loli, I would use [Thunderstorm] to"temper" them from time to time, which would make them level up a little faster every time.

From this point of view, [Thunderstorm] is indeed effective against the targets it hits. There are certain benefits.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent is not killed by the [thunderstorm].

Chen Yu looked at the pangolin in front of him and was basically sure that it was a mutated pangolin on the surface. How could it appear in the center of the earth?

Are they able to"travel through space" like those zombies?

Chen Yu raised his own questions about this.

"Pangolin, how did you get from the surface to the center of the earth?"

"Returning to Master, it is purely an accident that I am here.

After living for a long, long time, I finally came to the end of my life.

When I was dying, I originally wanted to find a cave and wait for death quietly.

Unexpectedly, after entering the cave, he unexpectedly entered a magical space."

Speaking of this, the pangolin beast glanced at the geocentric dwarf and continued,

"When I came back to my senses, I found myself in a tomb in the center of the earth, with the body of a dwarf buried next to me.

I was so hungry that I devoured it.

As a result, I was surprised to find that I actually regained some of my vitality.

Since then, I have survived until now by devouring the corpses of dwarves from the center of the earth."

"I see."Chen Yu couldn't help but look at those dwarves.

It seems that the longevity of the dwarves may be related to the substance contained in their bodies.

The pangolin eats the dwarves and replenishes its own body with this substance. Prolonged life.

When the Earth Core Dwarves on the side saw Chen Yu's eyes and combined with the description of the Pangolin Beast, they all took a few steps back. Their eyes were filled with fear.

They suspected that Chen Yu also wanted to eat a few Earth Core Dwarves. To achieve the goal of longevity.

However, Eliza, who had been standing beside her, did not feel the slightest fear.

She clutched her chest, looked at the pangolin beast with some anger, and asked loudly:"Pangolan beast, in order to maintain your own life, It’s really abominable to eat so many corpses of our people!

The pangolin snorted coldly and said without hesitation:"Sister, I have always eaten dead corpses before, and I have never eaten living people. What's wrong with this?""

"You are a 5,000-year-old monster, who are you calling big sister?"

Eliza exerted force and the wound began to bleed again.

She didn't bother to treat the wound and continued to scold loudly:"Let's not talk about the corpse for now. You just killed two of my people, how do you settle this account?"

"I just ate the two of them for a reason. Because they have a mysterious aura, I suspect that although they have not been attacked by the mysterious, they have colluded with the mysterious behind the scenes."

After listening to this, Lakasi said thoughtfully:"It is really possible. We met the two of them halfway, as for whether they have had contact with the mysterious before, we don't know."

Eliza nodded:"Among so many people, only the two of them escaped by chance, which is indeed a bit suspicious."

Lakasi thought for a while, and continued:"By the way, I also saw that the two of them were secretly making some kind of markings along the way"

"Damn it, why didn’t you tell me earlier?"

Labudo hit Lacathy on the head hard and said angrily.

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