The center of the earth, Death Valley.

Labudo and his group walked in the canyon warily, constantly looking behind them.

Fortunately, those zombies and mysteries did not come after me.

"Phew~ finally got rid of them……"Labuduo wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled heavily.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down to rest.

However, they did not completely relax and still looked around vigilantly.

After all, it was said that there was a powerful beast in the Death Valley that liked to eat people.

Labuduo glanced at the others, found a stone and sat down.

Then he closed his eyes and began to contact his master Chen Yu.

After a while, he finally connected with Chen Yu's consciousness.

"Master, I brought the aliens from the center of the earth to Death Valley."

Afterwards, Labudo briefly introduced Chen Yu to the general situation of the aliens in the center of the earth, as well as the legends about the alien beasts in Death Valley.

After listening, Chen Yu asked:"Labudo, try to understand it from the mouths of your tribe. More information about the mystery"

"Good master, I will."Labu Duo responded.

These mysteries are so strange that even Chen Yu is a little afraid.

Although thunder and lightning can deal with them, Chen Yu is not sure if there are more powerful beings among those mysteries.

In case there is an invasion. The powerful secrets of the other world will cause irreparable disasters to the other world.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu added:"Labudo, if you really encounter a strange beast, don't kill it. First of all. Let me know when the time comes."

Chen Yu was dubious about the rumors of strange beasts in Death Valley.

After all, rumors sometimes have traces to follow.

In the past, Chen Yu would not have believed such legends at all.

But after the apocalypse, many strange things have happened. It has become a reality.

From this point of view, maybe there is a strange beast in Death Valley.

It just so happens that I can bind another mutant creature. Then I can try to bind this strange beast from the center of the earth. Unexpectedly, Chen Yu took what he said casually and hurriedly explained:"Master, it is just a legend. There is no way to verify whether it is true or not."

"Stop talking nonsense! If there are really strange beasts, just do as I say. If there are no strange beasts, forget it."

"Yes, master!"

Labuduo cut off the contact with Chen Yu and slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, they still did not get rid of the feeling of danger, and a haze enveloped everyone.

Lakasi stepped forward and said, He took out half a cigarette and handed it to Labudo, saying:"Dad, come and have a cigarette.

Labuduo glanced at the crumpled piece of cigarette and said angrily:"You brat, do you want me to smoke the remaining half of the cigarette?""

"Dad, you misunderstood me……"Lakasi said with a helpless look,"There is an extremely shortage of cigarettes now. I managed to save half of them. I only dare to smoke one puff every day.""

"Assuming you have some filial piety, my father's love for you is not in vain."

Labudo took the cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath, feeling extremely ecstasy instantly.

After Elesa waited for Labudo to finish smoking, she slowly came forward and sat next to Labudo and said:" Uncle Labrador, you are rich in experience. What should we do next?"

After hearing this, other people also gathered around.

Labuduo threw the cigarette butts to the ground and stamped them out. He looked at everyone and said,"Everyone, we should try to avoid those secrets now, even those tribesmen who survived. Be on guard. Try not to contact them unless necessary."

Elesa frowned slightly and said with some confusion:"Why abandon those tribesmen who have not been eroded? Shouldn't we rescue them?"

"We should indeed save them, but can you guarantee that they are not being targeted by secrets? It's possible that as soon as we took out the tribesmen with our front foot, the secrets of our back foot eroded us."

"What you said makes sense. But if we give up on them, won't our Mocha tribe be completely hopeless?"

"No……"Labudo looked at everyone, with a trace of determination in his eyes, and said quietly,"As long as we survive, our Mocha tribe will not perish."

Everyone tasted Labudo's words carefully, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Because abandoning those tribesmen in times of crisis is also what they have in mind.

It’s just that no one brought it up.

After a long time, Elisa stood up and looked at everyone, with a hint of determination in her tone, and said:"Everyone, Grandpa Labudo is right. Only those of us who survive can retain the fire of the Mocha tribe, and our Mocha tribe can one day To achieve rejuvenation... Therefore, for the sake of our tribe, we must survive at all costs!"

Seeing that the time has come, Labuduo added:"If one day we can no longer stay in the center of the earth, we will move to the surface."

"Transfer to the surface?"

Everyone looked at each other, confused for a moment.

Finally, it was Eliza who spoke first and expressed her doubts.

"But we have never been to the surface, and we don’t know if it is suitable for us to live there."

Others also expressed their concerns.

"My grandfather told me that the surface of the earth is full of demons that eat people without leaving any bones."

"The demon your grandpa mentioned should be a monster that looks similar to us, right? Although they are tall, they are ugly and unconscious, like bloodthirsty monsters."

"Although we are all aliens and have high-tech weapons, we can still deal with low-level monsters, but we are a little weak against high-level monsters."

"Oh, it’s so difficult……"


Labudo listened to everyone's discussion, waved his hand and interrupted everyone:"Everyone, be quiet. I didn't say we should go to the surface now. What I said is that if one day we no longer have a foothold in the center of the earth, It’s not too late to go to the surface. After all, those secrets will find us sooner or later."

"Grandpa is right, the surface is indeed a good choice. If we really have no retreat, then go to the surface and take a gamble."While speaking, Elisa looked at Labudo, smiled and said,

"Grandpa, you are well-informed and experienced. You will be our leader from now on."

Labuduo did not refuse, and readily accepted:"Then I will be the leader for the time being. Let’s first talk about the information you know about the mystery."

After everyone listened, you told Labudo all the information you learned.

Labudo recorded all the news and prepared to report it to Chen Yu.

But at this moment, in the distance, Suddenly there was a deafening roar, which was getting closer and closer to them.

Everyone looked at the sound involuntarily and froze in place.

"That... what kind of monster is that?"

Eliza's eyes widened and she said in surprise.

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