Jiang Xueer was stared at by Chen Yu with hair all over her body.

She swallowed, stepped back and asked,"What do you want to do?"

Chen Yu said with a wicked smile,"What do you think?"

Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it quenches thirst!

However, Chen Yu cannot be blamed for this.

If you want to blame, blame Jiang Xueer for asking for trouble.

Chen Yu was originally a college student from a nearby school.

Chen Yu's parents died unexpectedly six months ago, so he started delivering food part-time to earn tuition.

As a result, he met a shameless person like Jiang Xueer who took advantage of Chen Yu's kindness to deceive him.

Just when Chen Yu was about to step forward, the loli sound sounded again.

【warn! The host must not go against the woman's will, otherwise she will not be able to obtain system rewards.】

"grass! Was this system designed by Zhang San?"

Chen Yu couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

It seemed that he could only think of other ways. When

Jiang Xueer saw that Chen Yu didn't come forward, she bravely said:"Don't mess around, or I will Call someone!

Chen Yu glanced at Jiang Xueer and said coldly:"Everyone outside has turned into a zombie. It's useless for you to shout." Plus, if you open the door, they'll cut you into pieces."

Jiang Xueer couldn't help but glance at the monitor again.

She saw a few people outside the door, covered in blood, and their eyes were red.

They were scratching the iron door with all their strength. They looked exactly like the zombies in the movie

Jiang Xueer couldn't help but swallowed her saliva and said,"I won't open the door even if I die."

Chen Yu nodded and walked straight to the kitchen.

Of course, he did not go there to look for food.

Because in his last life, he knew that there was not even a refrigerator in the kitchen, let alone food.

The only useful thing in it was , it was a kitchen knife.

He put the kitchen knife on his belt and walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing the kitchen knife on Chen Yu's waist, Jiang Xueer asked with some fear:"What are you doing with the kitchen knife?""

"Keep it for self-defense. Chen Yu glanced at Jiang Xueer and couldn't help but complain,"By the way, why don't you even have a refrigerator?"

Jiang Xueer blushed and said weakly:"We don't usually live here. We only come here when we are trying to lie.""

"This is going to be troublesome……"

Chen Yu sighed, then walked to the dining table and picked up the takeout bag.

Jiang Xueer was stunned for a moment, then shouted:"Hey! I bought that takeaway!"

Chen Yu snorted coldly:"Didn't you just refund the money?"

"I...I will cancel the refund immediately"

"It's too late!"

Seeing Chen Yu took all the food away, Jiang Xueer immediately ran forward to grab it.

"You give me back my food! You are a grown man, do you have the nerve to snatch food from a girl like me?"

When Chen Yu saw Jiang Xue'er running up, he rounded his arms and slapped Jiang Xue'er on the face.


This slap almost made Jiang Xue'er's mouth crooked.

She covered it He scolded angrily with a straight face:"You stinky takeout delivery guy, how dare you hit me?"


Before Jiang Xueer could finish her words, she was slapped on the other face by Chen Yu.

Her face suddenly swelled into a pig's head, and her nose began to bleed.

Jiang Xueer covered her face and shouted loudly Shouted:"Just wait for me, I will call the police and arrest you!""

After that, she took out her mobile phone.

However, after making several calls in succession, no one answered the phone.

Jiang Xueer stood there at a loss.

"This... what is going on? Why is no one answering the phone?

Chen Yu sneered:"Don't waste your efforts." Maybe the person on the other side of the phone has turned into a zombie."

"It's over, we're going to die here! I don’t want to die, I haven’t lived enough yet……"Jiang Xueer burst into tears.

Chen Yu impatiently took out the kitchen knife from his waist, pointed at Jiang Xueer and said:

"Shut your stinky mouth! If you attract more zombies, I will throw you out to feed them!"

After hearing this, Jiang Xueer covered her mouth tightly to make her voice quieter.

Seeing that Jiang Xueer stopped crying, Chen Yu waved his kitchen knife and continued:"I'm going to rest. If you dare to disturb me, be careful I will chop you into reserve grains."

After that, Chen Yu entered the master bedroom with a large bag of takeout and locked the door.

He put the takeout on the bedside table and sat on the soft big bed.

He glanced at the takeout bag next to him. He shook his head helplessly.

There were two portions of braised pork rice and a large plate of chicken in the bag, which was barely enough for him to eat for three days.

But in this life, that magical system might help him change. Strong.

He can only place his hope on that system.

Of course, the key to activating the system is these takeaways. He felt more at ease after taking a look at the braised pork rice. After eating a few pieces of chicken

, he drank a whole bottle of free drink, and then lay comfortably on the bed, waiting for Jiang Xueer's delivery. Come to the door... Two days passed in the blink of an eye. Jiang Xueer was so hungry that she only drank some tap water in the past few days. , didn't eat a bite of food. Originally, she didn't dare to disturb Chen Yu, but now her hunger overcame everything, and she had to knock on Chen Yu's bedroom door with a kitchen knife.

"Are you looking for death? Did I ever tell you not to bother me?"

Jiang Xueer knelt on the ground with a plop and said weakly:

"Brother, please give me something to eat. I haven't eaten in more than two days……"

"What does it have to do with me whether you eat or not?"Chen Yu said calmly.

"I'm really starving to death. Please be kind and give me something to eat, even just one bite……"Jiang Xueer looked at Chen Yu expectantly.

The corners of Chen Yu's mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Well, seeing how pitiful you are, I'll give you half a portion of rice. However, you have to agree to one condition"

"What conditions?"

Chen Yu didn't speak, but looked Jiang Xue'er up and down.

Of course Jiang Xue'er knew what Chen Yu meant.

She suddenly became furious and shouted loudly:"You fucking toad, do you want to eat swan meat? How could I possibly surrender to you?"

"Then there is no need to talk about it."

Chen Yu slammed the door shut.

Half an hour later, Chen Yu's door was knocked again.

Chen Yu opened the door and roared:"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Jiang Xueer was so frightened that she shivered.

She suppressed the fear in her heart and said cautiously:

"As long as you give me food, I...I will agree to your terms."

In fact, in order to please Chen Yu, she bit her lip and pretended to be delicate.

Those big and charming eyes were filled with crystal clear tears.

It seemed that tears would burst out in the next second.

Chen Yu After hearing this, Yu slowly opened the door.

"come in. There is half a portion of braised pork rice without meat on the table. You can eat it."

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