Wang Haijing's reference picture

Everyone carefully identified the words on the sign, it was really"Happy Manor".

Wang Haijing looked away from the sign, frowned, turned to look at the people around her and asked,"Have you ever heard of this place?"

The tall and thin man hesitated for a moment, then shook his head:

"I have never heard of this place. I only know a place called 'Doomsday Manor'. However, we have been busy dealing with the United States, island countries and the Jiangnan region some time ago, and we did not have time to conquer the Doomsday Manor."

"I see! This place in the UK is the former Doomsday Manor."The old man on the side adjusted his glasses and carefully observed the surrounding environment and said,

"The sign before said Doomsday Manor, but now it should have been changed to another sign.

The tall and thin man looked at the soldiers around the manor again and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Everyone, look! Are those the armed forces that destroyed Tianshui Base? This dark area is simply terrifying!"

Others also echoed:

"And their equipment is also good, all of them are modern heavy weapons"

"You see that dark mass in the sky, I guess it’s the bats that destroyed the fighter jets, right?"

"It would be great if we could bring them in……"

"What are you thinking? It would be good if he doesn't include us. However, it seems that I would be able to accept it if I were taken under his wing.……"

Wang Haijing didn't want to listen to people's discussions, but was thinking about the next plan.

After a long while, he finally made a decision and said to the guard behind him:

"Prepare a helicopter, I want to go to Happy Manor in person. In addition, call Chu Xia here"


Just as the guard was about to turn around and leave, Wang Haijing suddenly added:

"Wait! Get the 2 Corpse King Crystals and 12 Corpse General Crystals that we have obtained in recent months."

Everyone heard that Wang Haijing wanted to take such a valuable thing as a meeting gift, and knew that she was also determined to reach a cooperation with the other party.

When the tall and thin man heard Wang Haijing's decision to go to Happy Manor, a look of worry appeared on his face.

"Commander, are you sure you want to go to Happy Manor in person?

Wang Haijing nodded:"Yes, our Shangjing Region must reach cooperation with the owner of Happy Manor this time. This is an opportunity for us.""

"But what if you are in danger? You are the commander of our entire Great Xia! If anything happens to you, our country in Great Xia will be doomed."

"Now is no longer the time to think about it so much. Only if I go there in person can I let the other side know that we are going with sincerity."

The vicissitudes of life old man looked at Wang Haijing, sighed softly, and said:

"Commander, we are risking our lives to express our sincerity to the other side. But this is indeed the best way at present. After all, that person can easily destroy the armed forces of the entire Jiangnan region!"

The tall and thin man also expressed his opinion:"It seems that he has indirectly helped us get rid of the threats in Daxia."

"That's right. There was a hint of relief on the old man's face,"Now that all internal and external troubles have been eliminated, we can breathe a sigh of relief."……"

Wang Haijing is not as optimistic as others. Her face, which is not painted with makeup but still looks like it has been carefully carved, is full of worry.

"I'm afraid things are not that simple. I'm afraid that the dragon-slaying boy will eventually become an evil dragon. If he attacks the Shangjing District one day, we will have almost no room to fight back without using H weapons."

After listening to Wang Haijing's words, everyone fell silent.

Because she was right.

If they treat the owner of the Doomsday Manor with a sincere and cooperative attitude, they will have a chance to coexist peacefully with him.

If they accidentally provoke him, it is estimated that the entire Shangjing District will be razed to the ground like the Tianshui base.

Not long after, the guard brought Chu Xia to the meeting room.

Wang Haijing waved to Chu Xia and asked directly:

"Xiaoxia, you should still remember what the man you saw looked like when you were at Longyuan Base, right?"

"Report to the commander, I still remember."Chen Yu left an indelible image in Chu Xia's mind and cannot be forgotten at all.

"Well, he currently lives in Pleasure Manor. You can go there with me in a while. Chu

Xia was stunned for a moment, then straightened up immediately and replied firmly:"Yes, Commander!""

"Let's go, change clothes with me first, and then go take a helicopter ride."

Wang Haijing thought about it and decided to take off her military uniform and change into her usual clothes.

After everyone arrived at the airport, Wang Haijing walked straight onto a helicopter and waved to Chu Xia:"You come to fly the plane."

Although Chu Xia did not dare to disobey the commander's order, she still expressed her doubts.

"Commander, are we going alone? Don't we need some entourage?"

Wang Haijing shook her head:"Of course not. Too many people will easily lead to misunderstandings." Chu

Xia recalled the day when she and Qin Xiaohao first met the man.

If the two of them were mistaken for Chu Gaoshan's accomplices, they would have been shot dead on the spot.

So she didn't hesitate and got into the cockpit directly.

After several hours of flying, the two finally arrived 50 kilometers away from Happy Manor.

"Commander, we're almost there."Chu Xia suddenly said.

Wang Haijing looked around and said very cautiously:"Well, be careful. After what happened last time, they will definitely strengthen their vigilance."

At this moment, a huge eagle and tens of thousands of bats suddenly flew from a distance and blocked the front of the helicopter.

The eagle spread its wings and it was 8 meters long, looking extremely powerful and sturdy.

It was the little eagle that had reached level seven!

The little eagle vibrated its wings, while keeping relatively still with the helicopter, and shouted loudly:"Stop! What are you doing?"

The little eagle knew that after the battle in the Jiangnan region, no one dared to trouble Chen Yu anymore.

If someone came again, they would definitely come with an attitude of seeking peace.

So it did not attack the helicopter immediately.

Seeing this, Wang Haijing couldn't help but blurt out:"What is that thing, why is it so big? It looks bigger than our helicopter. And... that guy seems to be able to speak?"

Chu Xia hurriedly slowed down, took a closer look at the little eagle and the bat, and said confidently:"They seem to be the men of that man, I saw them that day!"

Seeing that there was no response from the other side, the little eagle raised his voice angrily and said:"If you don't answer, I will send you to heaven!"

Wang Haijing quickly calmed down, opened the window of the helicopter and shouted to the outside

"Please don't misunderstand, we are here to find the owner of Happy Manor, please show us the way……"

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