Chen Yu suppressed the anger in his heart and continued to ask:"Where are Wushuang and the others?"

Jiang Xueer replied:"Wushuang is not at the base. She took her men outside to catch zombies."

"okay, I get it."Chen Yu replied.

When Hongyi heard that Xiao Hui's army of rats was exchanging fire with people, he hurriedly suggested:"Master, you should be faster. How about you take some people to the base to support Xiao Hui and the others?"

"No need to bother. Now I am fully capable of bringing you all with me."

While speaking, Chen Yu brought everyone into a different world with one thought.

Then he flew towards Longyuan Base at four times the speed of sound.

However, at this time, the distance between his position and Longyuan Base was more than 2,200 kilometers.

Even flying at four times the speed of sound would take nearly half an hour.

"Xiao Hui is very smart, he should be fine.……"

While rushing to Longyuan Base, Chen Yu began to try to contact Xiao Hui.

And at this moment... the sky above Longyuan Base.

More than a dozen fighter jets are bombing the base in turns.

The base made of alloy has been blasted with big holes.

On the leading fighter jet, the captain said excitedly:"Haha, let's see where you hide this time!"

"Brother Liang, don't blow up. If you blow up again, those beauties will be killed. Those beauties looked really good, but it was a pity that we only met through bulletproof glass last time, and we didn’t even smell them.……"A thin man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks sat in the co-pilot and said with bared teeth.

"Hehe, I have my own sense of proportion. Inform Biaozi and the others that it's time for their helicopter team to take action."

""Yes, Brother Liang!"

The thin man hurriedly contacted his teammates.

After receiving the order, seven or eight helicopters came from a distance and hovered above the gate of the base.

There were nearly a hundred fully armed soldiers on the planes.

After the cabin door was opened, long ropes were thrown down, and the other side of the ropes fell to the ground.

Not far away, Xiao Hui, who had been hiding behind a boulder, saw the helicopter, gritted his teeth and said to the army of rats beside him:

"Brothers, swear to live or die with the base! Everybody rush up to me!"

After receiving Xiao Hui's order, countless rats sprang out from the surrounding caves and stones and rushed towards the base like crazy.

At the same time, there were countless bats flying over from the surrounding trees.

If you observe carefully , you will find that some rats and bats have injuries on their bodies, as if they have just experienced a fierce battle.

A soldier sitting in a helicopter saw the rats and bats and hurriedly called to his teammates.

"Damn it, those ghosts are here again!"

Others saw this and said one after another:

"It’s those damn rats and bats again, why are they still lingering?……"

"This thing has mutated, right? Why is it so big?!"

"Fuck, they must be controlled by people in the base, kill them!"

"I'll call the fighter jets to blow up these disgusting creatures!"

As they spoke, the soldiers all pointed their guns at the rats and bats.

Some even took out flamethrowers and rockets.

One of the men with a scar on his face pointed a flamethrower at the rats and laughed grimly,"Haha, come on! I'll burn you to death!"……"

The flames were like a giant dragon, roaring and flying towards the rats.

Screams rang out one after another, and many rats were burned alive.

There are also some mice whose fur is burning and crackling, like fireballs.

However, they seemed to feel no pain and rushed over like crazy.

The captain named Brother Liang saw the dark swarm of rats, licked his lips and said:

"It seems that these mice haven't learned their lesson yet. Let me know and let me blast them to death with cannons!"

"Yes, Brother Liang."

The thin man notified other fighter jets to launch an attack on the rat swarm while refilling his own aircraft with ammunition.

"Damn rats, let me give you a taste of the power of bombs!"

The thin man sneered and fired the cannonball directly at the rats.

"Boom boom boom!"

Explosions sounded one after another.

Countless rats were blown high into the sky, and even turned into blood mist on the spot.

However, rats and bats were like death squads, rushing forward to die one after another.

At this moment, they only had one thought in their minds: swear to fight with each other. The base will live and die together!

Seeing his brothers fall one after another, Xiao Hui gritted his teeth.

"hateful! You damn guys!"

However, it is already at level six. Apart from controlling mice and bats, it has no other powerful abilities. It can only watch all this happen.

"Gotta think of a way."Xiao Hui took a deep breath and began to look for a solution.

After analyzing the situation at the scene, Xiao Hui quickly came up with a countermeasure.

It first let the rats temporarily hide in the base.

In this way, the enemy's bombs would It couldn't work.

At the same time, it directed the bats to hit the engine port of the fighter jet and the propeller of the helicopter.

Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good, and it was unable to dodge and hit a fighter jet flying at low altitude. There were more than a dozen bats on board.

The bats instantly turned into a bloody mist.

However, the huge bats directly destroyed the high-speed rotating engine! The fighter plane lost power and fell to the ground, and the other helicopter also exploded.

Where to go?

The propellers hit the bats one after another, and soon deformed and began to shake.

"No, the plane is out of control!"

The soldiers and pilots who had not yet jumped off the plane hurriedly took out their parachutes and jumped towards the ground.

However, as soon as they landed on the ground, they were surrounded by rats.



The rats with red eyes seemed to be coming. Venting his dissatisfaction, he bit the soldiers crazily

"Ahhhh! You bunch of dead rats, get out of here!"

The soldiers tried hard to get rid of the rats, but they couldn't get away at all.

After a while, they turned into white bones.

Other soldiers who had landed long ago kept shooting at the rats with their guns.

However, there were too many rats and they could not kill them all..

Not long after, they were also seized by the rats and fell to the ground.

Xiao Hui did not kill the soldiers, but only let the rats bite off their hand tendons and hamstrings.

Seeing that things had gone far beyond.

Xiao Hui looked at the fleeing soldiers and murmured to himself with tears in his eyes :

"Master, Xiao Hui didn’t lose the base.……"

At this moment, Chen Yu's voice came over:

"Xiao Hui, can you hear me?

Xiao Hui wiped his tears and said excitedly:"Master, I can hear it!" Mistress and the others just used the teleportation talisman. They should be by your side, right?"

"They are all safe. How's it going over there?

Xiao Hui said with some pride:"Master, those damn soldiers have been driven away by us!""

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